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Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:44 pm
by Steeeph
There is samurai armor...who is wearing it?
what about Abe Lincoln? (i'm so going to bring his rifle on board in case he is there...)
What about the Hubologists?
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:22 pm
by CHangohh BOyy
There is samurai armor...who is wearing it?
what about Abe Lincoln? (i'm so going to bring his rifle on board in case he is there...)
What about the Hubologists?
They either blow up or don't get any fuel at the end of Fallout 2.
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:10 pm
by Cat
I say Nikola Tesla.
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:20 pm
by Danny Blight
President Reagan! Or, maybe the President during the 2070s.
lol, i'm really hoping it will be the Vault Dweller from FO1, especially since it's a huge possibility because they say he was taken by the sky spirits.
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:09 pm
by Irmacuba
ooooohhhh thats a good one. Think he would be good with energy weapons? maybe repairs...oh he would definetely have some science skills...
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:08 pm
by Hayley Bristow
Oh god yes please. *hero-worships*
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:32 pm
by Dewayne Quattlebaum
There is samurai armor...who is wearing it?
what about Abe Lincoln? (i'm so going to bring his rifle on board in case he is there...)
What about the Hubologists?
LOL Yeah the Hubologists would be great !
I hope so much that they've put them in. That would be uber ironic. :clap:
Maybe their spaceship worked afterall ?
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:54 pm
by renee Duhamel
Oh god yes please. *hero-worships*
Tesla won't appear - there won't be any real-world historical characters.
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:07 pm
by Dan Scott
Actually OT, but do you think Mothership Zeta will come with a new set of music ? (The background music, not the radio)
The wasteland tunes will definitely not fit the space ship environment and that tune from the trailer is pretty cool.
I hope it was not just added for the trailer.
Im using the classic Fallout music mod but of course these wont fit the space ship either.
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:08 pm
by Portions
Cavemen. The aliens have been watching Earth for a long time, so why not since the dawn of civilization?
After all, they say "Earth's past", not "Fallout's past".
At the very least, maybe some ancient Egyptians. I mean, Chariots of the Gods* is a load of crap, but it works in a Science-fiction setting.
Spoiler This is where the "aliens built the pyramids!" thing comes from. In truth, the book's author, Erich von D?niken simply didn't do any research. The pyramids were built by thousands of slaves, and were designed by Imhotep by stacking several mastabas on top of each other, and this design was refined over time.
The more you know, cue shooting star.
Not Goa'ulds
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:47 pm
by Trevi
The trailer pretty much confirms there will be people from throughout history with the cowboy thing... based on this it could be anyone from Fallout history, from any time... think the President at the time of the war, or the head of China...
Sadly though, I bet Ausir is right and it is just random people.
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:40 pm
by Nick Swan
LOL Yeah the Hubologists would be great !
I hope so much that they've put them in. That would be uber ironic. :clap:
Maybe their spaceship worked afterall ?
Why couldn't it have worked? Sopposedly all they needed was the "right" kind of fuel...
(not the kind that makes their rocket ship go boom, but vroom)
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:40 am
by Julia Schwalbe
I just realized the hubologists would indeed be awesome... even a mention of them would be awesome.
Also, the guy who mentions aliens in Redding... forget his name.
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:01 pm
by Alexis Acevedo
Maybe they've even managed to convert some of the aliens to their strange religion.
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:16 pm
by Bedford White
Frank Horrigan's Skeleton and power armor. Sure, he got
, but i'm sure Alien Epoxy could repair the skeleton. or maybe there could be the Vault 13 jumpsuit?
Characters in Fallout Lore We Could See in Mothership Zeta

Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:21 pm
by Susan Elizabeth
Frank Horrigan's Skeleton and power armor. Sure, he got
, but i'm sure Alien Epoxy could repair the skeleton. or maybe there could be the Vault 13 jumpsuit?
Well, unless they can scavenge his torso from an sunk oil rig deeeep in the pacific ocean, then yes, it could happen

And V13 jumpsuit would be cool.