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Why doesn't Feather Ability work

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:23 pm
by Monika Krzyzak
I have not succeded in making an ability with feather.
If I make the feather ability and use AddSpell to get it I have my amount of feather subtracted from both current encumbrance and total encumbrance.
If I make CE feather spell it works like a charm. It subtracts only from current encumbrance.
Please tell me if this a game bug.

Why doesn't Feather Ability work

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:50 am
by Sarah MacLeod
I have not succeded in making an ability with feather.
If I make the feather ability and use AddSpell to get it I have my amount of feather subtracted from both current encumbrance and total encumbrance.
If I make CE feather spell it works like a charm. It subtracts only from current encumbrance.
Please tell me if this a game bug.

It's a bug, all right. Aside from using a "Drain Strength 100 Points on Self" spell to fix it, I don't know what can be done CS-side to correct it.