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How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 2:59 pm
by Rinceoir
well ive goten almost all the achievments all i have left relaly is karma related
so im wondiering how it can be done that i stay fully evil at all times so blowing up megaton letting ferals run free at tenpenny
that will basically eliminate my shops and any repsawning wastelanders
if i kill people at rivet city there goes another shop area same goes for underworld
so how do i make and keep an evil character from level 2 - 30 (level 1 never happens)
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:25 pm
by Chloe Botham
I think a lot of quests have meanie conversation choices and stuff you can always make the dialog choice that sounds mean.
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:49 am
by Hella Beast
1. As an evil character you don't have to kill everybody, by leveling up sneak you steal things, which gives negative karma and means you still have access to vendors and such.
2. You can join the slavers.
3. I think you also get negative karma for killing the ghouls.
4. Even if your evil you don't have to do evil things constantly, just enough to cancel out the good and keep you evil in terms of karma.
Personally I get the quest to DEFUSE the bomb the moment I get into Megaton, then I go to Burke and get the quest to DETONATE the bomb, because I talked to Simms first I can say simms promised me more money than Burke, and get more money. With the pulse detonator in your inventory you can wait on detonating the bomb until you are ready. I also suggest to the wasteland survival guide a bit, then talk Moira out of it because you get the
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:28 am
by Chris BEvan
1. As an evil character you don't have to kill everybody, by leveling up sneak you steal things, which gives negative karma and means you still have access to vendors and such.
2. You can join the slavers.
3. I think you also get negative karma for killing the ghouls.
4. Even if your evil you don't have to do evil things constantly, just enough to cancel out the good and keep you evil in terms of karma.
Personally I get the quest to DEFUSE the bomb the moment I get into Megaton, then I go to Burke and get the quest to DETONATE the bomb, because I talked to Simms first I can say simms promised me more money than Burke, and get more money. With the pulse detonator in your inventory you can wait on detonating the bomb until you are ready. I also suggest to the wasteland survival guide a bit, then talk Moira out of it because you get the
i took the dream crusher too early i missed out on the molerat obliterating stick from

bliviongate: and the thing that makes food sanitary to eat .... this play through but ive been geting ull goodkarma longest i was max evil was maybe hours untill i got fingers and sold them
(my regulator HQ keeps getting a tatcked by stuff i swear a sentry bot lives inside teh palce cuz every time im there theres a hostile sentry bot
all the regulator buddies are dead and the finger buyer went missing i found them outside the hut (she wont run too far away will she id hate to have to scour teh wasteland just to sell a couple fingers (like 57)
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:13 am
by louise hamilton
(my regulator HQ keeps getting a tatcked by stuff i swear a sentry bot lives inside teh palce cuz every time im there theres a hostile sentry bot
all the regulator buddies are dead and the finger buyer went missing i found them outside the hut (she wont run too far away will she id hate to have to scour teh wasteland just to sell a couple fingers (like 57)
If the Sentry Bot followed you inside, it will keep respawning inside there. Sonora Cruz could run pretty far away and if she's stuck in "flee" mode you'll be unable to sell fingers to her.
As for playing evil, never ever sell fingers to Sonora. You get good karma for that and it ruins your evil rep. If you must sell body parts, take the Contract Killer perk and sell ears to Daniel Littlehorn.
Go kill Three Dog too. Everyone should do that at least five or six times. You get bonus points for creativity.
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:59 pm
by Bird
well ive goten almost all the achievments all i have left relaly is karma related
so im wondiering how it can be done that i stay fully evil at all times so blowing up megaton letting ferals run free at tenpenny
that will basically eliminate my shops and any repsawning wastelanders
if i kill people at rivet city there goes another shop area same goes for underworld
so how do i make and keep an evil character from level 2 - 30 (level 1 never happens)
Like you said, Blow megaton the [censored] up. As for tenpenny tower, rather than let the ghouls take it over. Go the diplomatic route, and when I say diplomatic I mean kill all the residents that you're supposed to "convince" that way you get negative karma AND you keep 2 shops in the tower. Hmm for rivet city you could always kill the junkie (give him psycho) and hand A321's ass over to Zimmer (I'd suggest you telling him who he is first in order to get the gun) but that gives you good karma so it balances out when you sell him out. You can also tell Sister Mei Wong is a runaway slave. And speaking of slaves...actually I don't want to continue unless you want me to. I can tell you tons of ways to stay evil. I am an evil bastard.
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:59 am
by Alessandra Botham
My evil characters never blow up Megaton. Central location, bigger house, what's not to like? I can get bad karma right off the bat at level two, by going to Springvale and offing Silver. I steal all her stuff too. Done. All then I have to do, is maintain that level.
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:28 pm
by Tracey Duncan
My evil characters never blow up Megaton. Central location, bigger house, what's not to like? I can get bad karma right off the bat at level two, by going to Springvale and offing Silver. I steal all her stuff too. Done. All then I have to do, is maintain that level.
