I won't change any NPCs or NPCs' dialogue, but as ISGC already said I will have to relocate most of the NPCs on the exteriors. Just tested canyon in CS and it's so huge, I even had to remove mountains in that area. I took the complete city of Ald' Rhun and moved it up and away in the sky into another cell besides the canyon, so I can relocate door markers and such piece by piece.
Question,: What happens to door markers when you move them into another cell, different from their original teleport place, do they update automatically or is my mod already buggy cause I did so?!

@ISGC: My mod ressource "Unique Places" is already done about 80%, I could release it any day as a pure ressource and in about some weeks I could make it a playable plugin though. So there is no worries it won't get finished. If someone utterly needs a special mesh of it to continue a mod, he may contact me any time and I may send him the required meshes!!!

As I was always working on several projects simultanious in the past, this is business as usual for me, Lol!!!

TheDaywalker :rock: