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How can I make a staff that summons creatures?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:26 pm
by Baylea Isaacs
Yeah I finally managed to do some spells to summon MMM monsters!

But for some strong and special monsters I'd like to hide in some dungeons (like a reward) a staff that summons them, not a simple spell.
This is the script, copied it from this:

scn 1dkSUMNSCRstaffMMM;This script can be used as a template for custom summoned creatures/NPC'sfloat timerfloat fadeshort playonceref SUMNBegin ScriptEffectStart;Set temp reference for scripting. Allows faster transition of script as template. Also allows for leveled summon.	if player.getlevel >= 15		set SUMN to dkBaliwogREF1	elseif player.getlevel >= 8		set SUMN to dkBaliwogREF1	else		set SUMN to dkBaliwogREF1	endif												SUMN.disable														;Resets our creature if re-summoned before time runs out on spell;Now we move our creature to the Player	SUMN.moveto Player 30 30 10									;Moves the creature reference to the worldspace of the Player	SUMN.enable														;Makes our creature visible and active	set fade to 1														;Resets the alpha fade variable to 1EndBegin ScriptEffectUpdate	if timer > 30																;Creature is dead and fade timer passed		SUMN.moveto dkCRHold 0 0 10								;Moves our creature back to it's holding cell		SUMN.resurrect													;Resets our creature if dead		SUMN.disable														;Sets our creature to an unprocessed state	endif	if SUMN.getdead && timer < 28									;Adjusts timer state for early fade/disable upon death		set timer to 28	endif	if timer > 0.1 && playonce == 0		SUMN.pms effectSummonMythicDawn 1				;Plays effect for creature entrance		set playonce to 1	endif	set timer to timer + ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds			;Increment timer	if timer > 28 && playonce == 1		SUMN.pms effectSummonMythicDawn 2				;Plays effect for creature exit/death		set playonce to 2	endif	if playonce == 2													;Fade creature for exit/death		set fade to fade - 0.03		SUMN.saa fade	endif		EndBegin ScriptEffectFinish	SUMN.moveto dkCRHold 0 0 10								;Moves our creature back to it's holding cell	SUMN.resurrect													;Resets our creature if dead	SUMN.disable														;Sets our creature to an unprocessed stateEnd

It seems to work as a "magic effect" but not as an object effect (I attached it to a new staff I made using armamentarium meshes but when it does the animation nothing happends)


How can I make a staff that summons creatures?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:54 pm
by meghan lock
Problem is you use a spell script as object script. Use the spell script as spell script and add it to an enchantment. Then add the enchantment to the staff.

How can I make a staff that summons creatures?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:21 pm
by Zoe Ratcliffe
Got it, thank you!

I'm kinda new in all this stuff lol I've already done summoning spells for the lich king, the Balrog, the arcane atronach, the flaming skeleton and the flaming zombie... I'll do only the undead/daedra like in vanilla oblivion probably.