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Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:39 pm
by Gemma Flanagan
Please keep in mind these are only suggestions by the player community and may or may not be used by the development team? The development team has nothing substantial to release at this time and it is still in the early stages of development. Like all gaming developers once they have something, we will be the first to know. Since they are in the early stages of development, there is no closed or open beta testing at this time since there is nothing really to test but bits and pieces.

I am also not an gamesas employee, like most of you, I am a long time gamesas games gamer.

Work in progress

1) No Unrestricted Open PVP, some of us are purely PVE in preference (indeed many of us) - Credit Neowolf

2) Able to play many races - Vault Dwellers, Mutants, Robots, Cyborgs, Ghouls, and etc. This also extends into PvP. Credit - most of the player votes. There are some who just want to be human. Personally and many will agree, this is too mundane for a game this large and exciting.

3) We should not play any race except humans at first, I want the game as early as possible, and then they can add stuff to it. Credit - Jupidor Note - Most of the PvP agrees that starting point should be humans in PvE.

4) Players can join one of the many original factions (including ones that were unavailable in previous games. Credit - Neowolf and many others

5) Solo and group PvE quests - AnderlornLOTRO

6) Solo (1), Group (4+), Small Raid (12+/-), and Large Raid bosses (24 +/-) - Jupidor (Large raid) and AnderlornLOTRO and perhaps more from the community(the rest).

7) Mixed PvE and PvP environments - No instances or separate servers, - PvE players can not directly interact with PvP players except through in game pawn shops. No money transfers. PvE player may be effected by PvP weapon discharging if the PvE stands around watching a PvP fight without leaving or taking cover. This will keep the PvEers from interrupting PvPers. A PvE mob will regenerate quickly and can only be killed once an hour from the last PvP kill. This will help keeping the two from grieving each other over and over again plus illegally trade with each other.

8) A vast array of weapons and armor - Credit - pretty much the whole community
Fallout will not be fallout without the return of the originals plus new stuff.

9) Vehicles - From a motorcycle to a tank - Credit - And customize them - AnderlornLOTRO

10) Aircraft - such as a helicopter - Credit - And customize them or pick armament. Also, allow portable SAMS to give the pilots something to worry about. - AnderlornLOTRO

11) Lots of skills (herding Brahmin, butchering, breeding, legacy FO skills, ???)

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:56 am
by i grind hard
I agree with almost all of them. The two exceptions are 3 & 6.

3. Play any semi intelligent life form, including humans.

6. MMOs need raid content, Guilds need something to do, otherwise they become glorified chat rooms. If you dont like to raid, dont join guild. There should be enough content to support both kinds of players. Personally, I don't to participate in large raids. But that is me. There are too many 'raiders' out there to deny them content. Most games have enough small group content to keep non raiders occupied. Yes, their gear will be better than yours, as it should be. It took 20 people to get that one guy his weapon.

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:52 pm
by sara OMAR
I fixed question 3 - it should have been, we start as humans.

I agree except not to roll out the game in a hurry. The Vaults were mainly about a sterile and uniformed (pretty much look the same) environment. As you explore the World that has Gone Mad, it begins to change you whether being mutated, finding a way to survive (cloning, cybernetic augments, essence transfer to a robot), or having battle scars slowly molding us into individuals while proudly displaying our hardship and campaign accolades. You may have been a "fool" to leave the vault or were you - now that you are rich, have individualism, perhaps better protection, and maybe living where a GECK has been deployed instead of a stale vault?

As for #6, I was just posting different views of what people want. Right above it, I posted that I wanted the opposite of Jupidor and wanted raid bosses for PvE.

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:22 pm
by Beulah Bell

I am not sure I understand. It sounds like a PvPer could get an explosive and kill a PvEer without any resistance what so ever.

I like to PvE, but I do some PvP. I don't want to be fragged at the starting point or some random town cause some PvPer wants to be a mass murderer, I want to be able to defend myself. PvP should be toggle-able. Or make it a PvP game.

WoW lets you decide on the normal servers if you want to PvP. That might be the only way to keep most of the people happy.

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:39 am
by Katey Meyer
I am trying for it to be realistic and to make PvEs to run away or take cover, they can be hit by stray shots (computer deemed misses) and AOE splash damage from a PvP direct hit on another PvP player.

You can tell when something is about to go down and it adds dynamics to the game. At least we can have a PvP firefight and some PvE player will not be jumping in between us. The first clue a PvE should run is when you have two different fully armed factions show up.

A pure PvP server would be nice and it was discussed - we are just suggesting the combination of the two to add to game dynamics and keep the lag down. Either combined servers with no instances or zones or a dedicated PvP server world.

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:36 am
by phil walsh

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:09 pm
by Manuel rivera
i for one prefer missions VS grinding, As in you get pick a mission from a list, go do what ever it is, turn in the mission and then you get XP. constantly killing shit over and over again svcks, and despite how many times i zoned in and out of the death claw nest in FO1, grinding would be kinda "spirit" breaking.

i don't really mean "instanced" missions like DND:online or guild wars but like a town bulletin board where different quests randomly show up.

I.E. "get me 10 rad scorpion stingers" after taking the quest you can either go hunt the stingers your self or trade with another player for them. it wouldn't matter where you got them from as long as you got them, just because you didn't go kill the damned things your self doesn't mean you didn't "experience" the actions of getting them.

same thing with: "get me a scoped hunting rifle" "i need 20 jet inhalers" "plague killed my last slave, get me a new one" .... all of those quests are rather ambiguous on the means of completion but the three holy words of fallout are: "kill, barter, and steal" i don't think that having quest to "kill 20 of "X" monster then return" would really fit with the fallout world. hay, "OC" ..... i got something for ya right here! _|_ (^.^) _|_

"MMO-RPG" = "Mass Market Oriented - Repetitive Profit Genera"
- damned things still svcked me in ...

