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New Vegas no longer Canon?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:50 pm
by Robyn Lena

Looking at the "legendary Vault Dwellers" from the Fallout Shelter mobile game, makes you wonder if New Vegas is no longer considered canon by Bethesda? You have one character from the upcoming Fallout 4, the rest are all from Fallout 3 - no Boone, Sunny Smiles, Arcade Gannon or Vulpes Inculta - which would be just as "legendary" as many of those included from FO3... The lack of characters from the older games can be explained with the time period it is going on in, but the characters from New Vegas would be around four years earlier, as well.. And since you can apparently number your vault whatever number you like, including Mojave/West Coast numbers, it seems strange to not include anyone from New Vegas too.. Would've made sense if it was limited to the Northeast only... So - does Bethesda no longer consider New Vegas canon?

New Vegas no longer Canon?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:52 am
by Harinder Ghag

There are 2 things from NV in Shelter - the makes characters look like the Ghost People, and the looks like the Riot Armour from Lonesome Road.

Other than that, there's nothing else, and there really should be more.

New Vegas no longer Canon?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:40 am
by Claire Jackson

Its a free mobile game. Lets not look too far into this.

More than likely, Bethesda considers Fallout 3 more "their" baby. Since they actually developed it and not Obsidian. So its natural they'd be more inclined to put F3 characters in the app. Perhaps they didn't want to step on toes by including characters/items Obsidian made.

Also lets not forget that Fallout 4 is more than likely going to reference characters/events from Fallout 3. Not New Vegas. Putting F3 characters in the app helps to remind people about past characters they may not have seen in awhile.

New Vegas no longer Canon?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:35 am
by Rich O'Brien

The timeline is completely irrelevant in Fallout Shelter, so if they wanted to include Fallout 1 and 2 characters they easily could have.

In regard to New Vegas I actually got a generic dweller named Joshua Graham during my brief time with Shelter.

New Vegas no longer Canon?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:54 pm
by K J S
As I've said before Bethesda purposefully ignores New Vegas, bar the odd recitation of the original circumstances in which New Vegas was pitched.
There seemingly isn't any mention of New Vegas in Fallout Shelter, or in the Monopoly game (which has FO1 and FO2 locations); and I've heard very little from BGS in regards to New Vegas other than some permutation of "well the guys over at Obsidian did a good job with the New Vegas game...".
I'm very intrigued to see what if any references to New Vegas are in Fallout 4.

New Vegas no longer Canon?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:29 pm
by Scarlet Devil

New Vegas took place in 2281, FO4 will take place in 2277 (apparently some months after FO3). So I kinda doubt it, I think time travel/seeing into the future is an Elder Scrolls thing mostly...