A Journey In Morrowind

Hello There
I made a thread yesterday, about what I should do from a certain point of my newly created Nord in my newly reinstalled Vanilla Morrowind. Someone told me to travel the coastline, either way, just explore, choose a random way, and just see were it takes you. So I decided to go with that, thanks for the advice, Iv'e made a descision now, and I'm on my way :wavey:
As of that, I decided to tell you guys of my new travels, make some updates here as I go. I don't promise to regularly update the thread each day, but I will try, depends on how long the interrest stays. So here we go, the first diary entry...
January 2nd, 2010:
Entry 1.
Starting in Seyda Neen as a Male Nord, I chose a cross between Medium/Heavy armor, Long Blade and Block, and the magical schools of Restoration, Mysticism and Enchanting, just to not have my character ending up as a complete barbarian. As I always used to do back in the days, I chose The Tower, as my birthsign.
After a hectic 15min choosing my skills and such, with the feeling of fear that the game would crash, which I remembered it did many times upon character creation, I went on to the next room. As always, I take all that is to take, even down in the basemant, every bucket, every knife, open the locked chest and take the 31 septims, everything. Then, It's of to hear of my duties and get the packages, after, out the door, save as fast as hell before the CTD gets me... after that, I always feel safe... Hectic minutes creating your character, atleast for me.
Next thing to do, get the axe in the stump, aswell as the coins nearby, then It's of to Mr. Falling From The Skies From My Own Failed Scrolls guy... rid of the corpse, take he's stuff (Always use he's sword in the start). Then It's of to the treestump nearby, get the dagger and the coins. After that It's of to Vit's scene and steal he's clothes, aswell as the tax records. Back at the Census Offices's I lied about finding 200 septims on Vit's body, and go of killing the murderer and still get my 500 in reward. After killing the murderer I always used to sleep in he's house until an Assasin appears, no difference this time, after a horrid bloodbath, I kib everything in the house and go of for my reward.
Next thing to do is to break into Fargoth's place, never used to do that. After some tries with my lockpick, I got inside, kibbed everything except the candle on the table, I need light... I slept for a night and was woken by another Assasin, those irritating bastards. After another bloodbath it was of to see my fellow nord at the tavern and fool around with Fargoth. Waiting until 11pm, I went up the lighthouse, stealing what's on the top of the stairway of course, outside on the top, I can see that irritating bastard trying to stealth he's way to the treestump with he's awesomely NOT good stealth skills... guards going pass him, people greeting him... Anyways, kibbed the stuff, got the Nord he's stuff, went downstairs, sold whatever stuff I didn't need, aswell as the Assasin's armors.
Usualy, I'm done in Seyda Neen after all that, and no difference this time, I went to Balmora. When there... All Your Crates Are Belong To Me!!! I roam the cities crates/urns/chests etc, and sell the goods, for then to get myself a bonemold set of armor. I also delivered the package for Caius. Usualy, I go to the Fighter's Guild after this, but have now decided to go either way, on a freelance across the land, but what way?
It Didn't take long until I decided to go southwest down the river, I kept on the right side downwards because I decided to go up north when I reached the coastline. Some hundred meters down the river I reach http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk225/Zanctillia/A%20Journey%20In%20Morrowind/ScreenShot1.jpg?t=1293988667 around a fire which they had set up themselves. I chose not to venture inside the mine because I wouldn't ruin any Fighter's Guild quests involving egg poachers that I would like to do later...
I kept on going southwest along the river, giving http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk225/Zanctillia/A%20Journey%20In%20Morrowind/ScreenShot2.jpg?t=1293988774 that goes over the river a look, Morrowind has some nice views... When I reached the coastline I caught look on http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk225/Zanctillia/A%20Journey%20In%20Morrowind/ScreenShot3.jpg?t=1293988817 on the other side of the river, I should investigate. There was not much inside the captains cabin, nor on the first floor, but downstairs, on the first level, I found http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk225/Zanctillia/A%20Journey%20In%20Morrowind/ScreenShot5.jpg?t=1293988994, a chest with some diamonds and some crates with... Ash Statues... Hmmm?
When outside again, I'm on the south side of the shipwreck, I found http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk225/Zanctillia/A%20Journey%20In%20Morrowind/ScreenShot6.jpg?t=1293989222, the chest contained a Silver Longsword, quite a catch, I love those swords.
I looked down south along the coast towards Seyda Neen, maybe I should go south and see what's there, hit Seyda Neen before I go north again?
