ok. I just need to help my fps

(just finished pastebin guide for the millionth time)
I am around 12-18 fps walking around the starting area.
If I can get it up a bit, I think I am done modding!
I tried playing, but in combat, the such low fps makes combat seem to take longer in a way. but maybe thats nothing.
When seeing NPC or creatures, they are extremely jumpy in their movements. It is the worst for netches, which all their arms are just teleporting all over the place.
I just tried putting grass to 75% (from 100%), and putting draw distance to 3 (from 5) but didnt seem to do anything.
Here are my current MGE XE beta settings:
2x Antialiasing
4x Anisotropic filtering
HDE (Eye adaption) On (2 seconds)
SSAO High Quality (I had medium before, but medium has chasing shadows everywhere I look, so it is either it is off or on highest... :/
Bloom Fine
Sunshafts On
FPS limiter 60
Fog mode: Range vertex (best)
Draw Distance: 3 cells
Dynamic Solar shadows ON
Use high quality (exponential) fog ON
High quality atmosphere and distance coloruing ON
(I really really really really like those two fog options, so I hope there is a way to keep them on)
Land Textures:
2048 World Texture Resolution (VRAM usage: 2MG)
1024 World normalmap resolution (VRAM usage: 4MG)
Land Meshes:
150 minimum static size
75% grass density
Full mesh detail level
1/4 Distant texture reduction
Computer specs: