The forums

Post » Sat May 28, 2016 9:00 pm

I see thread after thread pop up here about Doom and the Fallout games and they are always closed because those sections have been moved to And yet, they keep popping up. Shouldn′t this be a message if anything that people don′t want to deal with the new place? I know I′m beating on a dead horse here but I fail to see why gamesas forums couldn′t have stayed intact until such time the new place is ready.

I don′t go to so I may be wrong here. Maybe there are people there now who likes it and I guess not everyone will find it since it′s so new and we effectively have two official forums now, this one being the larger one. But that′s just another argument as to why this place should have stayed intact until it all could be transitioned over so that we only had one official place at all times. And also until it′s functional to both phone users and desktop users. It′s my understanding it′s neither but correct me if I′m wrong.

I made this thread because I feel there is a need to discuss the matter of the new forums even here and I hope I didn′t break any rules by doing so. I also hope we can keep this as civil and polite as I know the members here are more than capable to :)

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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2016 5:40 am

I don't have any hard facts, but, it seems to me that traffic at the 'new' site is only a small fraction of what it once was here. Even the General discussion section isn't nearly as active as this one....... I attribute most of that to the lack of navigation features on the new site..... and the horrible Windows 8ish layout. Too many issues, and lacking features (no spoiler tags? Seriously?) on the new site for them to qualify as 'gaming' forums. That, and the amount of time that has passed with NONE of the major issues being addressed... and just "we are looking into it" every now and again from beth staff...... Not exactly confidence inspiring that anything is actually going to get fixed there. And that is JUST the forums.... The mods section has its very set of problems.... with the apparent lack of anything being worked on as well.

I suspect someone at beth that didn't really have much of an idea about forums, and the various other modules they are trying to implement, made the software purchase decision........ and made a major mistake. And now, we are all stuck with it.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2016 6:25 pm

Two topics like this on here have been closed as you are asked to discuss aspects of the new forums on Feedback is welcome over there, specifically in

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