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What are "alt files" and "icon" folder?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:38 am
by BaNK.RoLL

I am trying to use a mod called "Solstheim Tomb of the Snow Prince" and it stated to install from the readme and the download location:

"Copy the WL_SolstheimOverhaul_V?.esm, meshes and textures into the data files

folder in your morrowind directory. Then open the Morrowind launcher,
head to "data files" and select the .esm."

But when looking, there is also a folder called "Alt Files" with a .txt stating:

"the first alt is the original black texture, the second is a slightly blue variation of the new texture."

and two .dds files.

There is also an "icons" folder, with some folders in it labeled "m" "n" and "WL" and they all have .dds files in them, save for the "WL" folder which has a "N" folder in it, and then .dds files

I cannot find any reference as to what these are for in the readme or the page here for the mod:

Does anyone have any idea if I should be moving those folders into the data files as well ? And if so, are the alt files supposed to be "one or the other"?