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save game bloat - questions

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:09 am
by Yvonne

I read somewhere that alchemy causes save game bloat every time you create a potion. I use the mod by miguick which, if I understood it correctly, reduces the amount of bloat from alchemy. But am I correct in that it doesn't remove the bloat entirely?

Anyway, I'm planning to play a very, very, very long game. I wonder if the only chance to play such long game without save game corruption from bloat is to avoid using alchemy altogether?

The second question I have is does anyone know if this mod causes bloat?: Summon Luggage - Cobl

I also read in a thread that MOO causes a lot of intentional bloat. This is not a problem for average games but for a very long game, should I disable everything in MOO that causes intentional bloat?

save game bloat - questions

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:33 am
by Jessica Phoenix

Sadly, I don't know answers for your questions. I too would like to know more about potenatial alchemy bloat and how dangerous it potentially might be.

However, since you plan to play a long game, consider using either kuertee's Clean-up (but one of the features MUST be turn off - the clean dead NPCs option MUST be turn off in the ini, otherwise it will delete dead bodies which are quest items, thus break some quests). Or you may try AoG - Overhaul plus Detect Item it has a feature Dynamic Object Purger that cleans up items, specifically, it moves all the items from the ground after you leave the area and puts them to the next respawnable container that you open. As for actors the feature Greed Honor, it only moves them to the certain cell called Ageless Tomb IIRC.

save game bloat - questions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:35 pm
by phil walsh

It doesn't create new references, so the answer is no.

save game bloat - questions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:58 pm
by Crystal Clear

My game was started 15Nov2008 and is at 4,306 game hours as of yesterday. My character has created 6,333 potions and if her game save is bloated it doesn’t affect her game. At save 11,475 the file size is 6,930 and has been around 7,000 for several years. The last corrupt save was about four years ago when I was getting the Valenwood Improved mod working. I have about 50 mods. I don't use Fast Exit, so the game sometimes takes several minutes to close. Other than that I have no problems.