fose script eventually crashes game

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:39 pm

Can someone help me? A script is on an item that follows the player around. It uses fose commands GetFirstRef / GetNextRef and Label to do its job of adding weapons to raiders and talon company. At first it works, but after a while it crashes the game after probably 10 minutes of testing.

scn EAGLEAshtrayActivatorScriptref EAGLErefshort EAGLErandomBegin GameMode	If ( Player.IsInInterior == 0 ) && ( GetCurrentTime > 5.5 ) && ( GetCurrentTime < 18.5 )		Set EAGLEref to GetFirstRef 200 1 0		Label 10			If ( EAGLEref.GetDisabled == 0  ) && ( EAGLEref.IsEssential == 0 ) && ( EAGLEref.GetInFaction RaiderFaction == 1 ) && ( EAGLEref.GetIsCreature == 0 ) && ( EAGLEref.GetDead == 0 ) && ( EAGLEref.IsInInterior == 0 )				Set EAGLErandom to GetRandomPercent				If ( EAGLEref.GetItemCount EAGLEMolotovDriver == 0 ) && ( EAGLEref.GetItemCount EAGLEMolotovAmmo == 0 ) && ( EAGLErandom < 20 )					EAGLEref.AddItem EAGLEMolotovDriver 1					EAGLEref.AddItem EAGLEMolotovAmmo 16;					EAGLEref.AddItem EAGLEMordino 1					EAGLEref.EquipItem EAGLEMolotovDriver 1					Set EAGLEref to Pencil01					Set EAGLEref to GetNextRef;					Goto 10				EndIf			ElseIf ( EAGLEref.GetDisabled == 0  ) && ( EAGLEref.IsEssential == 0 ) && ( EAGLEref.GetInFaction TalonCompany == 1 ) && ( EAGLEref.GetIsCreature == 0 ) && ( EAGLEref.GetDead == 0 ) && ( EAGLEref.IsInInterior == 0 )				Set EAGLErandom to GetRandomPercent				If ( EAGLEref.GetItemCount EAGLEGrenadeLauncher == 0 ) && ( EAGLEref.GetItemCount Morphine == 0 ) && ( EAGLErandom < 20 );					EAGLEref.AddItem EAGLESmokeGrenade 4					EAGLEref.AddItem EAGLEGrenadeLauncher 1					EAGLEref.AddItem AmmoShotgunShell 16					EAGLEref.AddItem Morphine 1					EAGLEref.EquipItem EAGLEGrenadeLauncher 1					Set EAGLEref to Pencil01					Set EAGLEref to GetNextRef;					Goto 10				EndIf			ElseIf ( EAGLEref == Player )				Set EAGLErandom to GetRandomPercent				Set EAGLEref to Pencil01				Set EAGLEref to GetNextRef				Goto 10			EndIf	EndIfEnd

The only thing I can see is when GetNextRef returns 0 because all the actors have been scanned. But wouldn't that change to something when the player changes cells and more actors are available?

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anna ley
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