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Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:15 am
by XPidgex Jefferson
The good news is that this is working. It's a new introduction to the game, and I'm sure -- if they don't ditch the idea -- they can flesh it out more in TES6.

Bethesda doesn't "flesh out". They cut. And if you're lucky, replace :hehe:

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:45 pm
by Multi Multi
Ha ha

Hey Tod...

Tod: What?

FUS RO DAH!!!!!!!!!!!

Made me think of someone going up to someone else in a grocery store isle and just randomly screaming that and scaring them. Haha.

I'm sure that a lot of things were intended to be in and most of what is in was intended to actually be functional. Although more then functional I'd rather have some more practicality. For instance, we can forge armor and some jewelry, so why can't we forge circlets? We can forge weapons, but nah we aren't going to let you forge arrows.

Oh buy this horse, but you can run faster then it can and for longer, plus it's going to die in just about any encounter you face where it is involved, that is of course if it doesn't get killed by you because it likes to walk right in the way, also were going to make dragons want to kill your horse more then you, for balance were going to make it so the horse can walk up any mountain like it's spider-man.

I'd rather have more of what we come to expect from TES.

P.S. Where is my Spear of Bitter Mercy grrrrrrrrrrrrrr, and more unique bows would be nice........1 is kinda sad.

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:19 am
by chinadoll
Todd lied.

He also lied in E3 2006 demo.

It's kind of a running gag.

And here we go again.
Lying implies intention to deceive. Can you demonstrate Todd indeed has such in mind?
No you can't.
So it's just a void claim by you.

If enough people keep reacting like this, you do realize what's going to happen when TES VI comes by?
Todd, Pete, Nick and the rest will remain tight-lipped up until the day it actually comes out, whithout sharing a single detail but for the most generic.

Want a reasonable explanation instead of a malicious one?
Todd got excited about a new feature in progress that, sadly, didn't make the cut. They couldn't make it work properlly when that deadline finally catched up on them.

So unless you have some hard facts that prove intention, don't go about calling people lyers.
It ain't chivalresque.

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:17 pm
by Agnieszka Bak
yep they lied about a lot of things and yet we let them get away with it...
shame on us...

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:07 pm
by Tha King o Geekz
yep they lied about a lot of things and yet we let them get away with it...
shame on us...

So I read your post above.
So I await the hard evidence in your possession that shows beyond the shadow of a doubt Todd was intntionally deceiving us.
So I await.

But guess it will never come.

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:57 pm
by Multi Multi
No one ever lies to intentionally deceive people... :angel:

Hannador, you actually did it. I feel special.

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:34 am
by Yvonne
Perhaps the content will be released in a DLC. I recall back when Fable III was still in production, Peter, said that players would be able to make small chocies on the throne (after you completed the main quest). When the game was released players soon found out that the content Peter spoke of was not in the game. Needless to say the forums filled up with fans weilding torches and pick forks. Down the line, Peter and his team decided to release the content they showed in the Fable III Demo, either by the fact players were upset not recieing the content or do to the fact it never made it into the final game-could be both parts.

My opinion is this, if your going to show content in a Demo to fans and players alike, make sure that content is going to be in the game upon release. I would not go so far as calling it deception. I would say that it is misleading the customer to purchase a product that is not exactly as it was described by the maker. People have been doing this for centuries, while some places have learned to vaule customers others not so much.

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:15 am
Todd claimed that for $60 players will get %list_of_features% in Skyrim. Players only got a fracture of it.

Todd claimed that for $60 players will get %list_of_features% in Oblivion. Players only got a fracture of it.

His interest is money, his aim is to sell the game to as many people as he can. He either lied from the start and egaggerated existing features or intentionally withheld information on those being cut. That's lying in my books, regardless of how you play with words and definitions.

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:37 am
by Laura Hicks
Todd claimed that for $60 players will get %list_of_features% in Skyrim. Players only got a fracture of it.

Todd claimed that for $60 players will get %list_of_features% in Oblivion. Players only got a fracture of it.

