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Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:21 am
by Astargoth Rockin' Design
Im using FakePatch and UOP3 with the RMT plugin and I get a crash after choosing my level 21 perk. Could this be a bug for not using 1.5? and if its a problem with my saved game is there any console command to just let me to reset all my levels so i could try leveling up all over again?

Thanks, this is getting really frustrating.

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:17 am
by Céline Rémy
Can I use this with 1.4 or do I have to use v1.0.0.15 ? (to make broken steel work)

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:50 pm
by Albert Wesker
Yes. you can

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:23 pm
by Jason Rice
JustinOther your PM's are full... Anyway what I was going to send you:

Could you please clarify on the Fake Patch's post they you need to add BSA's from ANY mods to the SArchiveList, people seem to skip over it since it is under "DLC compatibility". I'm suffering a major case of rage having to answer and explain all the time why UF3P is causing red diamonds and how to fix it...

Also I've released a seperate from Little Boy just for the v1.0 users (requires no installation)! Virtually identical to the one in Little Boy except it does have a 256 character limit warning.

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:40 pm
by john palmer
Ok, I felt like I was not being useful, seeing how I can play the game with 1.5 and all that. Well, I went back, copied 1.015 and loaded up the fake patch in my game and went in via FOSE and it worked fine, the ONLY problem is that the water near purity is radioactive but otherwise it all seems to be allright.

My advice is wait if you can, if you cant then install 1.5, "finish" the game and then go for the fake patch.

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:45 am
by Sheila Reyes
OK! Got it to work. It was a problem with mods. Disabled all of them and it worked fine.

Way to really shove it to the modding community huh..?

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:41 pm
by koumba
How is water radioactivity controlled? I'm not talking about drinking, I'm talking about immersion in the water. I heard that it's through a global, but I haven't found it.

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:12 am
by NAtIVe GOddess
i BELIEVE it's v12 interior.esp but i honestly can't remember for the life of me what mod that is and i can't seem to find it anywhere.

It is indeed The Club House-- but the modder's resource ESP (just the interiors, if you wanted to use/modify them for another house), which you aren't supposed to be using in a playable game (since it's not particularly playable, being only the interiors). The playable ESPs are called "The Club House at (whichever of the three locations that ESP is)".

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:43 am
I just found another problem....Missing pieces of the Olney Powerworks

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:16 am
by Oscar Vazquez
well after a few hours i found the two mods that were killing my game

Both of these mods will cause broken steel to crash when it tries to load after finishing the main quest line

level up works just fine with them. & Fake Patch. Going to go get all my stuff out of those places and then go start broken steel and see what happens if i activate them after i get broken steel to load.

It is indeed The Club House-- but the modder's resource ESP (just the interiors, if you wanted to use/modify them for another house), which you aren't supposed to be using in a playable game (since it's not particularly playable, being only the interiors). The playable ESPs are called "The Club House at (whichever of the three locations that ESP is)".

well the game loads with the 'v12 interior.esp' loaded but with 'The Club House at Megaton.esp' loaded the game crashes. really svcks because i love this mod.

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:56 pm
by louise fortin
Heck, I'd be happy with a statement that said there are no plans for patches beyond the currently released v1.5 and to 'deal with it.'
Undesired answers are better than no answers, imoho.

We have all been turned into seriously disorganized beta testers, against our will. :sad:

They have posted and recognized that mod breaking is a bug and they're working on it. Can't remember where I found it, but linked it to a friend in Trillian, I'll dig through my logs later and find it when I get a chance.
I just found another problem....Missing pieces of the Olney Powerworks

Didn't happen for me. I couldn't level the entire time, but I was able to finish Broken Steel in it's entirety a little while ago. Pretty good all in all, little longer than the Pitt, but not by a huge margin. Overall it's a little underwhelming though. The new perks are mostly uninteresting, the new guns have high cool factor, but lack as much punch as you'd expect. The Incinerator seems far more useful in the hands of the Enclave than yours, and the Tesla Cannon is basically a flashier version of the Gauss Rifle with different ammo usage and no scope. The weapon I actually liked the most was the Slo-Burn Flamer. (Which, ironically, CHEWS through ammo, but does insane dmg)

And the final choice at the end looks awesome, like you have 5 options, but it's just pulling the wool over your eyes, you have two. Lame. =( Now to reinstall and get my game working back to normal, hopefully figure out why the level cap wouldn't go up, and just run Broken Steel for the new enemies/levels. Oh, on that subject, you not once run into an Overlord, you're never even near Mutants in the BS story. You do run into Ravagers though, and goddam they are mean. Throw radiation blob grenades or some such.

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:45 am
by Claire Vaux
Fake Patch for the win!!!

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:49 am
by Natalie Taylor
Fake Patch for the win!!!

