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Nudity in Skyrim

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:21 am
by flora
After watching the forum, it seems that there a number of people, for and against nudity in the game. I, as much as any one else, thinks that you should at least have the option of nudity. This would be as simple as having a setting in the options menu that turns nudity off. Now, as for the TYPE of nudity, people are just pretty much saying "we wants teh nvdezz!!!!11!11" but, that would mean full body nudity, which I know, they would not put into the game. The only type of nudity that they might be able to get into the game is topless nudity. Which, I see no problem with, it's the most natural thing in the world. A number of games have also done this, and received no attention or controversy for it(Mafia II, Conan, Red Dead Redemption, and The Godfather 2 all come to mind) What has our society come to that we more readily accept violence and gore over the bare human body? Because apparently, it's O.K. for little Billy to go forth, and dismember and tear to shreds an entire villages of innocents, but God forbid he sees a bare chest! The arguments of that mods will add this to the game or that nudity will "corrupt children" are not acceptable. Some people don't play on PCs, so they can't mod. As for the "corruption" argument, the games gonna be rated M, there should be no reason why a little kid is playing it to begin with, and if they do, how does seeing a pair of briasts corrupt them any more then mindlessly killing people?

Nudity in Skyrim

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:14 pm
by Charlotte Henderson
Repetitious thread and repetitious arguments are repetitious.

I think the "discussion" has gone on long enough, don't like the defensive tone some of you are taking and some of these posts are making my finger twitch above the warn button. I'll save you all a warning and me some work.


Do not start another.

Nudity in Skyrim

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:42 pm
by Alessandra Botham