Too be continued...
I made a thread yesterday, about what I should do from a certain point of my newly created Nord in my newly reinstalled Vanilla Morrowind. Someone told me to travel the coastline, either way, just explore, choose a random way, and just see were it takes you. So I decided to go with that, thanks for the advice, Iv'e made a descision now, and I'm on my way :wavey:
As of that, I decided to tell you guys of my new travels, make some updates here as I go. I don't promise to regularly update the thread each day, but I will try, depends on how long the interrest stays. So here we go, the first diary entry...
January 2nd, 2010:
Entry 1.
Starting in Seyda Neen as a Male Nord, I chose a cross between Medium/Heavy armor, Long Blade and Block, and the magical schools of Restoration, Mysticism and Enchanting, just to not have my character ending up as a complete barbarian. As I always used to do back in the days, I chose The Tower, as my birthsign.
After a hectic 15min choosing my skills and such, with the feeling of fear that the game would crash, which I remembered it did many times upon character creation, I went on to the next room. As always, I take all that is to take, even down in the basemant, every bucket, every knife, open the locked chest and take the 31 septims, everything. Then, It's of to hear of my duties and get the packages, after, out the door, save as fast as hell before the CTD gets me... after that, I always feel safe... Hectic minutes creating your character, atleast for me.
Next thing to do, get the axe in the stump, aswell as the coins nearby, then It's of to Mr. Falling From The Skies From My Own Failed Scrolls guy... rid of the corpse, take he's stuff (Always use he's sword in the start). Then It's of to the treestump nearby, get the dagger and the coins. After that It's of to Vit's scene and steal he's clothes, aswell as the tax records. Back at the Census Offices's I lied about finding 200 septims on Vit's body, and go of killing the murderer and still get my 500 in reward. After killing the murderer I always used to sleep in he's house until an Assasin appears, no difference this time, after a horrid bloodbath, I kib everything in the house and go of for my reward.
Next thing to do is to break into Fargoth's place, never used to do that. After some tries with my lockpick, I got inside, kibbed everything except the candle on the table, I need light... I slept for a night and was woken by another Assasin, those irritating bastards. After another bloodbath it was of to see my fellow nord at the tavern and fool around with Fargoth. Waiting until 11pm, I went up the lighthouse, stealing what's on the top of the stairway of course, outside on the top, I can see that irritating bastard trying to stealth he's way to the treestump with he's awesomely NOT good stealth skills... guards going pass him, people greeting him... Anyways, kibbed the stuff, got the Nord he's stuff, went downstairs, sold whatever stuff I didn't need, aswell as the Assasin's armors.
Usualy, I'm done in Seyda Neen after all that, and no difference this time, I went to Balmora. When there... All Your Crates Are Belong To Me!!! I roam the cities crates/urns/chests etc, and sell the goods, for then to get myself a bonemold set of armor. I also delivered the package for Caius. Usualy, I go to the Fighter's Guild after this, but have now decided to go either way, on a freelance across the land, but what way?
It Didn't take long until I decided to go southwest down the river, I kept on the right side downwards because I decided to go up north when I reached the coastline. Some hundred meters down the river I reach http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk225/Zanctillia/A%20Journey%20In%20Morrowind/ScreenShot1.jpg?t=1293988667 around a fire which they had set up themselves. I chose not to venture inside the mine because I wouldn't ruin any Fighter's Guild quests involving egg poachers that I would like to do later...
I kept on going southwest along the river, giving http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk225/Zanctillia/A%20Journey%20In%20Morrowind/ScreenShot2.jpg?t=1293988774 that goes over the river a look, Morrowind has some nice views... When I reached the coastline I caught look on http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk225/Zanctillia/A%20Journey%20In%20Morrowind/ScreenShot3.jpg?t=1293988817 on the other side of the river, I should investigate. There was not much inside the captains cabin, nor on the first floor, but downstairs, on the first level, I found http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk225/Zanctillia/A%20Journey%20In%20Morrowind/ScreenShot5.jpg?t=1293988994, a chest with some diamonds and some crates with... Ash Statues... Hmmm?
When outside again, I'm on the south side of the shipwreck, I found http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk225/Zanctillia/A%20Journey%20In%20Morrowind/ScreenShot6.jpg?t=1293989222, the chest contained a Silver Longsword, quite a catch, I love those swords.
I looked down south along the coast towards Seyda Neen, maybe I should go south and see what's there, hit Seyda Neen before I go north again?
Too be continued...