Ripping off Gaenor

I've been playing up a new game I'd started around the new year and decided to wait till I was bloody well ready for him before encountering Gaenor. On the way I discovered how to humiliate the chap. I wondered, what happens if he's successfully incapacitated in the middle of attempting to recall out? So I used the handy enchantment in my sig complete with plenty of resist magicka (anticipating myself being on the wrong end of Reflect a lot), and it took a few tries but I managed to do it. A while later, I discovered one Gaenor charging at me in full ebony armor with the other still standing there in rags! I handled the aggressive one and after the three-day reset I find he's willing to try to beg for my money again. This time around his dialog is such that I can turn him down repeatedly and he cuts off the convo each time but never tries to recall out. I can't blame him for not trying again.
This is hardly solid proof what with the reset removing corpses and all but here's a nice shot of the full Ebony armor suit and amulet next to his time-warping self. I don't take non-unique weapons as a general rule.
This is hardly solid proof what with the reset removing corpses and all but here's a nice shot of the full Ebony armor suit and amulet next to his time-warping self. I don't take non-unique weapons as a general rule.