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RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:25 am
by Sheeva
Well, according to the Intertubes it has, at least:,7340,L-3748014,00.html

It's a drug that protects against/cures radiation poisoning. It can be taken 24 hours before or up to 72 hours after exposure.

Nifty if true.


RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:54 am
by Danel
Thanks for the news Chris. If this is true and effective it is indeed great news for humanity in terms of preventing radiation death for cancer patients who must undergo chemo and apparently it is good for CBLI stock also.

Now if only peace and harmony can be discovered between gamesas, Bethesda and rabid fallout fans so we can finally get what we have been longing for these last few years :D

RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:24 am
by Jessie Butterfield
Holy crap! Nice link!

This could be a world changing invention.

RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:42 pm
by Jordan Fletcher
Ok now that i have that sorted, i can start on my fallout bunker? "I Dont Know What Street Canada Is On"

RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:39 pm
by Amanda Leis

I want one of these in my backyard.
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RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:03 pm
by Amysaurusrex
by the looks of that picture that thing would drive that family nuts within a week being cooped up in one

im aiming for one of these sixy fallout shelters

may it be zombies or nukes i know ill be safe underground drinking a beer and chowing down on a pallet of slim jims

RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:22 am
by DarkGypsy
Great find, Chris!
Ghouls of the world rejoice!

RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:46 pm
by Margarita Diaz

Hmm, Makes me wonder if this was one of the employee handbooks while making the Fallout series.

Maybe you know who needs to review this book before creating any more Fallouts. :lol:

Dave Chase

RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:03 am
by Scott
Having grown up in the midst of a combination of a multinational and civil war, I can tell you from actual experience that you don't want to be in an underground parking lot or shelter for longer than a few days at most.

1) First and foremost, there is a certain smell due to the dampness from the lack of air circulation and this is a big multilevel parking lot I am talking about and we could only tolerate a few days of that by ourselves before literal going nuts with boredom.

2) For smaller shelters that are nearer to the ground, the same as above applies except there will be more people in a smaller space and the toilets quickly get dirty.

3)When it was Rockets Red Glare outside, we were forced to find underground shelters many times during my childhood that it became a normal part of growing up and as kids we made the best of it and sometimes playing cards and board games into the wee hours of the night since we could not sleep and we knew from the amount of shelling that school's out the next day or few days.

The advlts had it much tougher for obvious reasons.

I was 3 years old in 1978 and I'll never forget the following memories of watching a nearby Factory building in flames while sitting in my radio flyer wagon as I waited for my dad to move the car from the open garage to underneath the building lest it get pulverized by falling shells and Rockets.

We then proceeded to an Import/export company's depot in the belly of our apartment building where we stayed until the Syrian Blitzkrieg of the Christian suburbs of Beirut ended. It was overcrowded with people seeking shelter and we quickly ran into sanitation issues and ran out of drinking water.

A few brave young men left the shelter, went nearby and broke into a beer factory and brought over the goods. My parents found me wandering the "wastes" of the shelter in my first and only drunken stupor.

Within a few days, I refused to use the toilet anymore since it got so filthy. My dad finally agreed take me upstairs to our 4th floor apartment amidst a 4th of July like bombardment in terms of Rockets whizzing by.

As I go near the bathroom, I feel a chilling cold coming in from my bedroom and being curious as to why that was the case, I go in and I find a open view of the street where a concrete wall use to be and a Russian Grad Rocket rocking my little sister's cradle.

So here's the morale of the tale: for a few days to a few weeks, you can tough it out in a shelter before you either run out of supplies or no longer tolerate the living conditions and lose hope and or seek danger to relieve the boredom.

Anything longer and a small fallout shelter will not do. You need a massive underground enclave to recreate life above ground to the best of your ability if you want to live with any semblance of dignity.

Any prolonged stay underground and you'll come to the conclusion that you must live free or die hard and if it comes to that well you know how it goes: may you find more peace in the afterlife than this one.......

RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:01 am
by emily grieve
Farid_Yared, you just gave the most excellent (and real) reason why some would not enter vaults let alone stay in a vault for extended period (like years and decades.)

That post of yours modified would make an excellent story about some early group that left the vaults long before the Fallout games.

BTW, thanks for sharing. I have never experience what you said, and I hope many do not have to either.

Dave Chase

RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:30 am
by ChloƩ
Thanks for the comment Dave.

BTW, long before gamesas sold the rights to the Fallout Universe for pennies on the dollar, I've had one idea in my head for a few years about a group that gained access to a novel type of time tunneling technology and decided to turn the Fallout Universe on its head by attempting to prevent the Fallout years after it's already happened.

I know it's a bit blasphemous and counter intuitive to what the Fallout Universe is all about but taken as a side quest( especially in a vast MMO) it can add a nice twist to spice up game play for it allows you to have your cake and eat it too just in case guys get bored wandering the wastes( Hey it happens, you can only fleece everyone through the bartering loophole for so long before it becomes a pain).

The physical "Time travel"concept is not very original in terms of film story idea if not presented in a weirdly original ways with twists you'd never see coming since this has been attempted in Terminator and I believe it originated in the French short film "La Jette" which was turned into "12 Monkeys" but there is a way to creatively make it into a revolutionary and immersing game environment without violating Relativistic Physics ala the postulations concerning "Lorentz Transformations" and without falling victim to Quantum Mechanics based parallel realities.

The story can be introduced as an MMO side quest, an alternative reality concept echoing a Fallout History as a background for added depth or its own story that has nothing to do with the Fallout license but a catastrophic holocaust that has to be reversed for life to exist with dignity on this Earth.

When gamesas was down to a skeletal crew back in 2004-2005, I emailed CEO Herve Caen about this idea but either he ignored or didn't get the email, didn't grasp the potential for true game world immersion or was too busy trying to keep the company from going Bankrupt.

Even though it's tempting, I'd rather not go into deeper detail of how the game design is structured since I've already provided enough free ideas to start something but the Ace in my sleeve is the perspective of game play and let's just say mine is unique( also the meaning of my first name :-). I don't believe it has been done before at the scope and detail that I am thinking about in a game environment.

It's not only outside the box in certain aspects but in some way it can be cryptically described via George Bernard Shaw's statement:

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man"

I am torn whether a movie should be done first since it can be an epic, a game first to get the funding for a $100 million movie or both to have synergy in the best of all worlds where one has all the funding they need.

Lately, the concentration of almost all games has a lot of complicated math running behind licensed cookie cutter engines but not enough fine arts in terms of story telling( Don't want to tick off the design artists).

Before I get too ahead of myself there are two problems I have:

1) Not wealthy enough to make this project real at the moment but I am trying.

2) Most people don't know undiscovered talent when they see it even if it fell on them.

RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:58 am
by Carys
Next thing you know it's 2077 and the bombs have dropped : P

RadAway/Rad-X Discovered!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:35 pm
by marie breen
@Farid_Yared: Thank you for sharing your story. It's sad, but it kinda fits the V13 mood. ;)