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Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:09 am
by Brandon Wilson
Now that a lot of us are here, I figure we should start getting organized in order to show gamesas what exactly we want from a Descent IV. In this post, I want the Descent IV Supporter Community to propose story lines they want to see in Descent IV. These stories could either show a prequel to Descent, a sequel to Descent 3, a story that happened during the Descent series, or a rewrite of one/multiple of the Descents. Any way you do it, make sure you do not deny the events of Descent; respect the original story. After we have gathered enough stories, we will hold a poll to show gamesas which story we would most like to see. Companies respect their consumers' opinions; let us give gamesas some of our opinions.

As for my story, it is a sequel to Descent 3. Immediately after the final movie events of Descent 3, you are called to one of the CED Dreadnaughts. From there, you are given a briefing concerning the alien virus and the origins thereof. Basically, you are told that both the CED and the PTMC have been trying to anolyze the virus and its origins. But while the CED merely wanted to learn about it to attack it, the PTMC wanted to use it against the world. You are updated about the alien planetoid featured in D3 Merc lvl 4. It was discovered by CED and then the PTMC sent in a Mercenary to destroy it if it was infected by the virus. Its inhabitants were a minor alien race (like our animals) that did not create the virus, but the station itself was infected. The CED believed the alien race that created the virus uses these planetoids to spread the infection. With their studies of the D3 planetoid and PTMC's studies of the D2 planetoid, the CED has discovered the origin of the race that created the virus. You are then given a Pyro-GX with a warp drive (like the one given to you in D2) to go to the alien system and spy on the alien race. When you warp to the alien system, you see a solar system that is 100's of years ahead of our solar system's time in respect to technology and colonization. All their planets are full of inhabitants and their space is full of space vehicles. You go to a moon belonging to a planet on the furthest side of their solar system. It is a military installation. While there, you hack into their computer system and download all the information surrounding the virus along with some basic data on the alien race, including their military statistics and some data on technology. But you are caught downloading the data and are imprisoned. You have to escape the prison, find your Pyro-GX which contains the information downloaded, and warp back to earth. That level will be done on foot, but other vehicles may be used. It is not a flying level. Anyway, when you find your Pyro-GX, you find scientists who just started examining it. They opened up your front compartment that contained the warp drive and were held in amazement (they did not have that technology since they never needed it). You kill the scientists, jump into your Pyro-GX, break out of the facility, and warp back to earth to report to CED headquarters. There, they download all the information and you're mission is over. Two years pass. You are awoken from your sleep from an emergency phone call from CED headquarters. "Material Defender, we have a serious situation, report to CED headquarters immediately!" You head off to CED headquarters. There, you are given a breifing that tells you first what the data you took from the alien military base had and the fact that there is an invasion force from that alien race at the edge of the solar system. Basically the planetoids from D2/D3 Merc were alien mining facilities. The aliens built a virus that would utilize the bee alien race so that their daily activies shifted to that of production of resources/energy. The virus was designed to spread to any machine/animal race without will to help the alien race gather resources. The virus spread to the solar system and started infecting PTMC mines to help gather more resources. Anyway, D1-3 stories happened and all that time the alien race was not aware of where their resources were going to come from, for it would have been nearly 2 years until the alien race recieved our solar system resources. Anyway, they had discovered earth from the Material Defender's Pyro-GX and they saw humans had a technology the aliens did not, warp technology. So they decided to invade and destroy the human race to remove their threat against alien resources and the alien race themselves. The aliens, after travelling for two years at high speed, had reached the solar system with a space force that could not be counted. Over the last two years, greater technology had been discovered, thanks to the alien data stolen, but the humans were still outnumbered. Nevertheless, the solar system had to be defended, so you and millions of other pilots are sent out to the solar system's outer rim to prevent the alien race from breaking through the asteroid belt. The battles continue to move closer and closer to the asteroid belt, on which the other side (near Mars) is gathered 100's of CED Dreadnaughts. You escape through the asteroid belt to these Dreadnaughts to make a large military stance (Mars has become a giant military base. Earth is full of civilians with only a few military bases). The aliens blast through the asteroid belt to get across and then a big battle occurs with big explosions. Yay! Anyway, to cut things short, the humans take many loses and are forced to fight going back to Earth. As you retreat back to Earth, you lose CED Dreadnaughts like crazy. Once the battle reaches Earth, epic cut scene. Children look up from the playground to see gunfire from the heavens. As they look, they see the sky become black as alien ships descend to Earth. The children stare for a few more seconds until their parents run to pick them up. The playground suddenly flares up into a massive nuclear explosion, for an alien space ship fired a warhead. The camera spins around the world to see alien space ships firing nuclear warheads everywhere. Cut scene ends. You recieve a message in your Pyro-GX about Earth being under attack by nuclear warheads, all military bases have been destroyed and the aliens are focusing their attack on heavily populated cities. In order to stop the nuclear holocaust, you have to activate a high tech Earth defense site at the South Pole. You descend to earth to the South Pole and activate the site. A massive EMP fires from the facility and all electronics are disabled for 1 minute. When electronics come back on, all high powered weapons, including alien nukes, are wrecked beyond repair. The battle descends to Earth. 50% of game then becomes these battles. Total levels should be around 50, about 1 hour per level. In the end, either humans win and Descent is over; or aliens win, humans escape, and Descent V is about taking Earth back. I haven't decided that yet.

