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Creepy Ghost Chest in Waterfront House

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:58 pm
by Stefanny Cardona

I don't really know how to ask help for this without sounding crazy...but the chest that is normally along that back wall in the cheap house in the Imperial City Waterfront district is just gone. I haven't changed any mod configurations or load orders since I last accessed the chest. I have tried reloading saves that were even made in that very cell with the chest clearly there, but it's not there in previous saves either. That has got to be the strangest first I though I might have accidentally clicked it and disabled it via console, but that isn't possible if the game treats the chest as if it never existed to begin with.

I have a pretty extensive mod list, but the only mods that could potentially affect this is Better Cities...yet, I've been playing with Better Cities active for a good 15 hours or so and the chest was always there.

It's a pretty big deal as I had some important items stored in that chest.

I tried Google to no avail. Is there a known bug that causes something like this?