His interest is money, his aim is to sell the game to as many people as he can. He either lied from the start and egaggerated existing features or intentionally withheld information on those being cut. That's lying in my books, regardless of how you play with words and definitions.

So you don't have any hard facts to back up your claim?
Guess that clears things up.

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:53 am
by Alexandra Ryan
I stimulate the economy by selling my 20.000 gold Lingering damage Magicka potions too Adrianne and let them keep the small change

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:50 am
by Add Me
So you don't have any hard facts to back up your claim?
Guess that clears things up.
E3 demos from 2006 and 2011 are not hard facts? Do you need a signed document from Todd saying "I lied. %date%, %autograph%"? Oh lordy, that clears things up too. Are you in his fan club, perchance?

At least you are not telling me to become an executive producer and art director of a developer company before criticizing Howard.

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:23 pm
So you don't have any hard facts to back up your claim?
Guess that clears things up.

You can find the preview videos and stuff on YouTube. It's pretty much common knowledge. The stuff he presented that he confirmed would be in the game simply isn't in the endproduct, I don't know how we can spell it out any easier for you.

It's alright to like a game, but defending it so zealously from any criticism is unhealthy for you.

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:45 am
by Del Arte
E3 demos from 2006 and 2011 are not hard facts? Do you need a signed document from Todd saying "I lied. %date%, %autograph%"? Oh lordy, that clears things up too. Are you in his fan club, perchance?

At least you are not telling me to become an executive producer and art director of a developer company before criticizing Howard.

I was wondering when you'd pull off the Fan Boy card.
Guess you haven't read any of my numerous posts who got the ?Hater? or ?Complainer? tagsm have you?

You just don't get it do you.
Yes, the information turned out to be inaccurate. There's really no tampering with the economy feature in SKyrim.
A reasonable guess would be that at the time, i. e., E3 2011, they were still messing with it and believed it would be included in the final product.

It wasn't.

The vids certainly prove the information tuened out to be false. No question about it. I'm not disputing that.
But they certainly do not prove intention.

I'm sorry you can't seem to understand the difference. The inability or unwillingness to understand the difference is the reason countris have laws. Can you guess what would happen to your claim should it get the court of law treatment?

That's right.

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:10 am
by Floor Punch
So I read your post above.
So I await the hard evidence in your possession that shows beyond the shadow of a doubt Todd was intntionally deceiving us.
So I await.

But guess it will never come.

if you are selling a product and you tell people what they are going to get in that product, and then u dont deliver what u advertised

then yes than is lying/ misinformation

if they were unsure if they could pull such things off they shouldnt advertise that such things will be in the game

the same goes with the so called dynamic snow where snow falls on an object over time
he said that they had designed it that way so they wouldnt have to make 2 version of everything
and yet in the game there is no dynamic snow

whether they lied intentionally or not doesnt matter

if you are advertising a product with said features the customer buying it should expect it to have such features

its like watching an ad for a car which is a convertible, so you preorder that car from a dealer then when it arrives the car has a solid top
and the dealer says oh ye the car doesnt come in convertible format.

complete misinformation

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:29 am
by Joanne
It's one thing to say; "We're looking into putting X into the game, because we think it'll be really cool and the fans would love it! That said, at this time in devolpment, we can't confrim 100% that it'll make the cut into the final product. We're having troubles with it, and it could end up on the cutting room floor."

Another to say; "When you buy the game, you CAN, without a doubt, do X, Y, and Z!" and then not have them in the game.

Effecting the Economy?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:01 pm
by Maddy Paul
Okay, too many reports on this thread for it to be worth keeping open.

You know what folks - some of you don't really understand much about game development, and how something you plan to do, have partly implemented at one point ends up getting pulled because of project scope issues, technical issues, unforseen impact on additional features you put in later. It happens all the time in game development, and if you take to heart every piece of game promo before the game is released and before you have played a game, then that is on you. :shrug:

To be calling people liars, and being generally rather shirty, as if Todd had come to your house, promised you a job, a new car, money, a pony and shook your hand on it after you both signed a contract, only to vanish into the ether and never contact you again, is flat out rude and doesn't reflect well on some of you in this thread.