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should i get morrowind

Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:06 am
by Jacob Phillips
ok i have played a lot of oblivion and with skyrim coming soon i have been playing it again non stop so im wondoring if i should get theings to note are the fact that i play console and i dont know if my computer could run as i dont know how to fd it also ive heard its not that good on console so if people coulld point me in the right direction i would be very happy :celebration:
should i get morrowind

Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:42 pm
by vanuza
Is your computer a calculator from the middle ages? No? Chances are you'll be able to run Morrowind on pc.
Check the required specs, if you can run it, then I say definitely buy it. It's an amazing game with (I find) a lot more depth than Oblivion.
should i get morrowind

Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:27 am
by Connie Thomas
It will be good it you could post your PC specs, so we will be able to tell you if the game will run, but it should run on most computers, as Morrowind is 8 years old. I've heard that it may run "not so good" on X360.
About the game itself - you should read article, it will explain a lot of differencies between them.
If the things that you liked about Oblivion were exploration, quests, lore, then you should enjoy Morrowind very much. But if you liked voice acting, fact paced action or top-notch graphics, you ma be not to fond of Morrowind.
You should get it anyway, it is cheap nowdays, chances are that you will like it.
should i get morrowind

Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:25 pm
by Alba Casas
yeah its excellent.
with graphics/immersion mods, better than oblivion.
theres tonnes of guilds, some you may not even touch for years to come.
Ive played over 500 hours, I havent touched the main houses, thieves, DB, mage, shrine, vampire or imperial cult quests yet.
should i get morrowind

Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:00 pm
It will be good it you could post your PC specs, so we will be able to tell you if the game will run, but it should run on most computers, as Morrowind is 8 years old. I've heard that it may run "not so good" on X360.
About the game itself - you should read article, it will explain a lot of differencies between them.
If the things that you liked about Oblivion were exploration, quests, lore, then you should enjoy Morrowind very much. But if you liked voice acting, fact paced action or top-notch graphics, you ma be not to fond of Morrowind.
You should get it anyway, it is cheap nowdays, chances are that you will like it.
heres what i could find dont know if there specs or not
memory ram 2046 mb
procesor intel® pentium® dual cpu E2140 @ 1.60ghz 1.60 ghz
system type 32 bit opperating system
manufacturer hewlett-packard company
dont know how to find graphics card put i thing there are sites you can use to check
using windows vista
should i get morrowind

Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:34 pm
by I love YOu It should run, but don't expect high performance.
should i get morrowind

Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:12 pm
by Tyrone Haywood It should run, but don't expect high performance.
yup thats it do you thing with a better graphics card it could run well or is the procersor pretty sh*t as well
should i get morrowind

Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:59 pm
by Sammi Jones
ok i have played a lot of oblivion and with skyrim coming soon i have been playing it again non stop so im wondoring if i should get theings to note are the fact that i play console and i dont know if my computer could run as i dont know how to fd it also ive heard its not that good on console so if people coulld point me in the right direction i would be very happy :celebration:
It's okay on xbox especially if you get the GOTY Xbox Edition, but PC is obviously the way to go if you can.
Also, Oblivion is basically a giant tutorial for Morrowind. You will instantly recognize stuff, and the "new" mechanics will be easy to adjust too.
should i get morrowind

Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:58 pm
by Lauren Denman
yup thats it do you thing with a better graphics card it could run well or is the procersor pretty sh*t as well
The graphics card will be the biggest problem, but the rest of the system is best described as "just adequate". Changing the processor might make a minor improvement, but the whole system is somewhat dated. That's should still be enough to run the game at "average" settings, and allow you to load mods that the console version won't.
You should be able to run the standard game and expansions on that system with little or no trouble, but adding all sorts of high resolution graphics would probably make the system stutter and drop to a crawl (mainly due to the "cheap" onboard graphics chip and "shared graphics memory"). I'd still recommend the PC version, because you can still do quite a bit with mods that don't get graphically intensive, or with lower resolution versions of some graphical mods. A lot of other mods have little or no effect on frame rates and speed, so you can stick mainly to them. The ability to correct "glitches" with the console function on the PC version is also handy at times (for example, the "fixme" command is a gamesaver if your character gets stuck partially inside a rock or falls through the floor).
should i get morrowind

Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:30 pm
by Jason Wolf
Yes i should

I advice getting better bodies mod,head replacers and better clothes.
Allso patch up the game to latest patch.
Thats about it of the necessities.