Annoying 3rd Person Camera Bug

Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:11 pm

Ok so I prefer 3rd (I'm on PS4 by the way) person but there's a very annoying thing that happens with the camera that makes me just play in 1st person because it's very obnoxious. When moving to look in a direction(with a weapon out in 3rd person) with the right stick, any light movement on the left stick to the right or left(slow strafing) results in a stutter or pause in movement of the right stick for a short moment.

So if you want to test it hold right or left on the right stick and then lightly move to the left or right with the left stick and it happens whenever you do.

I would think this would be pretty easy to fix and I hope it is fixed soon because it happens to frequently for me and it makes me not want to use 3rd person. Have any of you noticed this?
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