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What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:02 am
by Life long Observer
Well, its gonna happen after all. The license belongs to Bethesda and we have no possibility to change that. We can hope Zenimax will hire Obsidian soon to make another Fallout game for us, but it doesnt change the fact the Fallout with number '5' in its title will be created by people from East Coast.

I did complain a lot about Fallout 4. The game is barely an RPG, has awful dialogue system and writing is cringe-worthy. Bethesda made a big mistake by giving this game to Fallout fans. But okay. Lets forget about Fallout 4 (and 3 as well if you kindly) and try to tell Bethesda what should they change in universe created by Black Isle Studios, alright?

1. Writing - Bethesda, hire professional writers. Now, after money successs of F4 you have budget to make it happen. We want dialogues that dont sound like ones written by secondary school student. Dialogues are very simple (probably as simple as my post - English isnt my native language), not interesting at all and all characters in the game seem to have very familiar dialogues. It makes them less memorable. Far too less memorable if we talk about Fallout game.

2. Dialogue system - why did you streamlined such a thing? What made you think it is a great idea? You made us angry, NOBODY appreciates the new dialogue system. I believe its gonna be the first thing you will change in Fallout 5.

3. RPG elements- yes, these elements are present in Fallout 4, but ONLY elements. If you make a game and in addition you are dare to call it an RPG game - there should be RPG stuff everywhere. Instead of RPG you made shooter with RPG elements, what is wrong, if considered we are talking about Fallout franchise. You showed no respect to players. Yes, this is what I call the clearest definition of not respecting players- threating them like feeble-minded idiots who cant handle cRPG mechanics and can only shoot to everything moving. Yes, there are people who enjoy it, but we are not talking about idiots here.

4. Maturity - the game feels like cartoon instead of a game that is suppoused to be played by 18+ players. I guess its still down to writing.

5. Locations - Boston itself was really great but I cant say the same about how you filled these locations up. You filled it up with enemies. Everywhere. Ghouls (that are not stupid zombies, as you think), raiders (if there in Boston are so much raiders, why cant they just take control in the Commonwealth?) or Super Mutants (shown as stupid trolls once again) are everywhere. No little communities, interesting towns nor hidden factions. Just nothing but more stuff to shoot.

6. Choices - I know its about dialogue system, but after all I think it deserves own acapit. Almost no choices in F4 except the last one in the very end of the game.

7. Settlements- oh yes, instead of focusing on stuff that matters (all the points above) you decided to make settlements. Wow, that is really what Fallout needs! Or maybe not...

8. Perks! - no more perks equals no more Fallout.

9. Level up system - Too simplyfied. Charisma no more needed, thanks to stupid settlements. You should consider going back to system from previous Fallouts because it looks like poor system from an FPS game. Once again, threating Fallout gamers like idiots who dont know what a real RPG stands for.

10. Side quests - go there, shoot this, loot this. Lazy stuff. Just compare it to Fallout 1/2 side quests...

11. Closer work with OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT- because, why not? They clearly could help you with all the things I mentioned in this post. They made New Vegas - the best 3D Fallout so far. They can focus on things you actually can not - you are making map, they are writing the script - you are projecting crafting stuff, they are creating RPG elements. And eveybody is happy, right?

Gamers, let's show them our complainments. For better Fallout. The thread is yours.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:22 am
by Ezekiel Macallister

I get that you do not like the game. Sorry to hear that.

I am loving the game, just at the moment I am a bit burnt out from Bethesda's games but I will return.

I do like the new Dialog system and it is an improvement and I hope they do keep it and make it better in future games.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:59 am
by Matthew Barrows

More quests is my biggest problem with Bethesda's Fallout.

Both Fallout 3 and 4 had far too few quests.

Beyond that.. eh.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:00 am
by FoReVeR_Me_N
Whether you love, like, tolerate, or hate Fallout 4 he's pretty much just laid out things that surely no one could not want to be improved.

Who doesn't want better writing, a better dialogue system, deeper RPG elements, bigger choices, better settlements, more perks, and deeper more engaging quests?

Give me that, give me all of that every year in every RPG series ever. Skyrim 2 gets it, Fallout 5 gets it, Witcher 4 gets it, the next Vampire Bloodlines game gets it, Wasteland 3 gets it, Pillars of Eternity 2 gets it, Planescape Numeria gets it. All of the games get it. Sounds good to me. Don't know where they're getting the budget to improve everything, but gimme gimme gimme.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:22 pm
by abi

According to 4 already has a much better story. I can't speak for myself since I haven't played the game. Thoughts on the video though anyone?

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 5:39 pm
by Beulah Bell

It's impossible to not post the same things I've posted for years since things only seem to go for the worse by each title, so I won't. Just some bullet points, more RPG centered gameplay over this shoot'em up [censored] we have now, more player/character agency in the narrative, less focus on the selfcentered "weh do awesome lookin' worlds to ahxplore" [censored] at the cost of everything else and more on the game actually being an RPG.

