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Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:58 am
by Undisclosed Desires
Are there plans to release games on steam?
id also released sevreal old games there. So dosbox is already known there. ;)

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:24 am
by Charlotte X
Steam Fails.
Sorry but it does.
Yes i understand the benifits it offers but it is so bug ridden at times..blah. Image

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:38 am
by Naomi Lastname
You can buy old gamesas games at, DRM-free. The Vault - Fallout Wiki * Fallout Online * Fallout IRC Channel * Fallout: New Vegas

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:35 am
by Tyler F
If I buy them online I have to backup them. It is the same like now - storage system which could be destroyed and so I have to buy once more them.

Of course, there are some negatives like hacked steam clients and centralized distrubtion. If Valve went bankrupt everything is unuseable but will this happened?
Some things could happen, see Wal-Mart and online music purchases :D but steam is still online distribution.
Steams copy protection is ok for me.

But this topic will come more and more attractive in the future.
I am able to register some Blizzard games and download them, steam, Direct Drive and others.

We will see. :D

EDIT: oh I see, I am able to redownload them at gog but I never heard of before.

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:07 am
by tannis
Yes, you can redownload the games as many times as you like at GOG.

GOG is owned by CD Projekt, the developers of The Witcher. It has been launched pretty recently. The Vault - Fallout Wiki * Fallout Online * Fallout IRC Channel * Fallout: New Vegas

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:49 am
by Manuel rivera
I like steam alot its easy to use and you can get games there on good prices but Im interested in this gog thing to any one know when it will come out Image
Join Reality Deviant Multi Gaming Social Guild That Intends On Playing Fallout Online Check Out Our Website Click The Signature.

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:35 am
by Amy Smith
GOG is in public beta now. If anyone wants a beta key, PM me. The Vault - Fallout Wiki * Fallout Online * Fallout IRC Channel * Fallout: New Vegas

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:37 am
by Sophie Morrell

^Yeh that^
A buddy of mine..lets call him Bob recently bought Fallout 1 and 2 from GoG.
I hadnt played them in years and my discs were long gone (Yay moving and random stuff disappearing)
He came over and downloaded the games..which he had already payed for onto my comp.
That is a very nice feature that really A)Gets GoG some good press B) (re)introduce folks to some classic games.

(Disclaimer: Not saying piracy is a good thing or endorsing it..but DRM's svck. )
Granted if he hadnt done would have cost a whopping 7 bucks to get both games...sooo..yeh Image

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:11 am
by Chloe Yarnall

^Yeh that^
A buddy of mine..lets call him Bob recently bought Fallout 1 and 2 from GoG.
I hadnt played them in years and my discs were long gone (Yay moving and random stuff disappearing)
He came over and downloaded the games..which he had already payed for onto my comp.
That is a very nice feature that really A)Gets GoG some good press B) (re)introduce folks to some classic games.

(Disclaimer: Not saying piracy is a good thing or endorsing it..but DRM's svck. )
Granted if he hadnt done would have cost a whopping 7 bucks to get both games...sooo..yeh

LOL... you're undermining the whole concept of GOG and its not even out of beta! svck up the $10 or whatever and buy the freaking game, if everyone just rips off the versions one person downloads the sites not going to last a long time, which would be a shame.

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:29 pm
by elliot mudd
Heh yet you missed the POINT padawan.
Yeh i got it for free, great. svcks to be GoG.
But after i started playing it again i remembered why i was obsessed with them the first time around and wouldnt STFU about it to many a gamer friend.
To date I know of about 15 people who have bought F1/F2 through GoG and now play em all because i got it for free and was a completely obsessed arse and wouldnt stfu to my gamer friends.
So I think ive made amends for getting it for free.

Once they come off of Beta btw.
Id suggest a referal system.
Like .10 Cents to .25 Cents per referal. (Not given to you, but held for you)
With the prices of their games, youd eventually be able to get one of their games with a large discount or completely for free thanks to refering folks. Image

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:24 pm
by loste juliana
Besides if you purchased the games at one point, I'd say you're entitled to having a copy on your computer whether or not you can find the discs. Legally you are allowed a backup of any media you own. (Though the MPAA and RIAA would have you believe all .avi and .mp3 files are illegal)

Also, if this "bob" had actually bought the discs, he could have brought them over and installed them. No cd check on the full install.

