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Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:19 pm
by Jon O

Do you have any real actor or game/movie character that annoys the hell out of you?

I enjoy 2 Broke Girls quite a lot but that thing called Sophie? Sweet Jesus, I wish there was a 'skip scene' button just for her "acting".

In games, GTA IV's Roman Bellic takes annoying to a whole new level, I think he is the main villain after all.

The voice acting in Two Worlds made me quit. I think it's the only game I quit specifically for bad acting. The (English) voice acting in Dark Souls 1 didn't make me quit, I quit playing for other reasons though, but also contributed to my "wtf is this [censored]" stance. When you have so little dialogue, make it at least decent, lol.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:46 am
by vicki kitterman
I can't stand the male voice for Commader Shephard in the Mass Effect series. So much so that I've never played as a male character past the intro.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 11:54 pm
by YO MAma

A few off the top of my head:

Anastasia Steele in the novel Fifty Shades of Grey. She is the most constantly annoying character I have ever encountered in a novel.

Kenneth Branagh in his 1996 adaptation of Hamlet. His performance in that film gives new meaning to the term "chewing scenery." During one soliloquy he throws himself repeatedly against the walls of the set as he delivers Hamlet's philosophical musings. It's embarrassing.

And speaking of bad acting: Christian Svensson (Farengar Secret-Fire, among other characters) and Michael Gough (Heimskr) in Skyrim.

The character of Anakin Skywalker in Attack of the Clones. It was such a horribly crude, ham-fisted, terribly-written stereotype of an angsty teenager that it made me dig my fingernails into my palms in agony during half the scenes. The actor's whiny delivery didn't help matters either.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:53 am
by Lizs

Yeah, that one was terrible, and I watched it just as I was becoming an angsty kid myself. :P

I also ran into 2 Broke Girls few days ago. I can't think of an actor there that doesn't deserve to never get a part in anything, ever. The only good thing in that show is Kat's rack.

I also never got into Squall's girly behaviour in Final Fantasy VIII, among the most annoying characters in the series. I originally had the same opinion about Tidus from X, but I eventually got over it, and even understood where they were going with it considering the ridiculous situation the character was in. I also grew to like his voice actor after Ratchet and Clank, so that helped too.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:13 am
by Crystal Clear

Chris Tucker in The Fifth Element everything

I think the style was intentional, they thought it would give the world "character". I'm afraid Kingdom Come will be like that too.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 5:48 am
by Marie

Actors that I can't stand abound in such numbers that it would be easier to list the ones I like. The more you know about them in real life, the less you can stand to look at them on the screen.

As to characters, the first ones that came to mind was Wesley Crusher from TNG and Anakin Skywalker from the Star Wars prequels.

Voice actors ... the male altmer voice actor for the Elder Scrolls is probably the biggest reason I've always played Bretons in spite of the fact that the protagonist isn't voiced at all. ;)

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:03 am
by Queen



Disasters league:

Sun - Lost

Dr Whatever-Clarke's-mother - The 100

Lexa - The 100

The A.I. woman in red - The 100

Eleonor - Black Sails

Not quite disasters, but still disappointing league:

Ragnar in Warcraft (2016). Oh wait, it's not Ragnar, it's Anduin. Totally Ragnar though.

Hank Moody in The X-Files reboot. Oh wait, it's not Hank Moody, it's Fox Mulder. Or is it?

Oh, Jesus, why league:

Children in any BGS games

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:47 pm
by LuCY sCoTT

Officer Bradford in XCOM 2. Nothing wrong with his voice acting, but God [censored] damn it, I wish he would just shut the hell up. He's constantly interrupting your game to scream the obvious at you. Yes, Bradford, I know civilians are dying, I saw one get gunned down by a Muton. Yes Bradford, I know I'm running out of time to hack the database, the turn counter says 3 after all. Yes, Bradford, I can see for myself that the Avatar Project is nearing completion. If it wasn't for zip mode and mods designed specifically to shut him up, I would have uninstalled the game.