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:49 pm
by D IV
whatever - Only cowards hide behind monikers.

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:32 am
by Rachie Stout
6 Raids are stupid and show a lack of overall design of the game. There should never be "end game content". Guilds should always have a goal outside of getting better gear. Guilds should be offered guild quests. Protecting towns from raiders, taking over towns, hunting down raiders....
Just because Raids have been in games doesn't mean raids are a good idea. This doesn't mean that difficult guild dungeons shouldn't exists, but it shouldn't be the end.

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:31 pm
by JeSsy ArEllano
I would personally like to see the following in game:

1) No guilds- just membership in in-game factions.

Guilds are not a believable social structure and in fact remind me way too much of high school cliques. Instead it would be awesome if a game for once did away with formalized guild structures in game and focused on membership in believable in-game factions.

Also, I agree that raids are a bad idea. In the entire Fallout series there is nothing that the Vault Dweller, the Chosen One or the Lone Wanderer couldn't defeat by him/herself (or at most with a couple of friends). With the firepower available in the Fallout world I think it would be sad it raids were a focus. I would really like to see rich, dynamic content and some sand box elements that would motivate people to keep playing as opposed to lame raid treadmills that remind me of a hamster wheel or worse a Skinner box*.

*Reference to B.F. Skinner, a founder of behavioral psychology who often detailed how living beings can have their behavior shaped through different kinds of reinforcement schedules.

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:59 am
by Latino HeaT
No reason you can't have a guild/trbie/clan/family/whatever, and be excluded from earning rep with in-game factions to gain access to different areas, traders, gear, etc. Just like being a Tunnel Snake doesn't stop you joining the BoS.

Also, I agree that raids are a bad idea. In the entire Fallout series there is nothing that the Vault Dweller, the Chosen One or the Lone Wanderer couldn't defeat by him/herself (or at most with a couple of friends)
Highlighted the important bit :)
The Fallout series encouraged you to find companions, even though they weren't MMOs (and this will be). But raids as most people think would work as the developers have said there won't be classes or specific roles in the game.
I see more of an Evergreen Mills type raid, where you can go in solo and stealthy to snipe a few guards, maybe get a look inside and swip some quick loot if your lucky/patient/thorough. But eventually you'll get caught by a roaming patrol, or they'll all go on alert when finding bodies. If you want to clear the place out and take down the Behemoth, you'll need a group.

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:11 am
by Carys
Guilds do fit the fallout world....after look at the gun runners, they were basically a guild of machinist that made guns and sold them. Althought i definatly would like to so see some major involvement of the major factions. Why not tie the guilds to the factions, or at least have that option. I do also like the idea of guild quests like hunting down raiders and protecting long as its not all pvp driven. I would also love it if when u made a guild and had enuff members u could claim some random area for your guild. And if it got big enuff Npcs would start showing up and then eventually it could become an actual town...under the control of the guild that started it( to a degree at least) Raids can be fun also....there are alot of abandoned military bases in the fallout world....thos would be great places for raids....especially if they are not essential but still useful.

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:20 pm
by Sebrina Johnstone

I like this. This is the best way I have seen discribed that I would be looking for in a MMO game.

Dave Chase

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:19 pm
by Daramis McGee

I like this. This is the best way I have seen discribed that I would be looking for in a MMO game.

Dave Chase

Coulda just shot out the electrical box holding the behemoth and let it do the damage while you sit back and watch, then just take the beast out from a distance, you dont need a group, you need a sniper rifle, but otherwise I see where you are coming from.

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:44 pm
by Kelly Upshall
Im fine with any kind of raids as long as they arent the only way to get the best stuff.... There should really be no obvious best in slot so to speak. It should depend on skills and preference. And a variety of ways to do said raids would be great. My biggest complaint about raids in wow is that every thing has to be done in such a way...its almost choreographed.

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:46 am
by Alexander Lee
How about you add this to the list

Players being able to mold some of the world

and on top of that how about some new ways to enter a dungeon i getting pretty tired of the whole walk in caves or taking an elevator, magically placed ladder, dorp down into a hole and some how there be an exit at the end of the dungeon how about you have to find the hole put down a stake tie a rope around it and then climb down and that be the only way out/in and if someone cuts the rope well your screwed, have to wait it out, or use some explosives to get out

Player versus Environment (PvE) Summary

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:21 pm
One feature I'd love to see implemented for PVE and PVP is vehicle combat! In practically every MMO released in the last few years you have 'some' form of transport YOU can control i.e. not portals or taxi features. I'm just not seeing horses or flying griffins in the fallout world somehow though? :) Just imagine if your wandering around in the middle of nowhere, when all of a sudden you hear the sound of two engines and from over the hill in front of you two wastelanders on bikes come storming down right at you! Yeah I know it sounds a bit Mad Max but it would be great to implement wouldn't it? It would also allow for a whole new set of missions/jobs to be throw in.. i.e. vehicle transport / protection.

Lending in my voice for another topic, you MUST have gangs etc in Fallout! Sure having the oblivion style factions is fine, but for some grp/social interaction you need the 'guild' type structure. You don't have to get involved with it if you don't want to but at least have it as an option aye? This would allow bigger groups to pool resources and maybe occupy one of hundreds of compounds littered around the landscape, ones got owned my players have generated npc's there? Also solo gamers wouldn't lose at say if there is a grp job they can 'hire' the solo gamers to help them with the mission and give them a portion of the loot..