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Prob With A Mod Im Working On

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:25 am
by kat no x
Im making this island which is on its own worldspace, and the idea is to get there by a ship which i have near Anvil. The problem im getting is that i made the ship a lil bigger then what they usually are and from the Anvil Lighthouse you couldnt see if even though it was just off the coast, so i ran a LOD and it all worked fine until the ship started appearing as the vanilla grey ships and i have a mod which changes the look of them. Another prob im facing is that i have turned the mod off but am still seeing this grey ship in the water ive moved the ship but its still in its original place. If i go towards the ship it disappears but the water is still casting the reflection of the ship, also when i go over to where the ship would be and look down at the reflection i start seeing through the ship like an interior (not the cell, the actual inside of the ship, the under side so i can see the bottom of the sea as well)