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OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 5:18 pm
by cassy

Hi all.

Am reinstalling Oblivion after a break and the purchase of a new rig.

Not going to well so far as am stuck early as in have only got as far as installing utilities ans some obse scripts including OSR.

Game loads fine until I alter the OSR ini. I tried some recommendations made on the Nexus OSR mod download page (forums) but had things lock up when trying to start a new game.

I then went with a relatively simple alteration as follows

  • FPS management: 3 variables that I tinker with - bManageFPS, fMaximumFPS, fMinimumFPS. Set bManageFPS = 1 to enable OSR to manage your FPS.

  • Heap Management: set bReplaceHeap = 1 to allow OSR to manage Oblivion memory allocation. iHeapAlgorithm is a setting that will vary with each user. iHeapAlgorithm = 6/3/5 are the common ones used. iHeapSize is another variable value, depending on your setup. Recommended not to exceed 1024. I have it at 512, or you can just leave it at its default 450.

  • Suggested 2 years ago by jordan0422.

Same result crashed when trying to start new game. Oh the sttings I used were 60fps max - 20fps min heap algorithm 6 and 1024 size.

Is there a problem with OSR and Windows 10. My computer setup is i7-5960x with 32gb Ram and 2 x Titan X cards - Windows 10 64 bit.

Only have enough knowledge to be dangerous so need help.


OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:49 pm
by Spaceman


I myself tested a lot different settings for OSR.ini on a heavily modded (400+ mods) game and the best results I had was with the default settings. I had lots of crashes like you when trying to use different values and didn't see any benefits.

I guess it depends on your Oblivion installation and your system. You will have to find yourself what is the best combination of settings for you. But I suggest you to keep the default settings.

1024 seems to be little high, that could be the reason why you crash. But I can't explain you why sorry. I am not an expert of this mod.

As I said I have a bunch of mods of all kinds and my game is super stable with good performance (30-60 FPS) even with bReplaceHeap = 0 so i don't think you should change these obscure parameters on your early installation. :P


OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 2:11 pm
by Katharine Newton

1024 is definitly too much for OSR Heap.

Try at max 768.

Also check the sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.log file

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 1:08 pm
by Alexx Peace

Hi Bevi.

Thanks for replying. There's something more at play here than high settings. Others have been successfully using similar settings. I have a reasonable system and I have yet to install any taxing mods.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 6:16 pm
by Eoh

Running fine W10 with this:

Master = {

_comment = You can turn on or off each distinct feature from here.

bManageFPS = 1

bHookCriticalSections = 1

bHookHashtables = 1

bReplaceHeap = 1

bReplaceGetTickCount = 1

bLogToConsole = 0

bFastExit = 1

bExtraProfiling = 0

bFlushLog = 1

iSchedulingResolution = 1

bReplaceRandom = 1

bExperimentalStuff = 1

iMainHookPoint = 1


Experimental = {

_comment =bReduceSleep and iThreadsFixedToCPUs can probably reasonably be used at 1. > 1 is a bad idea atm.

_comment =other settings here you're probably better off not touching

bReduceSleep = 0

iThreadsFixedToCPUs = 1

bSuppressRandomSeeding = 0

bMonitorBSShaderAccumulator = 0

iPrintSceneGraphDepth = 0

bReplaceRandomWrappers = 1

bBenchmarkHeap = 0

bAlternateHeapHooks = 0

iHeapMainBlockAddress = 0


FPS_Management = {

_comment =Absent a good reason otherwise, bInject_iFPSClamp=1, fMaximumFPS= 30 to 85 (or 0), fMinimumFPS= 10 to 20, iFPS_Report_Period = 2000 to 60000, fExtraSleepPercent = 0.0 to 0.2

bInject_iFPSClamp = 1

fMaximumFPS = 35

fMinimumFPS = 8

iFPS_Report_Period = 15000

fExtraSleepPercent =0.05


GetTickCount = {

_comment =This section is disabled by default - see Master/bReplaceGetTickCount

bForceResolution = 1

bPreserveDC_Bias = 1

bPreserveHighFreqComponents = 0

bForceSync = 0

iSyncLimitMilliseconds = 50


CriticalSections = {

_comment = CS stuff helps Oblivion, Fallout, and New Vegas significantly

_comment = much of the benefit comes from the Renderer+0x180 suppression (see overrides below)

_comment = modes: 1=vanilla, 2=fair, 3=staggering(hybrid of 1 & 2), 5=suppressed

bUseOverrides = 1

iDefaultMode = 3

iDefaultSpin = 1300

iStaggerLevel = 5

bEnableMessages = 0

bEnableProfiling = 0


Heap = {

_comment =This section is disabled by default - see Master/bReplaceHeap

_comment =I recommend enabling it however.

_comment = Heap replacement can produce MAJOR improvements in performance on Oblivion at a significant cost in stability

_comment = It crashes instantly on Fallout3 last I remember checking

_comment = It seems to work on Fallout: New Vegas ?

