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how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:56 pm
by Timara White

hi guys,

i have never used this tool before and would like to. im a little confused because i don't know how to turn it on and use it for ooo. so basically, how do i turn the mod on? apparently im supposed to delete semicolons from inis or something.also what should i do if i use ooo and the vanilla level.esp?

thanks and again sorry for my english its not my native language

how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:12 am
by Crystal Birch

It sounds as though you want to adjust the leveling speed of your skills? Is this correct? If so, scroll down to the bottom of your Fundament .ini and find these two lines:

;set fd.File to sv_Construct "Fundament - Skill Rates"

;setstage fd 1

Remove those semi-colons at the beginning of both lines so that the lines look like this:

set fd.File to sv_Construct "Fundament - Skill Rates"

setstage fd 1

This activates the Fundament - Skill Rates.ini file. You can now use that file to adjust the rate at which your skills level.

I'm sorry, but I don't know what you are referring to when you speak of "the vanilla level .esp." That .esp was not part of my Fundament or Oscuro downloads. I cannot help you with that.

how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:21 pm
by Emily Martell

thank you for replying.

you are correct. i only want to change the global skill rates and the individual skill rates for skills i tink level up too slow like speechcraft. however, is removing the semicolon from that line the only thing i need to do? because i also see the ini file Bundlement - GRC (Oscuro's).ini. do i have to change anything for that one since it's about ooo?

the vanilla level.esp is an esp i found in the lite version of ooo. i think it restores the leveling speed to vanilla rates.

how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:21 am
by Emma louise Wendelk

To change the rate at which Speechcraft levels, open your Fundament - Skill Rates.ini. The section that controls Speechcraft is down at the bottom. It looks like this:

set fd.Use to sv_Construct "32" ; Speechcraft

set fd.Value to 2.4

setstage fd 1

Change 2.4 to a higher number. You will have to experiment a little. Everybody's tastes are different. In my experience, finding the right number usually involves a bit of trial and error.

Use the same procedure for any other skill you want to raise or lower. The number to change is always the number that appears after fd.Value to.

how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:44 pm
by ruCkii

Ha ha Pseron also helped me with Fundament, long ago. It's not really that hard to use, but if you're new to ini files, it's one of the more challenging.

how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:58 pm
by Bethany Watkin

No, you don't need to use GRC if you're just wanting to change a few skill rates. GRC (Global Rate Control) effects all skills witha formula that icreases level speed at low levels, but decreases it at high levels. It controls all skills, however, so it's best to just skip it. Bundlement is a supplemental plugin, it does not need to be used. Look to see if any of the bundlement features interest you though. There's some nifty skill leveling formulas in there and they are highly tweakable. But, you do NOT need to use it.

how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:18 pm
by Nicola

But Fundament - Skill rates.ini will override OOO changes and give you faster overall skill rate than OOO, right? (1x instead of 3x slowdown?)

So if I want the 3x slowdown of OOO I should decrease the fd.values ? Or use the bundlement - GRC.ini file?

(sorry me too I try to understand how this mod works :P never tried it before)

how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:23 pm

Yes, it will override OOO. OOO makes it's changes through game settings, not scripts. Fundament makes it's changes through scripts, which overwrite OOO's changes. I believe the default values for the rates in the Skill Rates INI are vanilla. So you can increase the speed at which skills level by increasing the individual values, or you can decrease the rate by decreasing the values. GRC takes into account the current skill rates. So with default OOO, it's already 3 times slower, so GRC will be 3 times slower plus the settings you make in it's INI file.

how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:21 am
by Frank Firefly

Thanks. How is the impact on performance/fps of this mod ? Realistic Leveling seems to make the game stutter each time attributes are recalculated. So I'd like to know about Fundament.

how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:34 pm
by Farrah Barry

I have never noticed a performance hit. But I have a pretty beefy rig. Haswell-E.

how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:47 pm
by des lynam

If you're worried about performance hit you can do the same thing in the Construction Set yourself. Myself, I stopped using Fundament for this purpose years ago (nowadays I only use it when I want to use Willful Resistance or NGCD (which I prefer over Realistic Leveling)).

My personal Fundament substitute adjusts the rate gain of most skills, changes several skill-attribute affiliations, adds the ability to gain some experience from missed ranged spells, and raises the total number of skills needed to gain a character level from 10 to 30, which has the dual effect of slowing down the speed of character leveling by about 1/3 and ensuring that my characters usually receives +5 Attribute bonuses.

It is very easy to do and it needs no scripting whatsoever. :)

I thought something seemed very familiar about all this. But, then, you know, Gade, when you've written 30,000 posts in a gaming forum such as this you're bound to repeat yourself sooner or later. I do have to admit that I had the strangest feeling that this had all happened to me before. But, then, you know, Gade, when you've written 30,000 posts in a gaming forum such as this you're bound to repeat yourself sooner or later.

how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:28 am
by Laurenn Doylee

if fundament overrides ooo, then does that mean i don't really need ooo's vanilla level rate.esp?

how to use fundament?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:06 pm
by Samantha Pattison

Yes, if you use the Skill Rates INI.