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Here's how to marry Serana

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:29 am
by Dragonz Dancer

Hehe! ^This. You're whole post was excellent and I completely agree. I married Aela "the Huntress" in vanilla and now all she does is mope around Breezehome. I mean, come on! Get out of the house! Walk around the town! Go shopping or selling! Go hunting! Do something for crying-out-loud.

I also hope they can come up with some universal patch for followers, so they are more dynamic like Serana. :biggrin:

On the plus side however, Lydia and Aela spend all their time alone in that house just waiting for me and my mistress to return home. :wink_smile:


[Edit] It would also be great to marry one woman per house you own, just so long as they didn't get wind of your other wives. It would be interesting to return home to two pissed off women, arms folded, blunt objects in their hands, tapping their toe waiting to hear your explanation.

Here's how to marry Serana

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:27 pm
by Shannon Lockwood
It's occurred to me that perhaps someone on the dev team decided that no matter how they developed a player/Serana marriage, it would have proven underwhelming. So rather than give players something they'd want only to let them down, they instead opted to leave them wanting something they could never have. A strong case could be made that Serana is even more desirable because she won't marry the player.

Here's how to marry Serana

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:27 pm
by [ becca ]
Marrying Serena would add a interesting dinner conversation

Serena: *looking down at plate* "So honey how was work today"

Myself: "Good, could you pass the arm, also wnere is Lydia"

Serena:*Serena casually looks over into the closet*

Myself: Serena what are you doing, is there a present for me in there.

Serena: "Oh no don't go in there its nothing.

Myself: I want to see it *Opens door and Lydia falls to the ground with a thump to the floor, her throat was torn open, (your character glares at Serena)*. Why why today, hmmm what are we going to do with this. I leave you along for 1 hour and you manage to kill Lydia..... ugghh

Here's how to marry Serana

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:31 pm
by Sheila Reyes
Marrying Serena would add a interesting dinner conversation

Serena: *looking down at plate* "So honey how was work today"

Myself: "Good, could you pass the arm, also wnere is Lydia"

Serena:*Serena casually looks over into the closet*

Myself: Serena what are you doing, is there a present for me in there.

Serena: "Oh no don't go in there its nothing.

Myself: I want to see it *Opens door and Lydia falls to the ground with a thump to the floor, her throat was torn open, (your character glares at Serena)*. Why why today, hmmm what are we going to do with this. I leave you along for 1 hour and you manage to kill Lydia..... ugghh


...Lydia needed more salt.

Here's how to marry Serana

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:31 am
by Big Homie
Marrying Serena would add a interesting dinner conversation

Serena: *looking down at plate* "So honey how was work today"

Myself: "Good, could you pass the arm, also wnere is Lydia"

Serena:*Serena casually looks over into the closet*

Myself: Serena what are you doing, is there a present for me in there.

Serena: "Oh no don't go in there its nothing.

Myself: I want to see it *Opens door and Lydia falls to the ground with a thump to the floor, her throat was torn open, (your character glares at Serena)*. Why why today, hmmm what are we going to do with this. I leave you along for 1 hour and you manage to kill Lydia..... ugghh

I will give serana 10000 septims to turn lydia and make her my practice dummy for eternity.

Here's how to marry Serana

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:26 pm
by Cesar Gomez
Fans must accept the fact that they got trolled, pure and simple; there are other things in life - I know its hard but let your video game fantasy go. I will be here for you to console you do not worry.

Here's how to marry Serana

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:51 pm
by Sudah mati ini Keparat
lol i am laughing hysterically about this post, are you guys really this serious about marrying npcs in a video game??? wow lol, Ive been gaming for 20+ years and Ive never had the urge to marry or make out with a npc hehe
here is the thing i believe you and many others are forgetting, this subject, like many others is a matter of opinion, both sides make good points but there is one main point you have forgotten, lets say they do make serana available for marriage, how does this impact you? the key thing here is it doesn't, unless you make it impact you, the game isn't going to force you to play any differently, it wont force you to marry her, heck, you could play like they never added it, or just don't do it,

in truth, there really isn't any reason why not, it benefits those who wish for there character to marry serana, and you can sill play unaffected by the addition, both sides get what they want, everyone is happy, what happens is in your hands, and your hands alone, you can still play it as if they never added it in there, while those who wanted the feature to be added get satisfied.

either way ya look at it, this subject is a matter of opinion, its all about player choice, and this Serana situation is no different, add it or not your experience wont change unless you make it change, that's simply how it is.

Here's how to marry Serana

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:35 pm
by kirsty joanne hines
lol i am laughing hysterically about this post, are you guys really this serious about marrying npc's in a video game??? wow lol, ive been gaming for 20+ years and ive never had the urge to marry or make out with a npc hehe

OK - in game, Serana is a logical choice for marriage, if your character is interested in a wife....

Not to sound snarky or anything, but it is a role playing game ( at least a little...), and if the desire to wed Serana is based upon the role-playing logic of "who would be a decent wife in Skyrim", then I can' t see a problem with it at all.

OTOH.....if they really want to marry her....