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Horse Riding Animation

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 1:39 pm
by Curveballs On Phoenix

I've been noodling around with Blender and NifSkope, and I've figured out how to edit moving animations and get them in game just fine.

I tried editing the player's horse riding animations and any way I've tried exporting gets me mangled animations in game.

Do any of you know how this can be accomplished? Any tips or references would be appreciated.


Horse Riding Animation

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:33 pm
by Rudi Carter

I've been noodling around with Blender and NifSkope, and I've figured out how to edit moving animations and get them in game just fine.

I tried editing the player's horse riding animations and any way I've tried exporting gets me mangled animations in game.

Do any of you know how this can be accomplished? Any tips or references would be appreciated.


Getting working anims out of any 3D application requires that the scene be set up correctly to begin with -> IE: you need both the Horse and Players skeletons imported in Blender and you need them properly attached to each other.

You need to make sure that the horse is the root not the player and you need to properly set up the Bip01/Bip01 NonAccums relationship by that I mean the Bip01 node needs to be aligned to the ActorParent Node and the Bip01 NonAccum needs to be at the old Bip01 location.

If you get that all right the anims will export correctly aligned.

Horse Riding Animation

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:41 pm
by Sun of Sammy
Thanks for the response. I'll attend to the points you raised and see if I can get it right.