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Which faction can fully restore the Capitol Wasteland?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:49 am
by Alisha Clarke
In my opinion, in order for humanity to TRULY rebuild, ALL factions would have to band together and pull their resources together and stop trying to kill each other................on the other hand, that wouldnt be much of a game now would it?? :P

Which faction can fully restore the Capitol Wasteland?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:48 pm
by Rozlyn Robinson
While the world is doomed, the Capital Wasteland has a fairly good chance to succeed in restoring itself if the Lone Wanderer is good. This is because of several factors.

+The Water Purifier will allow for increased population as people aren't dieing from rads as often. This will also lead to more skilled people being present and also more skills to be had as the general knowledge available increases due to longer lifespans.

+If you increase Herbert's growth then the land may be terraformed in a few centuries creating a very valuable amount of resources for the people of the wastes to tap into by creating a larger and more expansive ecosystem.

+The Lone Wanderer being as dangerous as /she is, has probably come into conflict with Talon Company, Slavers, Raiders, and Super Mutants. While s/he may have not destroyed them, the sheer amount he has killed by endgame will have weakened them. This will provide the variety of factions they prey on time to grow, making it harder for them to being raided. In turn this lets them preserve more resources, which increases further growth until finally these destructive factions are but nuisances.

As you can see the Lone Wanderer is an amazing factor in the restoration of the Wasteland. Any faction s/he joins will have decisive advantage in becoming the founder of some new Capital Wasteland government. Hell if the LW wanderer has connections with whoever is running the Pitt, they may just create a state somewhat like the NCR.

Which faction can fully restore the Capitol Wasteland?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:28 pm
by Chantelle Walker
None. They're all nimrods.

Which faction can fully restore the Capitol Wasteland?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:08 am
by Ross
Oops, sorry double post. :D

Which faction can fully restore the Capitol Wasteland?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:46 am
by Louise Lowe
The Enclave, but over a period of hundreds of years.
Otherwise, no one, because none of them actually do anything. They don't build [censored], look at all the ruins. If there can't be a large civilized and well protected town by that time, not including a big heap of metal junk strewn together and a single robot and guy with hunting rifle protecting it somehow and a big ruined ship then it never will until the Enclave steps in and cleanses the earth.

Which faction can fully restore the Capitol Wasteland?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:42 pm
by Penny Flame
None of them.
The mid-eastern Brotherhood is the only choice, they have a robot army, they have super mutants, deathclaws, ghouls and humans wearing predator-like power armor and they are governed by a human brain installed in a super computer. No one can compete against them.
Someday they will confront eastern and western BoS due the high level of expansionism.

Which faction can fully restore the Capitol Wasteland?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:14 pm
by Far'ed K.G.h.m
None of the factions mentioned have what it would take

The Brotherhood of Steal
Though the EC contingent have done things to improve the wasteland, mostly due to the LW and his/her father, They have no interest in rebuilding society, only collecting information and technology.

The Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts
Even worse then the EC guys, they are only interested in tech and data. And are definately against aiding wastelanders to that extent.

The Enclave
Has the best chance of establishing a society in the wasteland. But since they are a military force intent on destroing the impure civilian populace, there would only be what? 10 - 15 people from 101 that would be concidered pure. At least, until they find out that the vault had been opened in the past and had taken in contaminated wastelanders. So, the military force would move on to the next battle, leaving the wasteland truely barren. So they could support a society, but their morals will not leave behind a society, they would just finish what had been started 200 years ago.

The Raiders and/or Slavers
Raiders and slavers have no interest in a society; well, raiders don't. Slavers aren't likely to form a grand society, they may not rebel against it if they are allowed to continue their practices.

The Talon Mercs or Reilly's Rangers
Mercs in general have no interest in doing more then getting to the next payday; though Reilly's Rangers are more discriminating about the jobs they take, and would likely work for such a society, tthey lack the influence to form one.

I think you have it wrong, society isn't formed by a military, it is protected by a military. Even the takeovers that have occurred in various 3rd world countries exemplify this. Even though they may commit attrocities towards other cultures, they normally protect their own culture, which continues to support and supply them.

Really, it's going to be Megaton or Rivet City. Rivet City may end up the winner, they have opted to aid the BoS to take Aqua Pura into the wastes, this increases their influence. At least, as long as they stay on the LW good side.