True. But you should do it at least once to see the event. It's breathtaking, and Tenpenny is hilarious. But yeah after discovering my Suite was 1/4 the size of the Megaton house. I'll never blowup Megaton again. Although I do have a save situated right before I detonate the nuke so I can watch it whenever.
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:59 am
by Teghan Harris
If i remember correctly most places will stay hostile for only 3 in game days if you do something illegal, Paradise Falls is the only one i know of that will always stay hostile after starting a fight.
So two ways to easily maintain evil karma would be to kill the nameless people in places such as rivet city guards, megaton settelers, and tenpenny residents im not sure if they respawn but they most likely don't have anything like quests attached to them.
Also get slaves for Paradise Falls, talk to Grouse to get a slave collar and a special taser type weapon, it'll make you evil even if you enslave raiders and will get you a good amount of caps.
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:46 am
by Charleigh Anderson
True. But you should do it at least once to see the event. It's breathtaking, and Tenpenny is hilarious. But yeah after discovering my Suite was 1/4 the size of the Megaton house. I'll never blowup Megaton again. Although I do have a save situated right before I detonate the nuke so I can watch it whenever.
This is my ummm.... tenth full-game character. :blush: The explosion is especially beautiful at night.
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 2:43 pm
by Helen Quill
This is my ummm.... tenth full-game character. :blush: The explosion is especially beautiful at night.
Haha you sound like me, although I don't think I've hit 10 maybe 7th or 8th lol. Isn't it! I thought I was the only one that appreciated that serene beauty. Well Me, Burke, and Tenpenny...who was plum tuckered out after such an event. That gets me every time.
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:02 am
by Cat Haines
Haha you sound like me, although I don't think I've hit 10 maybe 7th or 8th lol. Isn't it! I thought I was the only one that appreciated that serene beauty. Well Me, Burke, and Tenpenny...who was plum tuckered out after such an event. That gets me every time.
The 1st time i did blow up megaton and tenpenny said "too bad we dont have another nuke to detonate" I was like what are you talking about we have an infinite supply of nukes and i reloaded the save prior to pressing the button ^.^
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:19 am
by Alba Casas
well ive goten almost all the achievments all i have left relaly is karma related
so im wondiering how it can be done that i stay fully evil at all times so blowing up megaton letting ferals run free at tenpenny
that will basically eliminate my shops and any repsawning wastelanders
if i kill people at rivet city there goes another shop area same goes for underworld
so how do i make and keep an evil character from level 2 - 30 (level 1 never happens)
you came to the right guy, as i am 275hrs. into my second playthrough and have been very evil since day1. first off, get a hold of the 'Mesmetron' as soon as you can, it works great on raiders and you will still suffer the karma loss. secondly, you know those 4 Brotherhood members that roam outside the Citidel? well they respawn every 3 days(game days) and are the perfect fodder for you to just unload all your rage and hatred upon them(also it does not hurt that you loot them for 2 missle launchers, and 2 gatling and/or miniguns as well) you would be surprised at how easy it is to keep your karma at the bottom level of hell just by doing these 2 things on a regular basis.
"With blood and rage of crimson red, ripped from a corpse so freshly dead, together with my hellish hate, i'll burn you ALL--that is your fate!" :flame:
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:07 pm
by stevie trent
Steal everything, EVERYTHING. Mezz people, kill random innocent people! It's all good.
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:59 pm
by christelle047
Steal everything, EVERYTHING. Mezz people, kill random innocent people! It's all good.
You mean its all bad. :wink_smile:
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:29 am
by Jesus Sanchez
You mean its all bad. :wink_smile:
Oh and Epic I know the feeling,I blew Megaton up so many times after I first witnessed it that I was "plum tuckered out" myself :chaos:
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:13 am
by Nicole Mark
The best way to stay evil is get the Mesmetron, and keep it available. When your karma rises to Neutral, go into a raider stronghold (the Super Duper Mart's good) and enslave yourself a raider, and toodle him off to Paradiose Falls. Your karma drops, and you get 250 caps and a new collar. And you're enslaving scumbags, so you don't feel as bad about is as you would about Bryan, Bumble, or the occasional hapless wastelander.
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:01 pm
by anna ley
The best way to stay evil is get the Mesmetron, and keep it available. When your karma rises to Neutral, go into a raider stronghold (the Super Duper Mart's good) and enslave yourself a raider, and toodle him off to Paradiose Falls. Your karma drops, and you get 250 caps and a new collar. And you're enslaving scumbags, so you don't feel as bad about is as you would about Bryan, Bumble, or the occasional hapless wastelander.
I tried to enslave multiple raiders and they won't having it. I think my Mesmetron is brokeded. Yes brokeded.
How do you play a fully evil character ?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:09 am
by Chica Cheve
When I go evil (my current playthrough), I rob, lie, and cheat all.
If it doesn't benefit me in any way, I turn hostile.