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if you could remake oblivion your self?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 10:56 pm
by Robyn Howlett

So before I go any where with this thread this is for those who would want an updated oblivion so if you're just gonna say " no just no" or "not gonna happen" or any thing of the like please back out now. I don't want any negative comments about how its never gonna happen.

Now I know I already posted this before but I wanted to repost this again so I could make things a little clearer for every one. Last time people weren't getting what I was trying to ask them so I'm going to try my hardest to clear things up.

This thread is all about how you your self think Oblivion should have been not Bethesda YOU. I'm not asking you what you think Bethesda should do to remake it I'm asking you what you think your idea Oblivion should be.

for example this guys idea is awesome :

It doesn’t even need to be realistic at all if you think Oblivion should be bigger than Daggerfall's map then go ahead let me know what your idea oblivion map size should be. Let me know what things you personally would take out or add in or just make better.

This is all for fun so don't tell me how "this wont ever happen" or "Bethesda will never do a remake" or "what will be gained from talking about it?" I know it never will that's why I want to every ones idea remake of Oblivion would be. So that’s not what I want to here at all so positive responses only please. If you don't have any idea on what would or could make the game better then simply don't respond please and thank you.

So to start things off my idea is that we take the game we have now and just start adding to it or removing things that shouldn't be there (like the world leveling with you should be immediately scrapped IMO) For instance take the battle of Bruma what we got was spending hours closing oblivion gates to get all the towns to send help for Bruma then you get back expecting to have some epic ass battle only to find out that there's like 10 people Like wtf man. But since we/you have the power to do any thing to the game that we/you like we can now up those numbers. So instead of 10 people I would have it be like an epic lord of the rings sized battle. Where you would have to fight through massive amounts of Deadra before you could even get close to the gate. Making gathering all the help from every town actually matter.

Keep all the main quest actors like Sean bean Patrick Stewart and all the other famous actors. Then just add in way more voice actors like way more than even Skyrim has. So if there's say 2000 NPC's I would want there to be 2000 voice actors. Rewrite the dialogue but keep the same story and concept just execute it better. I would make the main quest way longer like how in ESO I've been playing for over 100 hours and I still haven't beaten the main quest. So lets just say that (just throwing out numbers here) there's like 20 quests for the Main Quest and the Main Quest is like 30 hours long. In my personal remake there would be like 50 - 60 quests and the main quest would be like 90 -100 hours or some thing like that.

And I would like the main quest to not be so in your face. I would like it to start out more like Morrowind where it takes a min before you even know what's going on and even when you do you still don't get any Main Quest quests until after you've made a name for your self. So like Morrowind and ESO I want to get a quest and then have to go out and do some random stuff before you get the next Main Quest quest which is why the story would be like 90 -100 hours long.

For the mages guild quest line (along with the rest of the guilds) we could completely redo Manimarco and actually make him a boss worth the name. Cause for real I kill him in like 1 - 2 hits every time. And while there at it redo all of the mages guild quest. Make it more of a challenge to get to the Arcane University instead of one quest from each guild hall. Make each guild hall a quest line of its own or actually make them schools that train you in that halls specialization. Also while on that note bring back Morrowind's skills have to be at certain levels in order to advance to the next rank (goes for all factions). Which would make each guild hall being an actual school viable. Then and only then when you make it to the AU would you start the Mages guild quest line of course after you've made up in the ranks first.

The schools would be some thing like how the college of winter hold starts off were your actually being taught how to do and use spells and going on field trips to ruins to study them and find artifacts. Non of that one lesson then field trip then oh I guess your the arch mage now bs. I want to feel like I'm actually in a collage of magic and not just some errand boy for mages. So as I said before you would have to have your skills at certain levels before you can advance to the next rank. So before you could even be considered for arch mage you would need to have for example 100 in Destruction Illusion and conjuration and like 75 - 90 in in the rest. And so on for the other guilds.

Now cities need to be actual cities so they would have to be way bigger especially the IC. And when I say bigger I'm talking Daggerfall to Assassin's Creed sized Cities. No more 10 -20 houses and buildings and a castle. I want to get lost when walking through a city where asking a guard directions would actually mean some thing other than "oh its right over there" and its literally right over there in site. This is also where we could add back in climbing. Got a little lost? Well now you can climb on top of some buildings and get an idea of where you're at. Also would be very handy in the IC cause it would be bigger than Paris in AC Unity. IIRC I read some where that the imperial isle from shore to shore is 100 miles across. So of course the whole island would be 100 square miles or as close to 100 in game as I could get.

