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Heart of Dibella crash

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:45 pm
by Chris Guerin

While on this quest, every time I enter Broken Tower Redoubt (to retrieve Fjotra) from the ground entrance, it causes Skyrim to crash. When I try to restart, it crashes again. Luckily, I was able to load a previous Save, so I didn't lose much except some time.

Has anyone had this error, and if so, how I can go about fixing it?


-Steve C

Heart of Dibella crash

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:31 am
by rheanna bruining

Never happens to me.

However, it do happens that at some points, the game do crash. Normally, I try then to avoid this special point. That was for me always outside of dungeons and were talking about the right vs. the left side of the street.

In your special case: You can go around the Tower and climb the mountain behind the Tower. From that, you can enter the platform from where the last room with Fjotra can be entered.

On this platform, there is one foresworn. On a platform below, there are two others. They should start combat-mode and prevent therefore fast-traveling back to Markath.

So, you have to deal at least with them.

Heart of Dibella crash

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:36 am
by sam

has had similar errors like this, of CTD around cretin areas (but very few on SSE around 5 ever since its release)

this is part of the reality of playing Skyrim, every now and then you will come across bugs (it part of life) the Unofficial Patch fixes a lot of issues and so do all the Bethesda Updates

as you can see SAVING your game is essential just so you dont have replay hours of game due to a bug or crash

so what do you do with your bug ?....if this one understands correctly you gotten past that point loading a older save? ...just keep on playing and sweep it under the carpet and hope that it was a one of glitch and not the start to a consistent patter of crashing.

Personally I play a lot and lot of hours & start new games once a month, I accept even before I start that I might have a crash or two, its only when things get real bad do I try to fix stuff, because sometimes you can wreck a game trying different solutions when you dont really need to, thats just the way this one tackles game issues

now if your using mods ........ahh thats a whole different story, and if your game is going to crash or be stable will depend on your moding skills

as to what is happening technically with your bug, has no idea way above my head

Heart of Dibella crash

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:03 pm
by Kelly Osbourne Kelly

I had a crash and poor FPS, around that location too. (on PS4)

But when I went back, and killed the enemies one at a time instead of letting them chase me to the top, I didn't have any problems.

Heart of Dibella crash

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:46 am
by Kelli Wolfe
I had that same problem around Falkreath. Everytime I passed a certain point on a road near there I would crash. I had to go back to an earlier save and everything worked fine.