EDIT: When battling around Mars, the battle occurs both around Mars in space and on Mars' surface. The name of this Descent IV is Descent IV: Invasion. Whether you are limited to Pyro-GX or can use other ships is for future debate as well as the ability of modifications to the ship's payload (weapons/armor/engine/abilities). Also, there could be no levels in this game, meaning everything occurs on one big level in order to add to the realism of the size of the game. Or, of course, you can split up the levels per massive setting changes. Descent is the game that the elites played in order to pwn all the noobs of today.

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:56 am
by Donald Richards
Mr. Prime, sir,

Multi player is where the game needs to head. We just need new models and GOOD net code. Just my opinion.

We need a easy to use level editor with ALL the bells and whistles. One even a 5th grader could use.

I care less about story, I WANT, nay I DEMAND action.

Do not take offense, it's just my opinion.

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:06 pm
by casey macmillan
Yes, I agree, it is muliplayer that keeps games alive; but I believe it is single player that first attracts people. Without a good single player, unless if the game is only MP like BF2142, then the game loses a lot. We will have a future post for MP topics. Descent is the game that the elites played in order to pwn all the noobs of today.

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:14 pm
by Laura Shipley
I like it just as you wrote it AP... Good single play leads to good multi. You have my vote as lead writer. :)

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:52 pm
by KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
To follow the initial story developed by Parallax (Volition/Outrage) and Peter Telep, would gamesas need to address a couple of questions raised by the games and the books? Wasn't the virus created by an alien race called "The Programmers", who were--at the end of D3--in a flagship orbiting earth and planning on using the human race as some sort of sacrafice to their god? I'd need to re-read the books to be completely sure.

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:35 pm
by Sweets Sweets
I don't think we need to follow a book that was inspired by Descent. Just keep to the game's story line as the book already has contradictions with the game in some regards (like a female pilot flying somewhere). Descent is the game that the elites played in order to pwn all the noobs of today.

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:37 pm
by Elina
Seriously, do we need an excuse (aka "story") for Descent?

Two words: coop mode.

Two more words: We need a freakin' soundtrack that rocks like Descent II did.

And maybe a few words more: D2's secret levels ruled, especially the thief-bot one.

Basically, I want D2 but better and bigger.

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:09 pm
by Rach B
Well, a story attracts people to a game. That is why the story has to be something that impresses people. Of course MP keeps people playing. Nevertheless, I agree that a Coop mode would be very useful as it was in D3 as a MP option. Also, since most games today have soundtracks, of course D4 needs a soundtrack that rocks. Music is another aspect of games that make them stand out, look at BF2142 (best soundtrack for a game that I have heard). And like you said, secret levels could be integrated as well. I just don't want the secret levels to be pointless as they seemed in D3. When you have a story with it, secret levels need to change the plot a little. If we have secret levels to allow Earth to have special alien weapons or ship components, that might work. Descent is the game that the elites played in order to pwn all the noobs of today.

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:48 pm
by Robert Bindley
iam in 111% agreement with shaktazuki. d3 sound track could coo me to sleep!! :? SYSTEM SPECS:
+CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (2.66 Ghz)
+RAM: 1Gb (PC3200)
+GRAPHICS: ATI Radeon X1600 (512Mb)

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:27 am
by David Chambers

Agreed, so long as they have D2-style MIDI music for those who don't like music like the Redbook music. "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." -Rich Cook.

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:00 am
by Angelina Mayo
Cyborg Dravis! :mrgreen: No, really, Dravis has to come back, and a cyborg version of him would be awesome.

