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Major Faction playthrough with multiple characters

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:44 pm
by Cheryl Rice

I know that a lot of Skyrim players prefer to create characters tailor made for each faction as opposed to doing everything with one character. I'm doing this right now with a warrior, thief, assassin and mage with the warrior being the "main" character that will do the main quest and Dragonborn.

For those that like to do this, do you play one character at a time to completion? Or do you play to certain points (like level 25 or the end of a faction quest-line) in the game and switch between characters? Just curious. (I'm debating on whether or not to switch from my warrior to my assassin once I'm done with the Companions or to simply do everything I plan doing with him first before moving on...)

Major Faction playthrough with multiple characters

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:05 am
by Tessa Mullins

I have to play one character at a time. If I try to play two or more characters at once I can lose the thread of their stories.

It's the same way with novels. I have to finish one novel before I begin the next. Retaining two narratives in my head simultaneously confuses and disorients my primitive male brain.

Major Faction playthrough with multiple characters

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:06 pm
by zoe

On 360 where my characters often had 500 to 800 hrs each... I switched as the mood took me. PC I tend to only do one regular RP and one DiD Competition character at a time, though I will have the very beginnings of a characters story up and running... then stop

Major Faction playthrough with multiple characters

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:56 am
by maya papps
I usually do one character at a time to completion or til I get bored. I sometimes make a new character planning to go back to the previous one later, but it never happens. They just retire early.

I usually go about 80 to 120 hours per character. Not that it's set in stone, but I find I get bored after level 40 or 50 .the best part of the game for me is about level 10 to 35, 40. After that everything is just easy or just the same old same old.

Major Faction playthrough with multiple characters

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:28 pm
by Romy Welsch

I don't have different classes for different things - but I have half a dozen concurrent girls in both games (and sometimes lots more than that). They all do some of the same things, and each of them does other things too - at different points in time/levels. I swap depending on who is poking at me harder to play her.... Some of my girls have deep storylines, others not so much. Each one has a specific house, which she spends a lot of time decorating.

I keep saying that one of these days I'll use but so far I haven't got round to it.

Major Faction playthrough with multiple characters

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:52 am
by Lakyn Ellery

I′ve played two characters at the same time twice, both times I made up a story which included both and would play like a week of game′s time with each, making up stories as they played each appropriate guild and quest, and simply turning my brain off when I wanted to do "repeated" things with both. The last time I did it was a DiD game a with a written story I haven′t finished yet, it was one of the most enjoyable experiences I′ve had with Skyrim so far. One of the characters died very early so I had to boot up a third character to take the place of the dead one, she turned out looking exactly like my ex and, eventually, playing it was a bit of a pain. :P

Major Faction playthrough with multiple characters

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 7:21 pm
by dean Cutler

I am likely to being playing characters that have limitations, like an inability to use magic. If I personally get the urge to cast a spell, I'll switch to another game with a magic-using character, rather than "corrupt" the current one. So I do play several at once, rather than taking each to "completion", which isn't something I believe in anyway.

And I don't delete characters, unless their game is totally broken. I may roll them back to an earlier save, but that's about the worst.

I have also experimented with having two characters who are each the follower in the other's game. I found it too hard to keep the player character and follower matched up to their opposite numbers, and gave up.

Major Faction playthrough with multiple characters

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:33 am
by Bellismydesi

Actually atm, I have my DiD competition character going... testing her build.. I have started, but am waiting on a particular mod to be released for her, who is my "main" RP character atm... who passed in the last DiD Competition, but will be resurrected ( ie restarted at C.C.) to tell his story. Winter who is tapping her foot impatiently and Ryuu, who plays a large part in her story ( Familiar faces will make him her follower.) But that is the way I generally work.