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DID Playthrough

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:19 pm
by Juan Cerda

So I'm thinking about starting my 1st DID playthrough on XB1 with mods and was hoping for some tips and pointers... Should I invest heavily into the character... make a backstory... how to stay alive as long as possible... Should I start with a simple character just to get used to the style of play... Because I tend to die... a lot and I get the feeling that I'll die the first fight I get into...


DID Playthrough

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:26 pm
by Eric Hayes

Run back a lot.

If you don′t know most dungeons like the back of your hand, study new rooms from a distance before going in so you know where to hide, where to run in circles, where to jump etc...

Use sprint for dodging if you′re not on heavy armor. Using high mouse sensitivity helps, as soon as you see more than one foe starting an attack, 180 your mouse and run a little, then turn back.

I find that the better I develop a character′s personality and background, the more I care about it, so I′m that much more careful and that much sadder when they die. It′s a balance really :P

and adjust the difficulty to something that gets you to have fun and not toil when playing.

DID Playthrough

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:18 pm
by Euan
I'm with NutBurz. ..the more effort you put into your character before actually starting to play, the more you will want them to live, so the more cautious you will be.

For your 1st effort, I would start on Adept, this is the default sett I ng for the game. The level scaling is set to work this difficulty in balance.

Come up with a set of skills before you start, use the wiki to check the perks.. make a list of which are the most useful to your character. showing a decap isn't as important as stronger skills.

6 to 8 skills is a good skill set, with out being all over the place.... perked, that doesn't mean you can't use speech, just that wasting a perk on it might not be the best choice.

If you can't get the hang at Adept, bump it down... once you've got a hang of it, bump the difficulty up.

Good luck and remember. ..never give up!

DID Playthrough

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:46 pm
by Tina Tupou

If you use any beneficial mods and your playing on Adept you will be fine. I wouldn't even worry about it. If you want to be just ultra safe don't talk to the Jarl of Whiterun (don't spawn dragons).