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Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:17 am
by Alyna

So, while I fully think that rage 2... I mean supposedly fallout 4 is a pretty damn good fps shooter, I cant help but to wonder if we will someday get a real fallout 4? What do you think? Will the fallout devs get a chance to make an rpg someday or will this crap be the future of the IP?

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:40 am
by Georgia Fullalove

What is a "real Fallout game?" Until you define that, we cannot answer.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:41 am
by John Moore

Ahh.. Right you are. I will resort to the original description of fallout: a post apocalyptic role playing game.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:40 pm
by Lauren Graves

The one I'm playing right now seems pretty real to me... And I'm pretty sure RP means role playing... which a lot of people do... And did in NV... and 3...

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:59 am
by Harry Hearing

Don't feed the Super Mutant.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:38 pm
by X(S.a.R.a.H)X

A little bit of both. I mean, the game is actually a really good fps shooter, but has [censored] all to do with the dark humoured, well written adventures the original fallouts delivered. Now previously, easily the worst fallout was the one bethesda made, and now I'd say they have made a better game but an even worse fallout sequel. So I admit that the post is slightly trolly, I'm genuinely interested in whether people think if we will ever get a properly written story driven rpg with more than go to place to shoot everyone to get item A to get to prerecorded hollywood approved scene b. I fully admit that I am an old fallout dilletant who has bought every title in the series, and while this is one of the best games, it's at the same time one of the worst fallouts. IMO, of course. I know people will disagree with my post, but.. well, I have gone through the first two fallouts and new vegas almost ten times each title, but after ten hours of this I really can't be bothered since I can't find anything interesting. Quite possibly my fault, but.. Damn.. If this is it would it kill bethesda to hire some writers who don't do bath salts when they wake up in the morning?

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:55 am
by dell

Wasn't this same topic posted a few days ago?

And why do these "bigoted" threads always get posted by "freshies" in dire need of a fishystick?


Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:06 pm
by Stacy Hope

Probably. And by freshies.. do you mean people who have been playing the series since '97?

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:54 am
by Dona BlackHeart
If you're referring in terms of the originals(fo1/fo2), nope. I'm afraid those days are long gone. If Bethesda decides to do it like the originals, it's more likely it won't sell as good because of the new audience/market we have today. And this has nothing to do with gamers today being more dumb or less deep than before but simply because people's tastes and their views of what is "fun" and "engaging" has changed with the times. And unfortunately, with change, comes collateral damage.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:23 pm
by dean Cutler

Yeah, I'm not expecting bethesda to deliver, but at the same, while NV was buggy and problematic as all hell, it still somehow felt ok. And I fully realize that I'm just a part of the loud minority who don't like call of the duty of the hollywood type of stuff. So even the black isle guys could do something with this reincarnation, I think we could have something resembling fallout with actual decisions affecting the gameplay if they get a chance to build the next game. And I fully admit that my trolliness prevented me from asking whether people think that the actual fallout devs will get to try their luck with the IP next.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:01 am
by Laura Mclean
Well, the OP does raise a valid concern some have with the game - Fallout 4 plays very similar to RAGE. Many of the main quests are long, tedious gunfights fighting waves of enemies on multiple levels indoors.

I'm not stating Fallout 4 is not a Fallout game but the survival aspect is not a primary focus when it should be.

I mean, literally 10 mins outside of the vault I'm saving a group of people from a large raider attack and a deathclaw.....with a minigun and power armor.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:56 am
by dell

My point exactly. I would've loved this game to be a nice story, but to it feels like wolfenstein 3D, just slightly cooler with better music. But the story, decisions, humour, rpg elements.. all gone :/ I still think that bethesda has delivered one of the best fps shooters ever made to date and if it didn't say fallout on the box I'd probably give it a good 20 hours of playing. Now, to me it just marks an end of an era. Maybe I am a dinosaur who will have to resort to books for decent stories in the future.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:47 pm
by Samantha Mitchell
Also, there are quite a few inconsistencies in the writing -

Paladin Dance tells you that the Brotherhood does not even have the manpower to conduct rescue missions for missing recon squads but then the BoS randomly shows up with a whole fleet of vertibirds and a giant airship (lol).

I want to know how the BoS managed to fill their ranks so quickly and built an airship....

