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Dialogue Troubles

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:13 pm
by Your Mum
Hello friendly forum folks, I need your help with 2 issues regarding dialogue.

The first is that everytime I try to open Dialogue Views when I've got my quest open I get an error saying "Could not get the FlowChart class object" and the only option is OK. I click okay and it says to me it says: "Dialogie View editing will not be available as the FlowChart X DLL failed to register successfully."

The second, and much more bothersome issue is the 2nd. Since I couldn't get that working I just worked on dialogue the old fashioned way with the Player Dialogue tab. Now I`ve got my little NPC and his little sentences all lined up and good to go and I launch them and they run by to fast because there`s no voice acting on them.

So I try and use the record feature and get this: "AUDIO: Unable to open Audio file: Data\Sound\Voice\Temp.wav Yes to all will disable all Warnings for this context" I pressed record, and I did in fact save it. I checked the directory stated above and the temp.wav is there, and when I open it it works fine. But when I press preview I get that. I went ahead and went in-game anyways: No Dice.

Then I tried something a bit more advanced, using this guy's oblivion tutorial: I used voice files from some TF2 mod just for kicks, and set to it.

I followed everything to the letter. I also converted my WAV to XWM and had both of those in there just in case, along with an MP3. Same error as before, but with the pathfile set for Data\Sound\Voice\Test01.esp\MaleNord

If anyone could help me, I'd really appreciate it. I'm at my wit's end here, literally spending, like, 4 hours trying to get this to work.

Thanks in Advance.

EDIT: The tutorial can be found by searching "Audio Settings For Dialogue Video Tutorial" at the old cs wiki. It involves the whole making a new filepath and altering the files to the correct bitrate and all that.

Dialogue Troubles

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:40 am
by Jeffrey Lawson
Anyone at all?

Dialogue Troubles

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:08 am
by Rude_Bitch_420
Sounds like a UAC Issue, Run the kit as an administrator (From shortcut right click and run as admin)

Dialogue Troubles

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:35 am
by Ross Thomas
Tried it just now; no dice.

I figured that was a problem too at first, but I've got UAC turned off and I checked the permissions for my steam folder; Users, Admins, and system all have full control.

Dialogue Troubles

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:02 pm
by Katharine Newton
This is a bit of a step, but looks like over at the nexus they had the same issue, they fixed it by registering the DLL

Dialogue Troubles

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:11 pm
by Chavala
Sweet =D

Worked for the Dialogue views thing, but the 2nd problem still stands.

Dialogue Troubles

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:07 am
by ~Amy~
Your 2nd issue is exactly like mine was at this point. Here on my little machine my little NPC-girl moved her lips (don't ask!) but that's all. After renaming (not converting) the extension from .wav to .fuz, it worked.
If this will also work for you, it seems to be the best way, to convert .wav to .xwm and then create a .fuz from the given .xwm and .lip.
Follow me and get the

Dialogue Troubles

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:30 pm
by Kelvin
Holy hell; thank you so much. Worked perfectly.

Dialogue Troubles

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:15 pm
by Antony Holdsworth
Huh, looks like not so many people encounter 2-nd issue, i read 10 other dialogue-issue related topic, until i found solution for my issue, thank you very much :)