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:39 pm
by ashleigh bryden

...Well, in the books, the robots assimilated the personalities of those they killed...maybe your guidebot could "become" Dravis due to the virus somehow?

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:39 pm
by Oscar Vazquez
I think that a story is needed if the game is to be successful. One fun Idea might be to let D4 take place several years after the fall of the PTMC. By then there would have been time for several changes to take place. Maybe the virus returns when the CED thought they had eradicated it from the Sol system. MD1032 could enter the scene as a reformed mercenary when he is asked for to advise and aid CED forces as they try investigate this not-so-dead Virus.
we have yet to consider the Virus to be the Alien race itself. I propose the following:
The Virus has only come in small strains: this strain could be in fact a series of mind linked cells, which, alone could have no real intelligence, but what no one could have guessed was that these cells become an intelligent being when joined into a mass. This mass could change according to it's needs (e.g. muscular tissue or a hardened mesh) and as it feeds off living tissue (to explain the homicidal tenancies of the machines) the mass, or colony becomes smarter as well as larger. To survive and grow, the organism latches to technology, where it is safe to grow. D4 could incorporate a new monster to the mix- the halfbot. An virus-based like being with machinery attached to it. (like a nasty monster from a game of Doom, right?) and also the reanimated ship. The best part is, That since the virus can infest so many things, why not the dead body of it's old allies, say Dravis. The possibilities never end-- Earth could be losing this battle when they see that only a few of their fighter models are not infested by the virus- this could be investigated and your Pyro GX could be the answer to how to stop the virus.
However, the people of earth could have some other problems on their hands then. Some terrans could be convinced that the virus is their next step in evolution, so they begin to hinder your progress and aid the virus. This could escalate into a civil war as the enemy still strikes planets. That could increase multiplayer options.
You see fellow gamers, I see a good story weaving a great game, not the other way around.

The reason for a story is simple: I like a lot of games, but I almost never buy one without a good story intertwined with it.

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:54 am
by Alan Whiston
As long as the gameplay isn't sacrificed for the story I seriously don't mind how things turn out.

I would still like to see the C.E.D., P.T.M.C., MD1032, GB and perhaps the Red Acropolis.

Also, is it really still necessary to play as MD1032? My impression was that he was in his mid 30s at the start of D2, so wouldn't his reflexes be a little slow in the future?

Of course, instead of going forwards we could always go backwards. A massive thank you to EA for:
- Producing great quality games time and time again
- Providing excellent technical support
- Never destroying any highly acclaimed studios for profit
- Never ripping people off
- Never wasting people's time

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:37 am
by Ricky Meehan
heh woops well didn't see this topic, cause of the excitement I guess, here; my story posted here:

with Intro's cutscenes, 24 missions and the ending scene. Holder Of The World's Largest Descent / Freespace Collection:

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:43 pm
by Dawn Farrell
Looks like we got a bot infiltrating the board. Moderators, if you please?

EDIT: Problem sorted. A massive thank you to EA for:
- Producing great quality games time and time again
- Providing excellent technical support
- Never destroying any highly acclaimed studios for profit
- Never ripping people off
- Never wasting people's time

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 5:23 am
by Hussnein Amin
I think the story is extremely important because it is the thing that pumps you up. You see:

- Give me a story like the Matrix and I will make "kicking bot's asses" a personal mission.
- Give me a traitor like Dravis and I will wreak havoc in all the galaxies mines
- Give me a standard mercenary agreement that allows PTMC to keep my money which is a sin, especially in today's economy and price of gas, and my path will be ashes, dust and destruction!
- Give me a bad ass ship like the Black Pyro and I will ..

well you get the point.

Give me some time and I will come up with a story line (although I like AP's version)...

I think the COOP idea absolutely rocks! I would totally go for levels that cannot be completed alone. Dravis - "You came so close, hay? Drone, kill him!"

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:14 am
by Andrew Lang

U mean the "NEW Red Acropolis" ;) "When you learn to control your emotions and tame them, no matter what situation you're in, you will then truly become king."-Sonny, speaking to a young boy

Descent IV Story Proposal (D4 Meeting 1)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:28 am
by Darian Ennels
Well, yeah. Or the remnants of the Red Acropolis depending on where the story goes. Hell, anyone still alive after that incident might have switched careers completely. I'd definitely think my life through after being called a terrorist and being attacked by the sole security forces in the galaxy. A massive thank you to EA for:
- Producing great quality games time and time again
- Providing excellent technical support
- Never destroying any highly acclaimed studios for profit
- Never ripping people off
- Never wasting people's time