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Solstheim is an insanely hostile environment

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:42 pm
by Romy Welsch

I recently upgraded to Legendary edition, by the Nine is Solstheim full of enemies and not much else. You'd think with all the ash spawn, cultists, werebears, isects and other crap on the island, that at least the Reavers and random NPCs would not be quite so keen to fight you too.

A note to Bethesda: it would be nice if not every NPC outside of towns were out to kill your character.

Solstheim is an insanely hostile environment

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 6:40 pm
by Amy Melissa

Haha ! I felt the same when I first went there. Later when you start doing quests and advance, through middle-ish of the main quests, things get calmer. Wear good armor, fight well it will be ok.