Any way those are some of my ideas for a remake let me know what you would want or how you would changes things if you had it your way.

And one more time I know this will never happen its just wishful thinking on my part and those that are like minded so please no negative comments on how it won't or never will happen please.

if you could remake oblivion your self?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 5:18 am
by ezra
Zaric Zhakaron handled writing pretty well so I'll leave that subject alone. Here are a few of the other changes I would make if I were remaking my ideal Oblivion:

* Larger game world

* Larger cities

* More NPCs

* Directions given via dialogue (and in-game books and notes, where applicable) as well as quest markers

* More dialgue options based on Fame/Infamy

* Dialogue options based on skill checks, where applicable

* More non-combat solutions to quests, where applicable

* Morrowind-style character-skill-based chance-to-fail game mechanic

* New Vegas-style Trait options in character creation

* Remove Speechcraft mini-game, replace with dialogue-based persuasion

* Remove four enforced Perks per skill; replace with more perks and freedom to choose perks

* Cultural differences between regions within Cyrodiil

* Culturally-influenced architecture styles

* Morrowind-style one-click, moveable, re-sizable, menus

* Morrowind-style left and right pauldrons, left and right gauntlets, and clothes wearable under armor

* More hand-placed loot

* Remove cities in their own world space; replace with cities in game world

* In-game transportation (boats, carriages, Guild Guides, ect)

if you could remake oblivion your self?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:44 pm
by Alex [AK]

I think certain things shouldn't be perks like one handed now does 25% damage and so on. Things like that should just be applied naturally as you level up. So like say at level 15 you do 10% more damage but once you hit then at level 16 you do 11% more damage or some thing along them lines.

Cultural differences between regions within Cyrodiil

Yes to this I want every town to feel different not just in looks but as you say culturally. every town in oblivion felt the same including the IC which should be the most different out of all the cities.

Also I would like to bring back athletics and acrobatics. But this time around I would merge them together into one skill and add some other things like climbing. So in the acrobatics skill tree there would be a branch for climbing perks acrobatics perks and athletics perks all in the same skill.

And when it comes to map size like I said I want it to be bigger than Daggerfall. like the quest you get from the count of Leyawiin when he tells you its a six hour walk from there to the loge I want it to actually be a six hour walk in real time or at least half the time. The IC would be as big if not bigger than the map of Paris in AC Unity. Again like I said I want to get lost I want there to actually be a reason to ask a guard or some one for directions. Speaking of which I would like it of when you get a quest they actually write down the directions like they did in Morrowind. I would have to option for when you start there would be a mode for how the games play now where you have a map marker and no one tells you how to get any where you just get pointed to it. Or the other mode would pretty much be like Morrowind where you have a journal and all quest info or any thing of importance goes in it. So when you ask a guard where a certain place is he will actually tell you how to get there and if you forget along the way you can just look in your journal.

if you could remake oblivion your self?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:00 am
by kelly thomson

I am generally going to leave out things that are already done through mods such as adding whole regions. I also will leave out things that can be tweaked in the ini file or through the console command interface.

In order of importance:

#1. Improved animation and AI so that npc's seem more life-like. An example of getting it right is the Witcher series.

#2. Festivals, complete with fairs, contests, party goers, and troubadours.

#3. way more variation in clothes, voices, faces, conversation, hairstyles, walks, etc.

#4. More realistic combat. By that I mean;

Bandits may beg for mercy if they are losing a fight or they may turn and run. Granting mercy means you can take one item.

Creatures may turn and run if they are seriously injured.

Improved sound effects. I'm still wondering what that noise is when rats attack.

#5. A gui to customize the Oblivion.ini file and way more optional settings, for instance, population density.

#6. More 'hand-holding' and robustness in the construction set so you can remake the game to your own liking.

#7 NIF tools should be bundled with the game so you can model your own content.

#8 It should be ported to Linux (my OS). I currently run it under the 'wine' program which adds compatibility for Windows apps.