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Torch early in gameadditional free lockpicks etc?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 2:09 am
by Hannah Barnard
Where around helgen can you get a torch?

After you escape helgen additional free lockpicks?

Firewood axe? Theres 1 outside the mine near riverwood. Any others

Scale helmet fixed locstion early in game?

Imperial bow fixed location

Torch early in gameadditional free lockpicks etc?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:33 pm
by Michelle Smith

1. Mines and caves tend to have plenty. Just visit the mine near riverwood.

2. Any location with bandits tends to have quite a lot of lockpicks. There's bandit locations on the road from whiterun to falkreath and northwest of whiterun.

3. Next to the riverwood sawmill on a table. Any settlement tends to have at least one.

4. Not aware of them but during the first main quest mission where you have to fight a dragon, it's often dropped by one of the whiterun guards.

5. Usually you can just buy one in Whiterun in the store opposite breezehome. Another option is in Valtheim towers (east of whiterun, the bridge across the river with bandits) in the far tower there's always a leveled enchanted bow. Also if you're gonna get steel smithing then a hunting bow is a better option once you can upgrade it to superior quality. An ancient nord bow is also a good option.