_comment = Algorithms: 1=FastMM4, 2=Microsoft (slow on XP), 3=SimpleHeap1, 4=TBBMalloc, 5=ThreadHeap2, 6=ThreadHeap3, 8=tcmalloc

_comment = Algorithms numbers 1, 4, and 8 require external DLL files in the Data/OBSE/Plugins/ComponentDLLs folder

_comment = Size is in units of megabytes, and only effects algorithms 3, 5, and 6 (other algorithms dynamically determine their own size)

iHeapAlgorithm = 6

bEnableProfiling = 0

iHeapSize = 768

bEnableMessages = 0

bZeroAllocations = 0


Hashtables = {

bUseOverrides = 1

bEnableMessages = 0

bEnableExtraMessages = 0

bEnableProfiling = 0



A whiles back someone said the fastmm4 was stable, it didn't seem to make a lot difference here but perhaps give it a try?

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 12:25 am

Hi llde.

I sceptically dropped back to 768 and it loaded no problem. I must admit the why has me baffled. My previous computer was a step below my new setup, yet it played with the 1024 setting.

With it I was using Win 7 and I don't think I had the LAA patch installed correctly. I wonder if either of those things made a difference.

Anyway. Thanks for the help. On my way again.

Hi lmstearn.

You posted while I was one fingering. (typing that is) Thanks for your OSR settings. That is exactly what I was hoping to see. A full working template being used in 2016. I will give all your settings a try before I load any mods

and see how I go. I notice that you also are going @ 768 setting.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 12:04 am
by Ridhwan Hemsome

In my case, when I used 1024 my Oblivion would crash while starting up sometimes and I would have to restart my pc to solve the issue. It would always work after restarting. I ended up just lowering the heapsize to 900 though and its been working flawlessly since then. I noticed a bit of a difference with loading outdoors between 768 and 900 so I figured I'd mention it since it might work for you too.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:40 pm
by Jynx Anthropic

Thanks for that LethargicOwl. Out of interest I'll give that a try.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:41 pm
by Jaylene Brower

OSR heap replacement is unstable, it is even mentioned by author. It heavily depends on system and can either work rock solid or become a crash fest. The real problem is solving random crashes later caused by heap replacement, because the usual suspects are always the recently installed mods and you can simply forget about OSR's heap.

I recommend to disable it completely unless you are really running out of memory, especially if you are new to modding. Or at least always disable OSR heap replacement first if you start to crash.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:53 pm
by Sam Parker

Thanks for the advice zilav. I must admit I don't understand the principles behind the tweaks, so maybe I would be better to disable. Are you talking about running out of Vram memory or DDR4 memory?

If what you are talking about is hardware related, hopefully I won't have that problem anyway. If I leave as is for now, but then disable if/when things become unstable later, am I likely to be creating further problems?

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 1:00 pm
by lauren cleaves

RAM, not VRAM. Oblivion is a x32 application and can't use more than 1.8GB, or 3.8GB if you applied 4GB patch to Oblivion.exe

When you crashed don't close Oblivion, switch to Task Manager and check how much Oblivion.exe occupies. If it is around those numbers, you most likely crashed due to running out of RAM.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:40 pm
by Jessica White

Thanks again zilav.

So if I crash and RAM usage is well below the 3.8GB, I should be suspicious of heap replacement as a cause?

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 2:53 pm
by Lexy Corpsey

It could be everything : wrong mod installation, wrong load order, incompatibilities, a problem with your save file... The more you will add mods, the bigger will be the probability to have a crash. (even Vanilla Oblivion can crash for some people)

So it can be hard to say if it is due to heap replacement or not. You should keep it simple : don't touch these parameters, disable heap replacement.

Your system specs and heap replacement algorithm will not protect at 100% your game against crashes.

If you want to take advantage of your system specs, you should have a look at "ENBoost" which will allow you to use more than 3.8GB of RAM for Oblivion.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 1:19 pm
by Sara Lee

Thanks bevilex.

I am beginning to agree with you. I may be better off leaving OSR @ default particularly as I don't know whether suggested tweaks are of any benefit to my rig.

I understand there is a multitude of reasons modded Oblivion can crash. What I am trying to do is set up my version of "Ultimate Modded Oblivion". I absolutely love the game and have invested heavily in hardware to get to my ideal. I understand the game

engine itself won't take much advantage of my system specs but I am hoping to improve the "beautification of Oblivion" past my previous attempts on my then hardware. For example my previous video cards had 4GB of VRAM but I was still running out. So I have gone overboard now with my GTX Titan X cards.

I had no idea that ENBoost would allow me to use more than 3.8GB of RAM. Actually my main problem at the moment is to know what new "must have" mods to use. Due to personal circumstances I have been out of the community for about 18 - 24 months.

