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Is Tamriel Rebuilt worthwhile at this point?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:53 pm
by Mariaa EM.

I've recently returned to Morrowind with the intention of exploring mods this time.

Though I've only recently begun using mods, I've looked at different mods for a very long time.

I know Tamriel Rebuilt has been going on for years, when I last played the entire mainland wasn't even complete yet, now it is.

But I'm wondering Tamriel Built is really everything it's trying to be, does it create a large expansion of equal or at least close quality to the rest of the game? Or is it really just a very boring large landmass with very little content?

Tldr; is it good?

Is Tamriel Rebuilt worthwhile at this point?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:35 pm
by Madeleine Rose Walsh

I'd like to know, too.

Last I played was Telvanni Map 1 and 2 almost ten years ago. Looked cool, but there was no quests or other content.

I plan my next character to explore mainland Morrowind even if it's just sight seeing, though.

Is Tamriel Rebuilt worthwhile at this point?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:06 pm
by Robert Garcia

According to the FAQ, the current release consists of the TR_Mainland, which is roughly the eastern third of the mainland, north-east of Almalexia/Mournhold. This part is "fully interiorised, NPC'd, and quest-filled", whereas the TR_Preview has the rest of the mainland "in various states of completion". Which I believe means it is mostly devoid of actual playable content. But much of it is already very pretty to look at.

Is Tamriel Rebuilt worthwhile at this point?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:04 pm
by Rebecca Clare Smith

The current TR is indeed worth playing and there are so much stuff added since my first gameplay in TR 1.2.

Highly recommended and to some people it's even a must have mod at least if a player wants to have a landmass mod then it's TR.