- Ditch the dialog wheel and go back to reiterating the old system

- Ditch new VATS and go back to reiterating the old system towards something more competent

- Ditch the new Perk system and go back to reiterating the old skill/stat/trait/perk system

- Ditch the shooter combat design and craft the encounters (and the game overall) around more character driven gameplay

- More stat and skillchecks both in and out of combat

This is all of course useless, but there it is anyway.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:52 am
by Valerie Marie

The best solution is to give the franchise to Obsidian - but of course, its impossible because accordin to Todd Howard 'it is the game his team wants to make....'. Too bad it is....

Get your point. Everyone wants everything better. Sure. But that says a lot about studio itself. They are bad at writing/RPG ascpects? They shouldnt make RPGs - yes, they can, nobody can forbid it to them - but they shouldnt. Or hire real writers or RPG veterans to improve studio's possibilities. If not, well, what is the point of making bad games?

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:26 pm
by Susan Elizabeth
The idea isnt that bad. But dialogues, characters and overall writing ruin everything.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:05 pm
by Georgine Lee

The wishes for changes are here since bgs did fallout 3, but their only reaction was making fallout 4 the way it is now, so maybe you now see the sign.

Everything else gets mostly ignored from all directions, and while one usergroup (i count myself into) finds the game a bit undemanding and underdeveloped in a lot of directions another usergroup here will always counter that they are still overwhelmed with the complexity.

However, Todd will make what will get sold as that′s a companys target, so welcome in the dinghy of the thrown overboard ones...

For not to be totally offtopic:

I agree on every point from UnDeCafindeed

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 1:28 pm
by Dalton Greynolds
Simple, take the best/most popular aspects from 4 and improve them as well as implement new features to the series. Hasen't failed them yet.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:43 pm
by Sarah Evason
  • Go in the opposite direction they have been going until now (quit streamlining and add more depth instead/improve upon mechanics instead of scrapping them).

  • Add back in skills and improve the mechanic instead of gutting it entirely with the even less functional perk system.

  • Go back to the older dialogue system. The list was far better and didn't limit choices in the way the Fallout 4 system does.

  • NO voiced protagonist. This is one of the big reasons I don't even care to make a new playthrough.

  • Either 1.) Add more RPG elements, C&C, etc. like New Vegas did and RPG-based gameplay mechanics OR 2.) Stop marketing it as an RPG. You don't see Farcry trying to sell their open world FPS shooter as an RPG so neither should you.

  • When you say something before the game's launch.. Actually follow through on it. Your frequent patch platform was nothing but bullcrap.

Edit: Or just outsource the game to Obsidian with a 4-8 year dev cycle like you guys were allowed and give them freedom to make the game their way (preferably it'd be an FPP/TPP, but I don't care what perspective it is as long as it's a Fallout RPG!) Outsourcing Fallout to Obsidian is probably the best thing they could do for game quality anyways. They'd be able to focus more dev time on TES and Fallout while decreasing time in between releases.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:42 am
by Lauren Graves

- The new dialogue system must go, even fans that deeply enjoy Fallout 4 have grievances with it, if the dialogue system was a face it would need facial reconstructions and not 'touched up' with a few tweaks.

- The voiced protagonist should be removed, I'm not against it, and I enjoyed Brian Deleany's performance, but it comes at too great a cost. Although having said that, I wonder if the player could record samples of their own voice, in which the game could then calibrate it and synthesis their voice, for it to then be used in dialogue?

It would allow the player to superimpose themselves on the character (which most players do), and it could potentially circumvent budget issues, and complaints about the official actors.

- The settlement feature is egregious, you don't build settlements; but novelty buildings while 'settlers' gormlessly stand around.There should be questlines implemented, politics involved whether to expand and dominate the wastes or to corporate with neighboring settlements, even the possibility of civil war etc.

Settlements, and people, despite regulation are a living and breathing force with a mind of their own. That should eventuate in said people acting with agency.

- The combat system is good IMO, my only problem is that it's not redolent of an RPG, though that's Bethesda's issue to reflect upon.

- I would reintroduce a level cap, philosophically speaking there is no choice if all perks can be chosen at some point in the future.

It's like saying you can open either door A or door B, but you'll be able to exit door A and enter door B if you decide so (and vice versa), there is no choice to be had, other than to dictate the order in which you'll acquire everything.

- Traits please!

- Bethesda needs to hire new writers, and scour the industry for genuine talent. Fallout 4's mainstory was banol and self-refuting, the railroad wanted to save synths by dooming them, and the Brotherhood wanted to extirpate the most impressive source of technology in the U.S because it was dangerous. The founders axioms is to both 'save' technology and prevent it from causing harm in the 'wrong hands', they should have essentially annexed the institute not destroy it.

Yet Elder Maxson has committed probably the biggest fatuity in the BOS' history by setting off the reactor when he was in a position to assume control of the institute :facepalm:

This is before we discuss the banolity of what constitutes 'humanity' in the backdrop of ever advancing technology.

- The companion system is a big improvement over Fallout 3 but the dialogue system attenuated much of their personality IMO.

If the dialogue system in 3/NV was used, companions could only stand to gain from it.

