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Star Wars Discussion Thread VII The Shwartz Awakens

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:17 pm
by oliver klosoff

Ah Star Wars. Saw it when I was 7. Love Star Wars. Empire Strikes Back is my favorite. The Original Triliogy is my area. My son grew up with the pre-quells. So that is his ear with Clone Wars on Tv. So now we watch the sequels together as "our together era". It's great.

He was extremely disappointed with Episode VII as I was just disappointed with it. Way too hyped up. I believe the Episodes I-III were so much better and real Star Wars compared to Episode VII. For what ever reason JJ Abrahms just can't "reboot" a series properly. Not saying A Force Awakens is a bad movie, it is a good movie but didn't feel Star Wars to me. I guess because I also grew up with the expanded universe by reading the books and comics and George Lucas making them canon and then Disney making them not canon, Episode VII just felt "empty" with what all the expanded universe has made.

I am not wrong, just like people are not wrong in hating Episode I-III. It's all personal opinion. When I was watching Phantom Menace I worked all afternoon, was tired for the midnight screening and was thinking to myself "what crap is this movie?" Then I was thinking, "how did I like Star Wars A New Hope?"

Then I remembered I was 7 years old, so I put myself as a 7 year old boy like I was back then and I LOVED Phantom Menace. George Lucas doesn't make Star Wars for advlts. He made them for kids. Same for Episode I-III. That is why to me Episodes I-VI feel Star Wars wile Episode VII A Force Awakens doesn't feel like Star Wars because it was made for advlts who have grown up.

Again, do not say I am wrong. I am not. These are my opinions and only affect me and nobody else so I or my son don't need to be "corrected". Just like how you may feel differently you are not wrong either.

Star Wars Discussion Thread VII The Shwartz Awakens

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:24 pm
by Anna Kyselova

Yep, you can either use the Action Fleet ships or the smaller regular micro machines ships.