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Skyrims Future DLC\Patches, what you want!?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:57 am
by Nicole Kraus
What do you want for Skyrims future DLC\Patches?

I have one two wishes.
Co-op (2 players) for PC.
And a stronger releationship, family functions included having your own farm, growing things. Some higher quality features, expand, polish, polish.

Skyrims Future DLC\Patches, what you want!?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:37 pm
by Angela
Skyrim is one of the few games I might buy DLC for.

However, it depends very much on what kind of DLC it is. I have had enough of boring mindless quests and I am not going to pay for another home (like in Oblivion).

If the DLC adds something significant, a system change like attributes, more skills or classes, then I might consider it. More of the same? No thanks.

Skyrims Future DLC\Patches, what you want!?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:46 pm
by mike
Skyrim is one of the few games I might buy DLC for.

However, it depends very much on what kind of DLC it is. I have had enough of boring mindless quests and I am not going to pay for another home (like in Oblivion).

If the DLC adds something significant, a system change like attributes, more skills or classes, then I might consider it. More of the same? No thanks.

I think I'm kind of the opposite. I'd like more lands and creatures. Hammerfell would be cool.

Skyrims Future DLC\Patches, what you want!?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:13 pm
by Donatus Uwasomba
I know co-op won't be available until Bethesda releases the TES MMO. It's far too complicated in retrospect.

As for the family functions, I actually look forward to this. I would like a more active family than a wive that just gives me money and sells me junk. XD.

As for MY suggestions, I would like them to add different mounts. Horses seem to be the only ones, and I know there can be more if they put their mind to it.

Skyrims Future DLC\Patches, what you want!?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:16 pm
by Eire Charlotta
I think, Dawnguard may be related to Redguard and I think Hammerfell could very much be the next DLC we would get, maybe..
If you look at Lore:Redquard - UESPWiki, you can see a map that Hammerfell is next to Skyrim, in the down corner to the west.
We would experience a quite different landscape, and that alone is a huge thing.

Skyrims Future DLC\Patches, what you want!?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:27 am
by Rhiannon Jones
I think I'm kind of the opposite. I'd like more lands and creatures. Hammerfell would be cool.
A new piece of land... Well I might consider it, especially if it comes with some kind of hardcoe mode (which I guess is not completely impossible, however unlikely).

I would prefer Cyrodiil though, a version that is more in line with the lore.

Skyrims Future DLC\Patches, what you want!?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:37 pm
by Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
Cloaks. Chainmail. (have not seen any chainmail). Crossbows. More and better looking light armors. I liked having my own castle in oblivion, that would be nice. I liked having my own ship in daggerfall, that would be awesome. How about a salt mine with unlimited supplies of salt, lol. How about letting us build our own city and become a Jarl ourselves? We could hire workers to build it, it would take time, we would have to do a long quest line in order to progress the construction of the new city. Hire guards to defend it. Decide loyalty to Greycloaks or the empire. Perform quests for priest of deity of our choosing in order to have a temple in the city. Perhaps in order to have an inn, we would have to do quests for all the other inns in skyrim, maybe gather ingredients for an annual brewing contest between the inns. Short Swords. What has Bethesda against short swords? Scimitars. How about a kahjit secret society hidden in plain sight in skyrim. Goblins! lol.

Skyrims Future DLC\Patches, what you want!?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:39 pm
by Tamara Dost
Improved player housing, a la the Oblivion DLC, but better.
Other than that, any large expansion.

Skyrims Future DLC\Patches, what you want!?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:01 am
by Kate Schofield
some great ideas, i have a thread about this aswell

Skyrims Future DLC\Patches, what you want!?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:58 am
by Emma Parkinson
please use the existing DLC topic