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PhysX support?

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 4:46 am
by David Chambers
Just a simple question. Can anyone tell me if New Vegas will have the nVidia PhysX support? ;>

PhysX support?

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 3:22 am
by Penny Flame
Just a simple question. Can anyone tell me if New Vegas will have the nVidia PhysX support? ;>

Yes I can tell you. The answer is no. ;)

PhysX support?

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 7:25 am
by Nims
Not many games use that... Shame to cause I thought it had potential (even if I do buy ATI).

PhysX support?

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:08 pm
by Nice one
PhysX is a marketing gimmick. Its exclusive nature means it will eventually disappear. If Havok gets its butt in gear and makes its physics API have universal GPU hardware acceleration, PhysX can't compete. And especially if Microsoft implements a DirectX Physics API and GPU-accelerates it too from what I've heard.

Oblivion/FO3/FONV uses Havok anyway.

PhysX support?

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 6:36 am
by electro_fantics
Not many games use that... Shame to cause I thought it had potential (even if I do buy ATI).

Well, more and more games are supporting PhysX now, so it may be more common in the future:P