In that time mods such as Oblivion Reloaded, ENB, Candid ENB, ENBoost, tes4ll etc etc are mentioned in peoples ideal installation. I think I need to start a new thread and get new advice from go to whoa section at a time.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 9:32 pm
by RaeAnne

If you don't want to go the ENBoost route, consider "MoreHeap" by shadeMe. It improves stability and is simple and maintenance free. Just set your heap size and play Oblivion. I set mine at 512. And it can be run in conjunction with OSR, as OSR replaces Oblivion's heap and MoreHeap replaces thew Windows heap (from what I read on these forums), so you'll have optimized heap-goodness all around.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 1:53 am
by phil walsh

Thanks Malonn.

I notice Hishutup in his Oblivion modding guide uses both MoreHeap and ENBoost but disables a lot of ENBoost. What are your thoughts on that?

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:29 pm
by Chloe Mayo

I think you can use both without any problems and any without special changes in the enblocal.ini (however you'll need to change some parameters depending on your hardware)

Enboost is working with MoreHeap (you can check that in your task manager : there is an "enbhost" application runnning). MoreHeap is probably working with ENBoost too even if it can be a little more difficult to verify that.

However, you will not be able to use ENBoost with ENB graphics (Candid ENB or any other preset). They use a different version of the d3d9.dll file..

So you will have to make a choice : the stability of ENBoost or the visuals of ENB ..

If you have very few mods, you will maybe not need to use ENBoost (MoreHeap and OSR is enough) If your Oblivion is heavily modded (for instance if you have Better Cities + Unique Landscapes + Villages + New NPC/creatures), ENBoost can be useful because your oblivion will in this case often need a lot of RAM to load everything and probably more than 3.6GB.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:28 pm
by Nicole M

bevilex pretty well covered it. I don't know the inner workings of ENBoost, but I don't think (99% sure) it has anything to do with the heap used by Windows and the game.

Just remember, to reiterate what bevilex said, you can't use ENBoost and the traditional ENB at the same time. It's one or the other, as the author did not merge them like he did for the Skyrim version.

But, honestly, with Oblivion Reloaded you don't need ENB Graphics. True, the exact look of the scene is not the same with OR as it is with ENB, but with some tweaking it can come close. If you use OR and are interested, I ported dozens of ReShade effects to be compatible with OR and wrote a simple plugin to control them. If I can remember to ask permission from the various ReShade authors, I'll release them to the Nexus. With the right combination of those effects, you can get the scene to look nearly identical to ENB. All while just using the power of Oblivion Reloaded.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 2:39 am
by Mandi Norton

Um, yes please! :drool:

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:26 pm
by Heather Dawson

I posted a request on the ReShade site. Just waiting to hear back from them, although right there on the front page, there is a "Do not post these effects anywhere else" message. I still asked if I could upload them to the Nexus. We'll see what they say in response.

If they deny, I can just share them with you.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:36 pm
by dav

@Malonn Maybe just release a diff file to be used with the patch command? Will require some external software however.

P.S looking at the home :Please do not post the shader files (.fx) on any other site than /

Do you have a github account? =D

Also Reshade is said to do not have depth buffer access in Oblivion, you may take improvements from Oblivion Reloaded Depth Buffer informations

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:16 am
by BrEezy Baby

Cool! Let's see if they're accommodating about it - a lot of shader files seem by their nature to be fairly derivative of other people's work anyway, so hopefully they won't be overly proprietorial... The author of 'Master Effect' for ReShade was posting on the Skyrim Reloaded nexus page a few weeks ago, talking about porting some of his/her work directly, and if that happens we should be able to use those effect with OR out of the box, which could be interesting...

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:33 am
by Je suis

@ IIde What do you mean? No I don't have a Github account. Yes, a couple of the shaders I ported require depth buffer access. The ones that really improve the look through tonemapping, gamma, etc don't, however.

Oh and I misspoke. I have exactly 17 effects ported, but plan to keep porting until every one that I can has been ported. Some can't because of the nature of the ReShade HLSL style structuring. Well, that is to say I can't figure out how to, and good ol' Alenet said himself that certain ones can't be ported.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:55 pm
by Sophh

I mean two things: First the main page say to do not upload the effects outside or You may circumvent this by posting the ported shaders on or Permission to convert will be alway required, but maybe they will be more inclined to allow.

Second: You may to publish diffs file to allow users transform original shaders into OR shaders. So you require people to download the original ones. Side effect if a shader gets updated the patch may not apply at all or the resulting shader can be not working. Some author may accept this solution while publishing the entire effects may be not accepted.

OSR Settings problem

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 5:05 pm
by SexyPimpAss

Ah. Now I'm understanding you. Well I will take your suggestions under advisemant. I'm going to see if I can get the full permission first, which I already have for 1 of the authors (the one with the most ported effects -- yay). If I can't get permission from the rest, I'll see about your suggestion.