- It's ironic that Todd Howard's face appears on a painting of Napoleon, both believed that all problems could be solved via conquest and mass violence.Fallout 5 needs to embrace more playstyles than those led by the barrel of a gun.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:35 pm
by Lindsay Dunn

Slight correction, the Railroad believed that creating life like the Institute was doing was wrong, and wanted to free the enslaved life the Institute had made. Even synths express sentiments that synth creation is something that shouldn't be done. Preventing the artificial creation of life doesn't doom the artificial life that has already been made, nor does it negate the desire to free all life that had been made.

Besides that, I agree with a number of things on that list.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:42 pm
by dell

I absolutely agree on every point you made, but not on my synthesized voice - you won′t believe how often i read the lines in F3 and F:NV for myself loud :P

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:46 am
by Sheila Reyes
I personally didn't like the voiced protagonist at all, no aspect of it.

The script was bad in my opinion, the voice actor was a bad choice, and either his performance or his direction, or both, missed the mark.

To me he came across as a kid in his very early 20s straight out of college. Now granted directing or performing a VA across that much material, God knows how many lines, is going to be difficult, but you shouldn't accept the challenge if you can't deliver on it and in my opinion they didn't deliver.

Id have like to hear a slightly older more gruff voice. When the SS (male) threatens somebody it feels like a clerk at your local Walmart who is having a bad day to me.

Intercom: Clean up in aisle three, clean up on aisle three

SS: Where is my son, I'm super serious now, wheres Shaun!

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:49 pm

I'll take that, majority agreement is something we seldom if ever have.

It should be an option either way, but there might be something in the idea of synthesizing the players voice.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:22 pm
by JAY

True, but then again a gruff man breaking down in tears over such a tragedy would feel odd and disconcerting.

The imposition of emotion on the PC at best feels incongruent, and at worst feels like the game is telling you that you should feel as the PC does, your tears are his tears and his loss is also your loss... I'd rather not have my emotions policed by something scarcely more sophisticated than a laugh track for the soul.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:30 pm
by Tom
For what it's worth hearing a gruff voice break down about his kidnapped son would work a lot better for me. When I hear the SS break down it makes me thing great...I'm playing a (derogative term goes here) who whines incessantly. Granted you'd need a script change to fix what I feel are the whiney bits, but all men no matter how gruff are going to have a guttural reaction to losing their wife and child at once.

To me hearing a more gruff advlt voice breaking and rambling and yelling would sound more like an advlt dealing with some [censored] in his life and having a hard time, and less like a student in Advanced Sociology who has lost his iPhone 7S © + and just can't right now. Can not even.

If they'd made the voice less young and clear and just had him whining less I'd consider it a huge improvement. I could enjoy him when earnestly whining, I couldn't enjoy him when trying to be threatening, and the sarcasm really didn't hit with me. It did with some, but again to me it sounded like someone fresh out of college trying to be witty and cutting and fundamentally failing.

If synthesizing does what I think it does, allowing one to mess about with pitch and tone and other terms whose actual definition I don't know, but just that would be a very welcome change. At least then the angry parts would make more sense for my next (post DLC and awesome Mods) character who is going to be a right bastard.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:24 am
by Sarah Kim

1 Fair enough, and it would seem more apt than the bleated cries of Man that sounds as if he dropped a taco rather than lost a son.But I'm still uneasy about the notion of imposed emotion, especially one that serves as little more than a laugh track for the soul.But yeah I agree about the tone of the voice at least.

2 That or, as I was propounding, I wonder if there's a way the player could record their voice and use that as a sample for the PC to then manipulate (or not) as they please.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:12 pm
by stephanie eastwood

Its entirely possible, its just not a very workable solution.

At best you would end up with the PC talking like a Vocaloid.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:20 pm
by Jason King

Make it an RPG Action game instead of an Action Action game.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:08 pm
by Matt Bee

How do you feel about the female voice actor? Was her performance any more to your liking? The same? Or different, but no better, just bad in different ways?

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:09 pm
by Robert Jr
Having a vocaloid PC might be fun for a Synth run, assuming vocaloids sound the way I'm assuming they do

Responded before I saw your post Zetman, I haven't played as the female at all yet. Did one playthrough as a mostly honest male SS who ended up helping the RR do their thing. To him it was a terrible shame that his son was brought to the dark side. Shauuuunnnn I am your father, look into your heart, you know it to be true...only in reverse because he's the good one and Shaun is the Sith Lord of being not so nice.

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:44 am
by Soraya Davy

This is what the better vocaloids sound like

What should BETHESDA improve in Fallout 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:45 pm
by Charleigh Anderson

I thought the female voiced protagonist was fine. What I don't like about voiced protagonists is they consume a lot of resources in game development. All that recording for 100K + lines of dialogue could have been used someplace else, like more fleshed out quests, more character options, more dialogue options, etc etc.

One thing I can't stand about FO 4 is the Charisma for everything skill check. I absolutely hate it. It makes zero sense that a STR 1, Agility 1, Perception 1, Charisma 10, Intelligence 10 character is strutting around, intimidating NPCs. Not in the FO world, or this world for that matter. Hell to the no.

This is the character who is intimidating the people of the Commonwealth: