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The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:46 am
by Pixie

Like with every Bethesda game, there are good things and bad things. Which game I play depends on my mood.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:32 am
by Emma-Jane Merrin

Wow, i didnt expect this topic to have that many replies after that short time.
About the modding: Sometimes it just feels that way, for example there are mods around which improve texture quality and in the same time lower VRAM usage, it was the same in Skyrim, just looks like bethesda puts more effort in gameplay and atmosphere than in the actual graphics, because if there is one thing every moddable game has, its graphics improvement mods. (ENB, Retextures, Reshades, Mesh improvements and whatever else there is)

Well i usually play an MMO named EVE online, and i hang around on TS with my buddies even if we all are now playing fallout 4, giving each other hints on cool and hidden stuff and places you should better not visit without a power armor^^

In the end, the game is done pretty well and compared to Morrowind and Fallout 3 amazingly Bug free this time (i had one bug, two times in over 200 hrs of gameplay which is already fixed) - it was the freeze whileesitting in a vertibird btw. And i like it, but please for the love of god, do NOT use the same leveling system for the next TES, i want to increase onehanded to 100 again. (pun intended)

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:59 am
by Adrian Morales

Might be a member of a multi gaming guild like Grievance, Verity, Lux Arcana, etc. Always good to have friends to talk to online while playing. Plus you and your friends can tip each other off to what games are fun and what ones svck and you should stay away from.

I myself am in Grievance, we just get in teamspeak as much to play together in games as to have someone to talk to while playing.

Damn Multitasking and stuff.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:50 pm
by Philip Rua

there is actually a method to kill the deathclaw pretty much without being hit if you do it right and you can kill it rather quickly...its not cheating, glitching, or anything like that, it's using real strategy (sort of), dont want to give away too much, but this 'strategy' is sitting right in front of the museum

i started new game in survival (not 1st time) but in this game i'm trying the DiD method so i was worried about the deathclaw...killed it without getting hit one time :)

and so there's no confusion i did not wait on the roof and peck at it, i came down to the street and engaged straight up with the minigun

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:40 am
by R.I.P

The whole "this isn't REAL Fallout" nonsense seems to ignore that, at this point, there have been just as many Bethesda Fallout games, as there has been pre-Bethesda ones.

There's no such thing as "real" Fallout. Fallout "is" the games that are made in it's name.

I loved the old isometric games at the time. I also love the new first-person games, because they are a quantum leap better in terms of putting you in the Fallout world. The writing in the Bethesda games could stand to be better, but I have zero issue with the actual gameplay. New Vegas is the best written of the new games, but it also had the benefit of being built atop all of the technical foundation of FO3.

And the idea that Fallout 4's gameplay is less Fallout than Fallout 3 or New Vegas, is also ludicrous. All they did was tighten up the combat that was already in these games.

The internet backlash against Fallout 4 has been truly puzzling - right down to things like the visuals, which (in my opinion) are completely fine! Jaw dropping gorgeous? No. Much better than FO3? Absolutely! Fallout 4 is another Bethesda RPG - right in the vein of Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 3. Games that were all celebrated for their scope, even as they were criticized for being a buggy mess.

As far as I'm concerned, people can spend all the time they want kvetching about this game online. I'll be over here, playing it and enjoying myself.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:15 am
by Catherine N

totally agree

i'm a conspiracy theorist, so that part of me wants to think there's a media campaign being waged by Bethesda's competitors (umm didn't EA just release something xD, i think i pre-ordered it actually but have since forgotten because FO4 came out xD); but you have to admit that if there WAS a media campaign against them they could hardly do a better job

just google 'fallout 4 reviews'....all HATE xD

and forums are just insanely littered with 'why FO4 svcks' trolls...i've never seen anything like it, and all for a game that's probably the best ever made xD (especially if you like these sorts of games)

like i said in previous post, 6 months after creation kit comes when modders and bethesda have fixe most issues and added tons of new stuff, the haters are just going to have to shut up and go home, at that point it'll just be ridiculous

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:16 am
by Channing

Is an awesome flawed game of the A-/B+ variety. Most of the complaints from fans about FO3 were addressed and rectified in FO4 aside from the voiced protagonist which is no where as bad as I thought it'd be (admittedly there's room for improvement; there are 6 other letters in SPECIAL besides Charisma for example) and counter to my expectations I enjoyed it. If people are hating then you must be doing something right.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:38 am
by Catharine Krupinski

Actually, it's not more like that.

If you are the 'parents' in this imagined scenario, your child has come home with A grades before. You've already seen the results of the homework they did for Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and gosh that book report titled 'Van Buren' really seemed promising! But then, my child, why are you suddenly not doing your research? This paper you wrote titled 'Fallout 3' seems like you just read the back of the book! And this new paper is entertaining and all, but it would appear you've thrown the book away this time!

