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Unpacking .bsa files and performance?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:05 am
by Juan Suarez


For diverse reasons I had to do it for a few files. I was wondering if it can be beneficial (or not) in terms of performance to unpack all .bsa file (from the Vanilla game and mods)?

Is it possible it may improve FPS and reduce stutter on cell change?

Or reduce loading time at launch. (For me the Vanilla game loads always faster than a modded game with big .bsa file).

I tend to think that not having several copies of the same file (for instance one in a .bsa and another from a mod in the data folder), ie no archive invalidation, may be better for optimization purpose.

Can it depend also on the computer specifications?

If someone has knowledge about it I'd love to hear him.