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Why did Bethesda make the elves so hideous?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:20 pm
by SUck MYdIck
I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. :teehee:

Personally I think they nailed it with Skyrim's elves. I've been playing Oblivion for the last couple weeks, and the appearance of the elves (particularly Bosmer and Altmer) is really making me appreciate Skyrim's elves even more.

One of the Altmer in Oblivion (he works at an alchemy shop in the Imperial City - the name escapes me at the moment) has a head that looks like an oversized, shiny, yellow, vertical football with a stripe of red fuzz growing from the point. The character designs actually didn't bother me that much when I first played Oblivion, but now that Skyrim is fresh in my mind it's a different story. Gah! :bonk:

I hope there will be another patch for Skryim soon so I can escape the terrifying mer of TES IV. :laugh:

Why did Bethesda make the elves so hideous?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:50 pm
by Skivs
I dunno about mer looking ugly but,, and without mods.

Very nice.

Why did Bethesda make the elves so hideous?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:53 pm
by Amie Mccubbing
I very much like how my Bosmer looks actually. I like how they made them in this game, you can either make them more humanoid or elf-like. I made mine a nice balance.

Why did Bethesda make the elves so hideous?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:20 pm
by Joe Alvarado
I think the Wood Elves are one of the best looking races in the game, and I recently made a really good looking High Elf. I don't think they're supposed to be attractive though, I think they're just supposed to look like elves.