On steam: I tried it when I picked up Half Life 2 and it was totally disgusting. They've ironed out a lot of the problems though, I just d/l'ed it recently and have actually bought a few games through it without hassle (Jagged Alliance 2 and The Witcher EE, good stuff) I love GoG's DRM free approach though, those guys rock, gonna have to scoop up some classics from them.

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:53 am
by Luis Reyma
Yeh i used to own Fallout1,2,tactics. But the discs got damaged in a move. Stupid movers droped the box that had all of my games in it gah.

As for steam...
I dont like the fact that WITHOUT it..i cant do jack.
Take GoG.
Say i buy Fallout 1 from them.
Now i dl it on my home machine, groovy again.
Now say im at my friends house and he wants to see what this game is all about.
I just log onto GoG and dl it again. Easy.

Steam..meh. Annoying.

I miss the old days where i could just go buy CS or HL or HL2 and not have to worry bout fvcking steam or paying for it or anything.
Its an evil thing. It needs to die. Image

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:27 am
by .X chantelle .x Smith
As a steam user I can vouch for the side of people who agree with the system. There are some overarching issues like the concept of bankruptcy and what happens when the company goes under and you've got some games you paid for that maybe you cant download?

course, that could be said for GoG too. you may have the rights to download this game, but what if in your moving or uninstalling or new computering you dont install it until you want to and the company is gone? sorta the same issue. it is the issue of any direct download content distributor.

however, an upside to putting a bunch of old gamesas games on Steam is that they may be able to rig up the multiplayer to work with Steam's server listings. how cool would that be.

Of course the biggest help to gamesas to use Steam is the sheer amount of advertising and plain ole' sales that would come of it. regardless of the potentially bad system

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:01 pm
by Robert Devlin

course, that could be said for GoG too. you may have the rights to download this game, but what if in your moving or uninstalling or new computering you dont install it until you want to and the company is gone? sorta the same issue. it is the issue of any direct download content distributor.

You can always burn it to a CD. The GOG version has no DRM and will work perfectly even if CD Projekt is dead. The Vault - Fallout Wiki * Fallout Online * Fallout IRC Channel * Fallout: New Vegas

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:28 pm
by Tai Scott
I'm not certain, but I was under the impression that you could download your steam games onto any system so long as you were logged into your own account. Can anyone verify that?

I'm sure if Valve ever went belly up they'd patch or otherwise be able to remove the DRM before they shut down steam.

On a side note, has anyone tried Vamprie Bloodlines on steam? I picked that up for 20 bucks as my original is long gone. I was just wondering if the unofficial patch that adds in some content and makes the game much more stable works with the steam version? I had no problem using the unofficial uncensoring patch for The Witcher, so i imagine the bloodlines patch would work.

Also, back to gamesas. I noticed iply owns the Jagged Alliance IP. (I didn't know they were even involved in that game) Are they getting a cut of steam sales for that game?

Alright, It's tthat time of year where I head back to Skara Brae for a couple days, catch you cats on the flip flop.

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:02 am
by Tessa Mullins
Also, back to gamesas. I noticed iply owns the Jagged Alliance IP. (I didn't know they were even involved in that game) Are they getting a cut of steam sales for that game?

They don't own the whole IP, they just have distribution rights for two of the JA games (JA1 and Unfinished Business). The franchise is owned by Strategy First now. The Vault - Fallout Wiki * Fallout Online * Fallout IRC Channel * Fallout: New Vegas

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:58 am
by Anna S
If steam went belly up i highly doubt theyd be to remove the DRM crap on all of there stuff.
And modding is another reason I hate steam. Ive heard of too many friends who cant mod their game cause it is through steam.
No examples to give, just heard about it in passing.

~Vac Image

Games and steam

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:08 pm
by Symone Velez
I don't know, valve seems like decent people. If they didn't remove the DRM before pulling the plug I'd imagine they'd potentially face a class action lawsuit.

Also, there's a few recent precedents of customer outrage causing some DRM-laced music sites to allow everyone who downloaded DRM'd mp3's to re-download unrestricted ones before they closed down (I think it was Yahoo as well as some other company)

I prefer GOG's approach, but steam really has gotten much better since it launched. My only problem with the whole digital games market is, since no manufacturing is required, why do they still need to charge retail box prices? It would seem to me that cutting 10-15 bucks off the average price of a PC game would be a shot in the arm for the whole pc game market.