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:18 am
by sarah

I am only about 10 hours or so into Fallout 4. I am not happy about the removal of skills but I am not ready to judge if it was a good thing or a bad thing. But over all, without diving into the story of Fallout 4 to any real degree yet... I have seen many things so far that I am very happy with. The devs have listened to the fans on many things. A couple to name a few, I will use spoiler tags:

The world isn't screwed up to the point that it doesn't make sense. People are growing food, using wells and so on. Gauss weapons use 2 mm EC ammo again and men if they choose can wear a dress. Power Armour is like being a Walking Tank as it should be :mohawk:

Anyways again not that deep into the game but I believe it is safe for me to say I like Fallout 4 far more than Fallout 3.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:05 am
by Invasion's

Things we will never get:

  1. A Real Fallout 4
  2. A Real Fallout 3
  3. Van Buren
  4. Another Fallout: Tactics

Things we will hopefully get:

  1. Another Fallout title from Obsidian.

Things we will surely get:

  1. More "Streamlined" games from Bethesda.

Just the way things ended up, man. ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:28 am
by sally coker

I love NV. I like how Obsidian tackled FO with the limitations of the engine even with the time frame they were given to work on it. I think the only way to see a fallout like the originals, with a 3D dynamic open world like Beth games, is through a kickstarter. If there's indeed a market for such a game, then the kickstarter would definitely succeed - provided everyone is aware of such funding.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:33 am
by Arrogant SId
I also want to add somthing else which bothers me -

In the original two Fallout's the games were about the world and everyone else in it. I'm Beth's Fallouts, and especially Fallout 4, the setting revolves entirely around you. You are the only capable one of completing tasks and shaping the Wasteland In your vision.

Its ridiculous

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:12 pm
by Connor Wing


I'm fairly certain both the Vault Dweller and the Chosen One were the only ones capable of completing the tasks and shaping the Wasteland to our visions. It's part of being the protagonist.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:25 am
by Calum Campbell

Yeah... the original Fallout's weren't well written. And the plot was the typical "Hero sent to discover magical artifact that can save the kingdom" kind of thing. The only reason why the originals were good was because despite how bad and cliched the writing was, they brought something that hadn't really been done before, at least not done since the original Wasteland was released. The dark humor... wasn't that great either. I loved the Monty Python references and some of the jokes, but most of what I've been told was supposed to be "funny", didn't even crack a smile.

And if you're being honest, you know this isn't the worst Fallout game... that's reserved for Interplay's Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.

None of the Fallout games were ever really about survival. They were about completing a quest that started small (finding a water chip/GECK) and blew up into something big (stopping the master/Enclave).

Not really inconsistent. The BoS isn't there to conduct a rescue mission, I haven't gotten beyond the BoS showing up, but I think it's pretty obvious they are here for tech.

... no, the original Fallout's wasn't about the world, it was how the Vault Dweller/Chosen One's interactions with the world. And to be honest, even in the original Fallout's, the protagonists appeared to be the only person capable of completing tasks, from the mundane to the extreme. You could leave the most simple task in the world alone, and come back right before you end the game and it still hasn't been done yet.

But that's how these games are.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:52 pm
by Jah Allen

Presumably what was meant was the topic creator's low post count. Not anything to do with the game series.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:35 am
by Jay Baby

Ha. A younger me would take this bait and run with it. Nice try, son. We're not going to compare the original Fallouts to Doestoyevsky for certain, but compared to Bethesda's writing you'd almost think that's who penned 'em. They were witty, clever and unique. One bit of dialog from a New Reno NPC had more personality and charm to it than all of Fallout 3 and that's just the sad reality of it.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:49 pm
by TIhIsmc L Griot
Probably not. Even if Bethesda handed their assets to obsidian to make another fallout game, they gutted too much of the RPG mechanics to leave anything tangible to work with.

While it's a fun game, it more resembles open world bioshock or farcry 3 more than fallout.
The rpg mechanics are about as deep as bioshock was, basically every character turns out the same.

The worst aspect I find is the atrocious dialogue system. It's like mass effect, but worse.
You get 4 dialogue options, and to insult the player's intelligence, the game goes with the last thing you said. So say you say something mean to someone that would make them dislike you, but then you think, nah I didn't want to say that, so then you say the nice option.
The guy is now your best friend and forgot you insulted them.
They literally took away the choice and consequence with dialogue.

I'm so glad I didn't end up buying a ps4 so I could play this game. After playing 10 hours on my room mate's, I got a sick feeling to my stomach. Very disappointed. Just a shooter with very light RPG mechanics now.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:56 am
by Devin Sluis

You should probably take off the rose tinted glasses you're wearing and look at reality. The original story lines for the Fallout's were as stale as Fallout 3's was. Yes, they had their moments, but for the most part, the story, characters, and voice acting was as flat as FO3's. Nor was the writing very witty or clever, it was very cliched and predictable... but as I already said, the original Fallout's were unique to the gaming world at the time, which is why we all looked past the cliched and bad writing.

And yes, I played the original Fallout's when they came out. I thought they were great games... but being a great game doesn't mean it's got a great story, it means it's fun to play.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:37 am
by Sarah Evason

You realize this phrase doesn't apply to something you familiarize yourself with at least once a year, right? No glasses required, sir.

Do you think we will still get a real fallout game?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:55 am
by Francesca

No, it still applies. Because you're not looking at the game as it is, you're looking at the game as you want it to be.