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Tim Cain Coments on Fallout MMO.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:51 am
by Bloomer
In a recent interview with ZAM regarding Tim Cain, and the upcoming MMO from Carbine he is working on, somehow Fallout Online came up.

ZAM: Speaking of your previous games, in 2006 gamesas announced that they were planning a Fallout MMO. How do you feel about your new game potentially competing with an MMO version of one of your classic games?

Tim: Well, I will admit that it feels odd that Fallout is being made into an MMO at all. The setting is supposed to be bleak and isolating. I am still trying to wrap my head around thousands of people running around the apocalyptic wastes shouting "LFG!!!" and fighting over rare spawns.

But really, I'm kind of proud that Fallout has had such a long life. In this industry, most games are forgotten a couple years after they are released, so it's nice to be associated with an enduring IP. And I don't think our current game will compete with Fallout head-on. They are different settings entirely.

You can read the rest of the interview at

Story found VIA: No Mutants Allowed.

Tim Cain Coments on Fallout MMO.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:35 pm
by Joie Perez
LFG = Looking for GECK?

As opposed to Looking for Group... lol

Tim Cain Coments on Fallout MMO.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:25 pm
by Lyndsey Bird
This is what Chris Taylor said about it some time ago:

I've seen some discussion here and there about how many players is anti-Fallout (or, more generically, anti-post-apocalyptic). I'd disagree, of course, otherwise I wouldn't be involved in V13. There are plenty of precedents for grouping and social organizations. Even the Road Warrior had allies during his cinematic adventures. In Fallout, NPCs were always available to join your group and there were plenty of social organizations that had a number of members.

My vision includes the lone wanderer, erm, wandering through the wastes and a team of individuals working together for a common goal (like getting a truckload of fuel past some raiders). In any MMO, there will be times and places that have more people than others (social centers vs. instances, for example). It won't be all of one at all times.
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Tim Cain Coments on Fallout MMO.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:43 pm
by Emma
Yeah I've read that quote too Ausir, I was just posting Tim Cains recent thoughts on the FO Franchise and FO MMO, the article is only a few days old.

I'd love to see the old BIS guys now in Carbine/inXile/Obsidian/ and still at gamesas be brought together and interviewed about their thoughts on Wasteland, and Fallout as a franchise and how it started, as well as where it is progressing.