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:47 pm
by Yung Prince

While I agree with what your saying... I'm pretty sure this one didn't happen.. :)

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:44 pm
by Danel

I went into this game with the mindset that it's a new game, and that I should try not to compare it to previous games (I know, pretty hard to do).

This way I'm pretty satisfied, though of course there's things I can't make sence of compared to FO3 and FNV.

But the one thing that I would complain about is that even the survival mode is way too easy, and that goes for the first deathclaw mentioned by OP aswell.

Thankfully we got great moders that can tweak this. And as soon we get mods like Project Nevada for FO4, it will make this game as challenging as it should be.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:43 am
by Sheila Esmailka

if you think bethesda's writing has been a-1 since day 1, then that's your opinion.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:43 am
by Eric Hayes

It's a good game, but too much has been removed for it to be an RPG or a mature game. It's intended for kids on consoles and that shows.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:14 am
by Lynette Wilson

i think most of the hate come from hype, i mean Fallout is something for alot of ppl like their little personal wonder dream. After having play Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 with millions of mods. ppl think Bethesda will make the next game with all this mod that they love so much.

The true hit them when they dont get what they want.

Mod tent to spoil ppl alot. LOL u should have see some of the comments this past 2 week. "ohhh i dont like Fo4, but i will keep playing it bc i will fix it with mod" or "i dont like Fo4 but i will spend more time with it since i will mod it".

For me Fo4 is a huge improve not only over Fo3 but over FoNV. Quest lines and writing dont make everything on a RPG, hell i have stop playing good RPG bc the gameplay is horrible, well fallout 4 focus more on fix the gameplay problem and adding alot more fun to the exploration and to play with Power Armor.

So yeah im puzzle like u too, about the plain hate reviews.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:29 am
by Fluffer

I qualify as that and I don't like Fallout 4 for a very simple reason- I could roleplay a character in FO3 and especially in FNV, and it seems this time I'm supposed to be content with repetitive gunplay and power armor.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:22 am
by Isabell Hoffmann

These parents seem to pick and choose only the A grades that they like with very little concern for the child's creative input. Due to newer and more innovative research, which the child studied profusely, the child improved on his/her previous work and created a work of genius. Unfortunately, the disgruntled parents were fixed on Van Buren in the same way people of earlier centuries were fixed on the idea of the sun circling the earth, so they beat their poor child nearly to death for having the audacity to go against their wishes. These parents were so bitter and begrudging that they beat their child daily for over seven years with no end in sight hoping that the child will learn to be unquestionably obedient to their wishes to go back to the way things were. Fortunately, the child is more visionary than the parents and created an even new and better report containing yet more innovations. The parents are now seething with ever greater hatred.
While I loved Fallout 1 and 2, and they were great for their time, it's long past time to move on and allow the child to thrive in the creative direction that best suits him/her.

Who cares about the writing? It's the sense of exploration and discovery in Bethesda's games that make them great! It's the worlds that they create in their games that no others have yet been able to match. Nevertheless, I found the quests in Fallout 3 to be less dull than in FNV. For story-based RPG's though, I turn to Bioware, but have no desire whatsoever for Bethesda to try to imitate them.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:31 am
by Tessa Mullins

r.i.p this anology

i care about the writing obviously. it was one of the best parts about the fallout series. jesus bruh.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:46 am

  1. Then why isn't it dead yet? WHY?!
  2. Oh, you know, only us original Fallout fans. Us fans of the games which are the reason any and all of us are even here now.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:15 am
by Kat Lehmann
Bethesda owns fallout so this is as real as it's ignorant to say it isn't a "real" fallout

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:15 am
by ANaIs GRelot

nobody hasn't even said that in this topic yet.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:50 pm
by James Shaw
I'm merely generalizing because I've nearly lost count how many times I've heard it

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:33 pm
by Jessica Phoenix

Seems more like you were popping into a thread which you assumed is about people disliking things you like without reading what came before your comment.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:44 am
by Jade MacSpade
nope not at all :)

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:44 pm
by Rob

If you are only fans of the original Fallout games, then why are you *here*? This is a Bethesda forum for fans of *Bethesda* games. I don't go to the Obsidian forums to endlessly criticize everything I may not like in their games. If I'm not enjoying a game, I certainly don't waste over *seven years* bitterly complaining about it when there are many, many other games out there to enjoy.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:08 am
by Eoh

Well then. Let's hope your first effort was not your best.

  1. I'm an original fan. Meaning I've been a 'Fallout' fan since the beginning of 'Fallout'. I am here, because I am currently playing the new 'Fallout' and this is the new 'Fallout' forum.
  2. Oh silly me. I thought this was the official 'Fallout' forum.
  3. I don't go to the Obsidian forums either. Not a fan of that place.
  4. Have you ever been a fan of a game which was a passion and obsession, had it taken away from its creators, then changed beyond recognition? I have.

The fallout 4 controversy

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:26 am
by Sxc-Mary
first effort at what..a generalized observation ?