The best item in the game to enchant is of course a Daedric Tower Shield found only from random Golden Saints. That wouldn't be very gimmicky, though, I think. Have a minor CE enchantment with an exquisite ring or something; the item only weighs 0.1 units and can take a pretty good amount of mojo into it. CEing good stuff is difficult though, because the CE spells often don't fit the item's enchantment points. How about an Open 100 spell on Touch/Target? I favor those.

That is a great idea for a non-thief-ly character!

My guy, unfortunately, has Security as a major and so finds himself dropping keys he finds (or is given) on the ground before attempting locks ... just for the practice. :whistling:
Are you aware that there is a relatively easy way to enchant items yourself for free? If you have even moderate skill in alchemy or restoration, you can make a pile of fortify intelligence potions and stack them. With intelligence of about 3000, you can enchant almost anything. Alternatively, you can make just one big enchant purchase and have your enchanter make you a fortify enchant ring. IIRC, you can get 350 enchant for 2 sec on a ring or amulet.
Even though I have Alchemy maxed, I have not yet tried to boost Intelligence for purposes of either Alchemy or Enchanting. Perhaps I will soon try.
To clarify on the spell absorption, it's one of the few (or only?) effect that doesn't simply add up the various percentages you have. For example, 50% from one item and 25% from another does not equal 75% total. It applies each percentage in series, one at a time. In this case, it first applies 50%, to result in 50% of not absorbing. For that remaining 50% of not absorbing, it will then apply your 25% item. 25% of 50% is only 12.5% of your total. So you therefore only have 62.5% (50% + 12.5%) total chance of absorbing. The only way to get 100%, is to have one single item with 100% spell absorption. And I'm not aware of an item with that superpower.... Atronach is about as good as it gets.
You know, I knew that at one time, and forgot it. Still, the Necromancer's Amulet has a great batch of CE effects on it, and it will still complement my Atronach birthsign pretty well. But thanks for the clarification!
And I haven't heard about any better separate form of Spell Absorption than The Atronach birthsign ability Wombburn is in itself: 50%. I don't know if you need more though, since pretty much puts the cherry on the cake. Amulet of Shadows the most powerful item in the game? Pshaw!
A CE effect on a ring only gets you 3% Spell Absorption ... a waste of a grand soul. I still like my Amulet of Shadows, though, which is the only piece of jewelry my current character is carrying besides the Necromancer's Amulet. :ph34r: It should prove very helpful when he soon begins the Thieves Guild questline! But I must say, the ring you pointed out is one fine piece of merchandise. :drool:
Thanks all for the responses!