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Descent 3 vs. D1 and D2

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:33 pm
by Hella Beast
i tink that d3 is good in graghics and sounds, but lacks in weapons compared to d2, and that creativity in d2 was nothing compared to d3 "When you learn to control your emotions and tame them, no matter what situation you're in, you will then truly become king."-Sonny, speaking to a young boy

Descent 3 vs. D1 and D2

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:47 am
by Vickey Martinez
Okay, your opinion has been stated. now tell us why you posted this thread (ask a question). Image
Give us a D4 beta

Descent 3 vs. D1 and D2

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:35 am
by Tracy Byworth
If that was all you wanted to say, there are plenty of other topics around that could have applied to.

If you ask a question that has not been asked though, I'll gladly respond more... optimistically? A massive thank you to EA for:
- Producing great quality games time and time again
- Providing excellent technical support
- Never destroying any highly acclaimed studios for profit
- Never ripping people off
- Never wasting people's time

Descent 3 vs. D1 and D2

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:47 pm
by liz barnes
I'll bite.

D3 is a very different game in mechanics. Understand that when D3 was being made a couple things occurred. One, Outrage opened up design ideas to the community. A nice gesture, but ultimately fatal or at the very least detrimental to development. That's where things like the napalm cannon and the microwave gun came from.
Also, Quake 3 had just come out. It set the standard for most FPS for years to come with things like the Rail gun.. thus we got the Mass Driver... that and Unreal Tournament. There was also a paradigm shift in game engines.. is the game rendered hardware or software?

THIS is a great read and insight as to how and Why D3 is the way it is.

i never cared much for the weapons of D3. I missed the gauss cannon and i didn't like the way that the plasma looked... but those are my opinions.

D3 was using all 3d modeling with very little use of sprites and as such, some of the scaling got scewed. Don't get me wrong, I like D3, but I also consider it a good bit different game mechanics wise than D1 or D2.

Remember guys that a forums isn't just for "questions and answers". ;)