Today I did much (Pax) Redoran but also the Redguard quest. It sure seems that Almsivi are testing my patience big time; clearly I haven't been fatefull enough lately. I had MAJOR trouble finding the kidnapped woman's man, that is...
I started at carefully searching the road from Khuul to the ruin. Found no-one. Then I thought, okay, I come back to search the guy once I have rescued his mistress from the ruin.
I used some stealth to safely get to the ruin area, so that Daedra or other powerful hostile beings couldn't detect me - there was a particular Storm Atronach I saw all the time and didn't want to go too close. Also, you know that normally the NPCs outside the ruins aren't hostile even though those inside are. Well, this one didn't seem to be any different - a Redguard healer. Didn't attack me. Perfectly normal. Nothing special on that. I didn't enter the ruin yet after all since I noticed an alternative passage. Went in through there.
I was pleasantly surprised to find myself a level above all the hostile NPCs. The Orc that spotted me first couldn't do anything and, thus getting extremely angry, being an Orc and all, he clearly couldn't help but go berzerk and - execute a suicide jump into lava. Okay...
There were two left, I guess. I got to an angle I could fire a surprise lighting spell to the other of the remaining Orcs. I had to levivate down soon enough to kill her though. It went pretty easily. The third Orc - IIRC - didn't even notice me during the battle. I was safe from the second Orc all the time standing on the pedestal of Molag Bal's statue so I didn't have to move. Once I had slayed the second I easily disposed of the third one as well. I randomly chose a way to continue and soon found myself in the Sunken Vaults.
So I thought the imprisoned woman was in the bottom. But no - there was only Luckily I saw him when I still had the high ground, so I approached carefully. Him being on a high level was a disadvantage for him in this case, since he noticed me when I was still far away of course showed his hostility. I avoided his Bonewalker summon (he didn't seem to have any ranged Destruction magic) and used many Greater Shockballs to finally kill him without being hit at all. Turned out there was a book in his lair I had never even seen before, and other pretty good stuff as well - mostly his Ebony/Daedric armor. And now that I checked UESPWiki I see he's on my house's to-kill list as well. Or was. I've done something beforehand now. Yeah... but couldn't find the woman from the bottom, either.
Getting back up to the actual shrine I noticed a key on the table. Thought of I had used an opening spell on the vault door for nothing, but then noticed the other locked door. And there she was in the back of the longish walkway. Now that I had found her it was a peace of cake to finish the quest, I thought. Boy was I wrong...
Voxxjin mentioned the woman could get stuck on the ruins, but miraculously she didn't. Everything else went horribly wrong though. Still searched and couldn't find the guy anywhere. I thought maybe the nearby Ashlander savages had taken him. Yes. That must've been it. Killed the two outside relatively easy and then stuffed myself into the local Ashkhan's tent. That battle was pretty odd. Neither of us did nearly any damage to each other. Luckily I had that hand-to-hand Redguard lady fighting next to me though. I finally disposed of the leader with arguably my best weapon, a self-made Absorb Health on Touch spell, which made much more impact than any of my melee weapons. (I.e. killed him instantly...) There was no black man in the tent, either, though, so the search went on.
He was absolutely nowhere on sight! Maybe in the nearby eggmine? Why would he go there? Except that the wifey had feared the Orc cultists at the shrine might get him as well - so maybe he went anywhere into hiding? Like in the eggmine. Went there. The woman got major stuck, of course, so reload, "Stay there!" and try again. I continued on - then I got attacked?! In the eggmine? By some random NPCs, that is! Whaa-? I actually ran back outside.

So clearly the missing husband wasn't in the Khuul - ruin axel, so I extended my search a bit. Still nothing. Only an area full of Nix-Hounds that attacked me. Those blighted ones were pretty bad. As I had decided with the eggmine, I decided the guy couldn't be further there in the Nix territory - "east of the ruin" couldn't mean that much to the east.
Went to a nearby ancestral tomb, again thinking the guy might've used it as a shelter from those sick n' twisted Orcs. Got attacked by some undead, of course. No-one there though, I started to think of giving up and looking from the UESPWiki. Just then I remembered something. It was so clear all along! I wanted to kick myself from not remembering it any sooner.
There was that Redguard healer guy just outside the ruin... So, I went back there. I had completely forgotten the Storm Atronach, who at my absence had moved to a more strategic place - clearly on purpose! :verymad: It ambushed me and I went HOLYJUMPINGMONKEYSDUDEICANTBEATIT! Actually I could though; it seems I underestimate Elvar's battle skills time and time again. It took one Exclusive Restore Health potion though.
After the Atronach the way was clear; I could already see the Redguard. He saw me as well - and... attacked?! Why wasn't I even surprised after all... I just thought, "Woah, okay, not your man, I presume?" and stroke him down after a bit of battling. Once the man had attacked me I realised right off the bat why he attacked me this time even though not originally - I was under a powerful Chameleon spell's effect the first time I spoke to him.
So, on to some more searching! :woot: Soooo phunny! Surprisingly without much more drama I decided to venture deeper into the aforementioned Nix-Hound-covered lands - and there he stood behind the bushes. I didn't even bother to quicksave anymore - it must've been him. And it was. as I'd been told! Voxxjin! :swear:
So, other than spending a day or two gametime (and basically an evening in real life) just searching for the girl and especially the guy, and getting attacked by a random Redguard guy, a Storm Atronach, folks from an ancestral tomb, some eggmine guys who were definitely not miners, and a lot of general wildlife, I got the quest done. Clearly it was so hard this time around because I haven't devoted enough time to serving the Tribunal. This was a sign, a warning. A punishment of sorts for my infidelity. And I shall heed thy will, my precious God-Kings, for the next time I'll pledge my no-life to You!
(And I'm glad to do so since otherwise I should get a heck of a lot of supplies to the Redoran-took stronghold Marandus. Just not for now. I even Marked the place just to help with my future encumbrance problems and iffy traveling connections to there, and sensing I'll still have to keep coming back there a lot. But I'm still not feeling good with buying them some hammers, shields, arrows and stuff. Some lighter Temple stuff all the way, yay!)
Phew, this one went on pretty long... o_O If you guys still have some ideas for cool quests, keep them coming! This Redguard one sure was entertaining... :facepalm:
'Redoran' and 'Redguard' seem to be faaaar too similar words for me to tell apart. :I