Truer words, have never been spoken.

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:31 pm
by Angel Torres
One question, I have OA and Broken Steel, can I get them to run with Fake Patch? I notice that it says to edit the Fallout3.ini, is that all I have to do?

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:14 am
by Charlie Ramsden
One question, I have OA and Broken Steel, can I get them to run with Fake Patch? I notice that it says to edit the Fallout3.ini, is that all I have to do?

Yeah, I'd have downloaded BS by now, but I don't want to have to install 1.5. Can I play it with Fake patch? Will it work without any problems etc.?

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:02 am
by leni
[censored] [censored]

i finally get the game to work and now if i quick save the game crashes and it crashes when i try to enter the rotunda. what the [censored].

[censored] bethesda.


After spending almost 6 hours going through every mod to get it working i finally figured out what two mods were breaking broken steel from loading.

So i loaded up an holder save game, got all my stuff out of those two houses, and then went to go do the final missions.

I get into the memorial, save, and then exit and turn on the water fix. THEN the game crashes if i open a door or try to save
IT ALSO screws up ANY save game that i load with it and makes that save game crash even if i disable the mod, so now i have to back from the start of the quest for the 4th time. WTF IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:19 am
by Milad Hajipour
They released trash.

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:29 am
by gandalf
Question, how should my sarchivelist look like with Broken Steel, Operation Anchorage, AND the Pitt all installed?

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:16 am
by Ernesto Salinas
so i followed the instructions and now i can get broken steel to load but the game crashes when saving.

Auto, quick or regular save it instantly crashes when the water fix is enabled. and it destroys any save game that it was enabled in so you can never save again.

wtf is going on

*edit* 45 save game files are corrupted now because of the water fix. it kills every single save game file i have once i leave the citadel. even old ones from before i even started the last quest

and this is with the water fix DISABLED. Once the fix is enabled, broken steel will load, but you can't save the game, and once it's disabled, i still can't save or it crashes.

justin, what the [censored] man? what's going on here?

*edit #2*
disabled all mods and now it works. so apparently i have to go mod, by mod, by mod.... AGAIN to figure out whats screwing this up.

if anyones got any ideas of what mods will screw up saving with broken steel please let me know cause i'm about to spend another 6 hours doing this all over again.

*edit 3*
found what mod was screwing it up:
which includes this warning:
"WARNING: This plugin has the file extension .esp, but its file header marks it as an esm!"

i'm assuming that is what killed the save game files. Hell i can't even remember what this mod is, but yea it was killing the water fix. now maybe i can finally go play broken steel after like 10 hours.

*edit 4*
well that just figures. literally right after i posted this after checking 10 save files and making sure everything works, i go back in and it breaks again. now i can't save again. well thats that, not posting back here until i get this to work and actually manage to finish broken steel because apparently i just screw myself over everytime i find a breakthrough and tell you guys.

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:23 pm
Question, how should my sarchivelist look like with Broken Steel, Operation Anchorage, AND the Pitt all installed?

i just tacked the renamed dlc bsa's on the end of it (putting pitt before anchorage, though incase I get the ammo press bug, and Broken steel stuff last).

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:13 pm
by Del Arte
They released trash.

That sound you hear, is nobody caring about your opinion.

Protip: Troll GameFAQs, they actually fall for that kind of garbage.

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:12 am
by Fluffer
I'm having a problem with VATS not working now, as in all body parts/weapon/projectile has a 0% chance to hit all the time. Is there a quick fix for this? Do I have to have the patch right before 1.5 installed?

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:42 pm
by Naazhe Perezz
I'm having a problem with VATS not working now, as in all body parts/weapon/projectile has a 0% chance to hit all the time. Is there a quick fix for this? Do I have to have the patch right before 1.5 installed?

maybe I understood you wrong.... but if you have - or want- v1.5, there's no reason for you to have the Fake Patch.

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:07 pm
by Steven Hardman
Probably misunderstood me. I meant do I have to have the v1.4.0.6 patch installed??? I would definitely just go for the v1.5 patch as I don't think it was actually causing me any problems before (I just reinstalled so I could troubleshoot my problems). It seems though that my problems go far beyond 1.5 borking everything... I have reason to suspect that it's a case by case issue and I usually don't get hit with problems via patch...

Fake Patch (Thread #3, for real)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:11 am
by Matthew Aaron Evans
Probably misunderstood me. I meant do I have to have the v1.4.0.6 patch installed??? I would definitely just go for the v1.5 patch as I don't think it was actually causing me any problems before (I just reinstalled so I could troubleshoot my problems). It seems though that my problems go far beyond 1.5 borking everything... I have reason to suspect that it's a case by case issue and I usually don't get hit with problems via patch...

Fakepatch is more suited for the patch...