Can't play the Mass Effect games or Fallout 4 with the male protagonist. Can't stand either of their cardboard deliveries. For that matter, all the children in Bethesda's game are terrible. Terribly voice-acted, terribly modeled, and written to be as inhumanely irritating as possible. Little Lamplight should not have existed at all.

Sometime in the '90s, I came to the conclusion that I would never like a movie with Tom Hanks in it. Never found him to be a good actor and thought every movie he was in stunk despite the rave reviews they always got. Decided I would just save myself the trouble and not bother watching anything he was involved in.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:50 am
by Vahpie

Besides the previously mentioned Wesley Crusher, the only actor I can't stand (that I remember) is Tom Cruise. The only movie I've ever been able to tolerate him in was Born on the 4th of July.

I did like Rainman as well, but I only tolerated it because of Dustin Hoffman. IMO that movie would've been far better without Tom in it...but then every movie would've been better off without him.

Of course that's just my opinion, and what's that they say about opinions? Everybody's got one.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:36 pm
by Kelly Upshall

“I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.”

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:44 am
by Victoria Vasileva
Character I can't stand the most? Wesley Crusher on Sfar Trek.

Actor I can't stand is Tom Hanks. Only movie I ever liked him in was Lady Killers. All the others he is treated like some gift from the Heavens. Can't stand him.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:37 pm
by Nims

So much this! He has one voice: SCREAM!

The actors for Anakin Skywalker: The little boy and the angsty teen. It was a combination of terrible writing followed by terrible acting.

Julia Roberts, Ben Afleck, and Jennifer Garner in pretty much anything. Jennifer (along with Ben) ruined Daredevil (the movie). Julia Roberts and Ben Afleck are also one-dimensional. Jennifer isn't much better.

I really can't think of anyone that "totally ruined" anything, as most of the time, there are others that can carry them along :)

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:47 am
by Vicki Gunn

Little Jacob was the annoying one for me in gta iv, I can't stand him.

The mayor's assistant dude in the last hobbit movie was terrible. I'd say he ruined the film, but really the film was still garbage without him, he just added to the landfill that is the last hobbit movie.

Keyanu Reeves almost ruined the matrix with his acting. Movie was still fantastic, and luckily his terrible acting was outshadowed by a great movie. The writers ruined the franchise with the last movie though.

I can probably think of a lot more, but that's all I'll post for now.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 6:56 am
by Ricky Meehan

All true, but there is one thing that the writing and acting have in common. The writing was done by Lucas and the actors were directed by Lucas..... so who's really to blame here?

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:52 am
by Matt Fletcher

Haha I agree, thank God they have subtitles I couldn't understand [censored] of what he said.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:16 am
by Elizabeth Falvey

Ya, I can't stand his voice either. That's why I never made it past the Citadel in the first one. As for femshep I love Jennifer Hale, but I don't play females.

Yeah you got a point there and one I've always said to myself.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:38 am
by T. tacks Rims


Brian from Family Guy: He used to be the voice of the family now he's just a tool.

Melissa Mccarthy in just about every comedy film including the new Ghostbusters movie. I got nothing personal against her but By the Nine is she over used and frankly I don't see the appeal of her.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:39 am
by Lisha Boo

She's the same character in everything. Loud mouthed butch chick who acts rude. Literally her character in everything.

The Melissa McCarthy comedy was funny the first couple times, now it's so overused and overrated, you're guaranteed for her to reprise her role like 2, 3 times a year.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:15 pm
by Charlie Sarson

Julia Roberts she's heavily overrated. She along with Tom Cruise are the most overhyped actors ever. The only movie I liked of Tom Cruise was Top Gun. As for Julia, none.

Actorscharacters that almost ruined it

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:54 am
by Carlos Vazquez

Cruise played a pretty good Lestat in Interview with the Vampire. But I agree. Most rolls are Tom Cruise playing as Tom Cruise.